Billing Services 6 SECTION 3.01.
Training Services Training Services may include pre-packaged training Products, and/or the development or customization of training programs as requested, including Live Training, Computer Based/Multi-Media Training which encompasses Internet-Delivered Training, and/or Video Based Training.
Hosting Services NCR Voyix shall furnish facilities, equipment, computer programs and services, as specified from time to time by NCR Voyix, that NCR Voyix deems necessary for operation and maintenance of the System (collectively, the “Hosting Services”).
Autism Services This plan covers the following services for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. • Applied behavior analysis when provided and/or supervised by an individual licensed by the state in which the service is rendered. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for the amount that you pay. • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy services when rendered as part of the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. A benefit limit will not apply to these services. • Psychological and psychiatric services, and prescription drugs are also covered. See Behavioral Health Services and Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies for additional information. Coverage for autism spectrum disorders does not affect any obligation of a school district, a state or other governmental entity to provide services to an individual under an individualized family service plan, an individualized education program, or similar services required under state or federal law. Services related to autism that are furnished by school personnel are not covered under this plan.
The Services The HSP agrees to provide the Services on the terms and conditions of this PFA including all of its Appendices and schedules.
Laboratory Services Covered Services include prescribed diagnostic clinical and anatomic pathological laboratory services and materials when authorized by a Member's PCP and HPN’s Managed Care Program.
Information Services The Custodian may rely upon information received from issuers of Securities or agents of such issuers, information received from Subcustodians or depositories, information from data reporting services that provide detail on corporate actions and other securities information, and other commercially reasonable industry sources; and, provided the Custodian has acted in accordance with the standard of care set forth in Section 6 (a), the Custodian shall have no liability as a result of relying upon such information sources, including but not limited to errors in any such information.
Observation Services This plan covers services provided to you when you are in a hospital or other licensed health care facility solely for observation. Even though you may use a bed or stay overnight, observation services are not inpatient services. Observation services help the physician decide if you need to be admitted for care as an inpatient or if you can be discharged. These observation services may be provided in the emergency room or another area of the hospital or licensed healthcare facility. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for the amount you pay.
Engineering Services Definition: Engineering Services includes any service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires education, training and experience in the application of special knowledge in consulting, investigating, evaluating, planning and designing, engineering principles. Engineering Services covered by the Xxxxxx Architect-Engineers Act (40 U.S.C. 1102) are not covered in the primary scope of OASIS SB. Examples: Service areas that are included under the Engineering Services discipline include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Systems Engineering 2. Advanced Technology Pilots and Trials 3. Alternative Energy Sources and Engineering 4. Configuration Management 5. Concept Development
Consulting Services Except as ADB may otherwise agree, and except as set forth in the paragraph below, the Borrower shall apply quality- and cost-based selection for selecting and engaging Consulting Services.