Credit Event Notice definition

Credit Event Notice means an irrevocable notice from the Issuer or the Swap Counterparty, as the case may be, to the other party (in the form and delivered in the manner described in the Default Swap) that describes a Credit Event that occurred on or after the Effective Date of the Default Swap.
Credit Event Notice means an irrevocable notice from the Buyer (which may be in writing (including by facsimile and/or email) and/or telephone) to the Seller that describes a Credit Event that occurred on or after the Credit Event Backstop Date (determined by reference to Greenwich Mean Time) and, on or prior to the Extension Date (determined by reference to Greenwich Mean Time).
Credit Event Notice means an irrevocable notice from the Calculation Agent (which may be in writing (including by facsimile and/or email and/or by telephone)) to the Issuer that describes a Credit Event that occurred on or after the Credit Event Backstop Date and on or prior to the Extension Date. Any Credit Event Notice that describes a Credit Event (other than any Additional Credit Event) that occurred after the Scheduled Termination Date must relate to the relevant Potential Failure to Pay, in the case of a Grace Period Extension Date, or the relevant Potential Repudiation/Moratorium, in the case of a Repudiation/Moratorium Evaluation Date. A Credit Event Notice that describes a Credit Event other than an M(M)R Restructuring must be in respect of the full Reference Entity Notional Amount. A Credit Event Notice must contain a description in reasonable detail of the facts relevant to the determination that a Credit Event has occurred, provided that where an Event Determination Date has occurred pursuant to sub-paragraph (b) of the definition thereof, a reference to the relevant DC Credit Event Announcement shall suffice. The Credit Event that is the subject of the Credit Event Notice need not be continuing on the date the Credit Event Notice is effective.

Examples of Credit Event Notice in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding Sections 1.32 (Credit Event Notice) and 1.49 (Provisions Relating to Timing), if a payment is not made by the Reference Entity on its due date or, as the case may be, on the final day of the relevant Grace Period, then such failure to make a payment shall be deemed to have occurred on such day prior to midnight Greenwich Mean Time (or, if the Transaction Type of the Reference Entity relates to Japan, Tokyo time), irrespective of the time zone of its place of payment.

  • The Credit Event that is the subject of the Credit Event Notice need not be continuing on the date the Credit Event Notice is effective.

  • The references to the “Effective Date” in Section 3.3 ( Credit Event Notice) shall mean the Trade Date, unless otherwise specified herein.

  • A Credit Event Notice must contain a description in reasonable detail of the facts relevant to the determination that a Credit Event has occurred.

  • The references to the “Scheduled Termination Date” in Section 3.3 ( Credit Event Notice) shall mean the Specified Date or if later, the Extension Date, unless otherwise specified herein.

More Definitions of Credit Event Notice

Credit Event Notice is defined in Section 4.01(c) of this Agreement.
Credit Event Notice means an irrevocable notice (which Buyer has the right but not the obligation to deliver) from Buyer (which may be oral including by telephone to be confirmed in writing) to Seller that describes a Credit Event that occurred during the Credit Event Observation Period.A Credit Event Notice must contain a description in reasonable detail of the facts relevant to the determination that a Credit Event has occurred and must also specify any applicable Exercise Amount that the Credit Event relates to. The Credit Event that is the subject of the Credit Event Notice need not be continuing on the date the Credit Event Notice is effective.
Credit Event Notice means an irrevocable notice (which Party A has the right but not the obligation to deliver) from Party A (which may be oral including by telephone to be confirmed in writing) to Party B (with a copy to the Issuing and Paying Agent) during the Notice Delivery Period (or any other period permissible pursuant to the terms of the Credit Default Swap) that describes a Credit Event that occurred on or after the Credit Linkage Start Date to and including the Extension Date or (if applicable and earlier) the Early Redemption Date, each as determined by reference to Greenwich Mean Time.
Credit Event Notice means an irrevocable notice from the Calculation Agent (which may be by telephone) to the Issuer (which the Calculation Agent has the right but not the obligation to deliver) that describes a Credit Event that occurred at or after 12.01 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time on the Trade Date and at or prior to 11.59 p.m., Greenwich Mean Time, on the latest of:
Credit Event Notice means a notice of the occurrence of a Credit Event (irrespective of whether it is continuing), describing the Credit Event and giving Publicly Available Information in respect of such Credit Event, given by the Calculation Agent to the Issuer (and copied to the Issuing and Paying Agent, the Trustee and the Swap Counterparty) at the election of the Calculation Agent in its sole and absolute discretion at any time prior to the Maturity Date.
Credit Event Notice means an irrevocable notice from the Counterparty in accordance with the Charged Agreement to the Issuer (copied to the Trustee, the Calculation Agent and the Principal Paying Agent) that describes a Credit Event that occurred on or after the Credit Event Backstop Date applicable to the Credit Default Swap (determined by reference to Greenwich Mean Time (or, if the Transaction Type of the relevant Reference Entity is Japan Corporate or Japan Sovereign, Tokyo time)) and on or prior to the Extension Date (determined by reference to Greenwich Mean Time (or, if the Transaction Type of the relevant Reference Entity is Japan Corporate or Japan Sovereign, Tokyo time)). A Credit Event Notice must contain a description in reasonable detail of the facts relevant to the determination that a Credit Event has occurred. The Credit Event that is the subject of the Credit Event Notice need not be continuing on the date the Credit Event Notice is effective. A Credit Event Notice shall be subject to the requirements regarding notices set out in Condition CL3(g) (Notices).
Credit Event Notice means an irrevocable notice from the Issuer to the Security Holder in accordance with § 12, specifying that a Credit Event has occurred as well as the date of the occurrence and which contains a description in reasonable detail of the facts relevant to the determination that a Credit Event has occurred. The Credit Event that is subject to the Credit Event Notice need not be continuing on the date the Credit Event Notice is effective.