Excluded Downtime definition

Excluded Downtime has the meaning set forth in Section 2 below.
Excluded Downtime means any time the Service is not available because of a Force Majeure or Planned Downtime.
Excluded Downtime means the Total Minutes in the Month attributable to: Scheduled Downtime; Agreed Downtime; Emergency Downtime; downtime caused by factors outside of SAP’s reasonable control such as unpredictable and unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised (see examples in Section 2); or downtime of a NON-PRD system caused by using the NON-PRD for failover/to repair to a PRD system.

Examples of Excluded Downtime in a sentence

  • The System Availability Percentage shall be calculated as follows: System Availability Percentage = ( Total Monthly Minutes – Excluded Downtime – Downtime Total Monthly Minutes – Excluded Downtime )*100 HYBRID shall calculate any unplanned Downtime using HYBRID’s system logs and report this to the Technical Contact on a weekly basis via email.

More Definitions of Excluded Downtime

Excluded Downtime means the Total Minutes in the Month attributable to a Maintenance Window; or any Major Upgrade Window for which the Customer has been notified at least five (5) business days in advance; or unavailability caused by factors outside of SAP’s reasonable control, such as unpredictable and unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised.
Excluded Downtime means the total minutes in the calendar month attributable to (i) periods of non-availability due to Internet interruptions Productsup is not responsible for or due to other circumstances beyond the responsibility of Productsup, in particular those caused by force majeure; (ii) periods of non-availability due to planned maintenance of the Productsup Platform or the content which are carried out on a regular basis (“Scheduled Maintenance”); (iii) periods of non-availability due to unscheduled essential maintenance work which is necessary to eliminate malfunctions;
Excluded Downtime means the Total Minutes in the Month attributable to: Scheduled Downtime; Agreed Downtime; Emergency Downtime; downtime caused by factors outside of SAP’s reasonable control such as unpredictable and unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised (see examples in Section 2); or downtime of a NON-PRD system caused by using the NON-PRD for failover/to repair to a PRD system./ “Waktu Henti yang Dikecualikan” berarti Total Menit dalam Bulan tersebut yang berasal dari: Waktu Henti Terjadwal, Waktu Henti yang Disetujui, Waktu Henti Darurat, waktu henti yang disebabkan xxxx xxxxxx di luar kendali SAP yang wajar seperti peristiwa yang tidak diprediksi xxx tidak terduga yang tidak dapat dihindari bahkan meski perawatan yang wajar telah dilakukan (lihat contoh di Pasal 2), atau waktu henti sistem NON- PRD yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan NON-PRD untuk pengalihan/untuk memperbaiki sistem PRD.
Excluded Downtime means the Total Minutes in the Month attributable to: Scheduled Downtime; Agreed Downtime; Emergency Downtime; downtime caused by factors outside of SAP’s reasonable control such as unpredictable and unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised (see examples in Section 2); or downtime of a NON-PRD system caused by using the NON-PRD for failover/to repair to a PRD system. “제외되는 다운타임”은 예정된 다운타임, 합의된 다운타임, 긴급 다운타임, 합리적인 주의를 기울여도 피할 수 없는 예측 또는 예상 불가능한 이벤트 등 SAP 의 합리적 통제를 벗어나는 요소에 의해 야기된 다운타임(제 2 조의 예시 참조) 또는 PRD 시스템에 대한 장애조치/수리를 위해 비 PRD 를 사용함으로써 발생하는 비 PRD 시스템 다운타임을 의미합니다.
Excluded Downtime means the Total Minutes in the Month attributable to a Maintenance Window; or any Major Upgrade Window for which the Customer has been notified at least five (5) business days in advance; or unavailability caused by factors outside of SAP's reasonable control, such as unpredictable and unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised.
Excluded Downtime means the Total Minutes in the Month attributable to: Scheduled Downtime; Agreed Downtime; Emergency Downtime; downtime caused by factors outside of SAP’s reasonable control such as unpredictable and unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised (see examples in Section 2); or downtime of a NON-PRD system caused by using the NON-PRD for failover/to repair to a PRD system. 「排除在外的停機時間」係指下列事由發生之月總分鐘數:表定停機時間;商定停機時間;緊急停機時間;由 SAP 合理控制範圍以外因素造成的停機時間,例如無法預測及不可預見的事件,縱使善盡合理注意仍無法避免者 (參見第 2 條中的範例),或因使用非 PRD 進行 PRD 系統容錯移轉/修復而造成的非 PRD 系統停機時間。