Battery Energy Storage System definition

Battery Energy Storage System or "XXXX": The battery energy storage system as described in Section 5 (Equipment) of Attachment A (Description of Generation, Conversion and Storage Facility) to this Agreement, together with all other equipment, devices, and associated appurtenances owned, controlled, operated and managed by Seller in connections, with or to facilitate, the storage, transmission, delivery or furnishing by Seller to Company of the electric energy stored in the XXXX.
Battery Energy Storage System means an electric storage resources capable of receiving electric energy from the grid or other electric resource and storing it for later injection of electric energy back to the grid. Electric vehicle charging stations are not considered Battery Energy Storage Systems unless the interface between the vehicle battery and the grid is enabled for injecting electric energy to the grid.
Battery Energy Storage System means a commercially available technology that is capable of absorbing energy, storing it for a period of time and thereafter dispatching the energy, which is compliant with the requirements for battery energy storage systems set forth in the SMART Program, SMART Tariff and applicable SMART Guidelines.

Examples of Battery Energy Storage System in a sentence

  • For a Tier 2 Battery Energy Storage System requiring a Special Use Permit, site plan approval shall be required.

  • Battery Energy Storage System Requirements For sites with storage to be installed: • 13.5’ by 11’ minimum required area per storage unit.

  • Site access shall be maintained, including snow removal at a level acceptable to the local fire department and, if the Tier 2 Battery Energy Storage System is located in an ambulance district, the local ambulance corps.

  • If the owner and/or operator fails to comply with decommissioning upon any abandonment, the Town may, at its discretion, enter the property and utilize the available bond and/or security for the removal of a Tier 2 Battery Energy Storage System and restoration of the site in accordance with the decommissioning plan.

  • Battery Energy Storage System at Attam Pahad and at Dolly Gunj, Port Blair, South Andaman.

More Definitions of Battery Energy Storage System

Battery Energy Storage System means a rechargeable energy storage system consisting of batteries, battery chargers, controls, power conditioning systems and associated electrical equipment designed to provide electrical power to a building or to provide electrical grid-related services.
Battery Energy Storage System means the Energy Management Software and related storage equipment including but not limited to transformers, batteries, fire suppression, thermal management, enclosures, and inverters. “Bid” has the meaning as set forth in the CAISO Tariff. “CAISO” means the California Independent System Operator. “CAISO-Controlled Grid” has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff. “CAISO Tariff” means the California Independent System Operator Corporation Agreement and Tariff, Business Practice Manuals (BPMs), and Operating Procedures, including the rules, protocols, procedures and standards attached thereto, as the same may be amended or modified from time-to-time and approved by FERC. “Contract Year” means a period of twelve (12) consecutive months beginning on January 1st and continuing through December 31st of each calendar year, except that the first Contract Year shall commence on the Commercial Operation Date and the last Contract Year shall end at midnight at the end of the day prior to the anniversary of the Commercial Operation “Full Capacity Deliverability Status” has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff. “Letter(s) of Credit” means one or more irrevocable, standby letters of credit issued by a U.S. commercial bank or a foreign bank with a U.S. branch with such bank (a) having a credit rating of at least A- with an outlook designation of “stable” from S&P or A3 with an outlook designation of “stable” from Xxxxx’x or (b) being reasonably acceptable to Buyer. “MW” means megawatts in alternating current, unless expressly stated in terms of direct current. “MWh” means megawatt-hour measured in alternating current, unless expressly stated in terms of direct current. “Round-Trip Efficiency Factor” means (a) if the Actual Round-Trip Efficiency is greater than or equal to the Guaranteed Round-Trip Efficiency, one hundred percent (100%), (b) if the Actual Round-Trip Efficiency is less than the Guaranteed Round-Trip Efficiency but greater than or equal to the Minimum Round-Trip Efficiency, the Actual Round-Trip Efficiency, or (c) if the Actual Round-Trip Efficiency is less than the Minimum Round-Trip Efficiency, zero percent (0%). “San Xxxx Clean Energy” is the City of San José’s community choice aggregation program. The San Xxxx Community Energy Department administers and manages San Xxxx Clean Energy. “Scheduling Coordinator” has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
Battery Energy Storage System means one or more batteries, and other related equipment, which are installed on the same day behind a single National Metering Identifier and which, collectively, constitute a system. For the avoidance of doubt, a pre-assembled battery system and a pre-assembled integrated battery energy storage system are both individually considered batteries and may be combined to form a Battery Energy Storage System.
Battery Energy Storage System means all equipment functioning together as a single entity that is both able to store electricity from a network and provide injectionbona fide physical reason includes,—
Battery Energy Storage System means all equipment functioning together as a single entity that is both able to storetake electricity from a network, store the energy in another form, and provide injectionbona fide physical reason includes,—
Battery Energy Storage System means an energy storage system that, other than
Battery Energy Storage System means an energy storage system that, other than for personal, noncommercial use: