Other characteristics. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund have the BANQUE FEDERATIVE DU CREDIT MUTUEL as their custodian. The Absorbed Fund and the Absorbing SICAV have an identical investment objective, investment strategy and asset composition. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund are open to all subscribers. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund are UCIs that accumulate distributable amounts. The fees and commissions of the Absorbed Fund are currently as follows and shall also apply mutatis mutandis to the Absorbing SICAV: Fees are to be paid by investors upon subscription or redemption Basis Rate scale Unit Classes RC, N and S Unit Class M Unit Class ER Subscription fees not paid to the UCITS Net Asset Value × Number of units Maximum 2% Maximum 5% None Subscription fees paid to the UCITS Net Asset Value × Number of units None Redemption fees not paid to the UCITS Net Asset Value × Number of units None Redemption fees paid to the UCITS Net Asset Value × Number of units None Management and administration fees Fees charged to the UCITS Basis Rate scale Unit Class RC Unit Class N Unit Class M Unit Class S Unit Class ER 1 Financial management fees and administration fees external to the Portfolio Management Company* Net assets 2% inclusive of tax Maximum 0.10% inclusive of tax Maximum Maximum 1% inclusive of tax Maximum 1.50% inclusive of tax Maximum 2.25% inclusive of tax 2 Transfer fees Portfolio Management Company: 100% Levy on each transaction From 0% to 0.20% inclusive of tax Maximum in equities 3 Performance fee Net assets None * Non-recurring costs linked to the recovery of claims on behalf of the UCITS or to a procedure for enforcing claims may be added to the ongoing fees invoiced to the UCITS and listed above.
Other characteristics. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund have the BANQUE FEDERATIVE DU CREDIT MUTUEL as their custodian. The Absorbed Fund and the Absorbing SICAV have an identical investment objective, investment strategy and asset composition. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund are open to all subscribers. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund are accumulation and distribution UCIs with respect to distributable amounts. The fees and commissions of the Absorbed Fund are currently as follows and shall also apply mutatis mutandis to the Absorbing SICAV: Subscription fees not paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units Maximum 2% Subscription fees paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Redemption fees not paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Redemption fees paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Management and administration fees Fees charged to the UCITS Basis Rate scale Unit Class RC Unit Class RD Unit Class R Unit Class IC Unit Class S 1 Financial management fees and administration fees external to the Portfolio Management Company* Net assets Maximum 1.7940% inclusive of tax Maximum 1.7940% inclusive of tax Maximum 2.250% inclusive of tax Maximum 0.897% inclusive of tax Maximum 1.40% inclusive of tax 2 Transfer fees Portfolio Management Company: 100% Levy on each transaction From 0% to maximum of 0.10% in equities, inclusive of tax 3 Performance fee Net assets None
Other characteristics. All the other characteristics of the Issue and the Debentures are described in the Deed, which shall be executed by the Parties, pursuant to the draft attached hereto as Exhibit 2.2, on the Issue Date.
Other characteristics. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund have the BANQUE FEDERATIVE DU CREDIT MUTUEL as their custodian. Your fund's current investment objective is to seek to outperform companies in the commodities sector over the recommended investment period. From 60% to 110% is exposed to equities from all sectors linked to commodities, all geographical areas, all capitalisations and to futures contracts on commodity futures indices, of which at least 60% to the equity markets. Exposure to fixed income instruments from 0% to 10% of sovereign debt, issued by the public or private sector, in all geographical areas (including emerging markets), in all rating categories, as assessed by the portfolio management company or the rating agencies, or unrated. After the merger, your fund's investment objective will be to seek performance net of fees linked to the changes in gold mining and commodities related stocks, without limitation and through selective management of gold and natural resources related stocks over the recommended investment period. Henceforth the manager will not gain exposure to commodities via futures but solely via equities. This exposure shall range from 60% to 110% to the equity markets of all geographical areas, including emerging markets, of all market capitalisations, and from all sectors, of which from 60% to 110% to the equity markets linked to gold and natural resources; A minimum of 50% to equity markets linked to gold mining. Interest rate risk exposure shall range from 0% to 10% invested in sovereign debt instruments, issued by the public or private sector, in all geographical areas including emerging markets, in the Investment Grade category, as assessed by the management company or the rating agencies. This exposure to interest rate risk is decreasing as it will be limited to Investment Grade securities. However, the SRRI of your fund will increase from 6 to 7 due to its exposure to fixed income and equity markets which may experience significant fluctuations. Information on the amendments is detailed in the comparative table in Appendix 2 of the letter. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund are open to all subscribers. Subscription fee not paid to the UCITS net asset value x number of shares 2% max Subscription fee paid to the UCITS net asset value x number of shares None Redemption fee not paid to the UCITS net asset value x number of shares None Redemption fee paid to the UCITS net asset value x number of shares None Subscription fee n...
Other characteristics. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund have the BANQUE FEDERATIVE DU CREDIT MUTUEL as their custodian. The Absorbed Fund and the Absorbing SICAV have an identical investment objective, investment strategy and asset composition. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund are open to all subscribers. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Fund are UCIs that accumulate distributable amounts. The fees and commissions of the Absorbed Fund are currently as follows and shall also apply mutatis mutandis to the Absorbing SICAV: Subscription fee not paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units 2% Subscription fee paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Redemption fees not paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Redemption fees paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Operational and management charges Fees charged to the UCITS Basis Rate scale 1 Financial Management and administration fees external to the portfolio management company Net assets Unit Class RC: Maximum 2.20% inclusive of tax Unit Class IC: Maximum 1.10% inclusive of tax 2 Transfer fees Portfolio management company: 100% Levy on each transaction Maximum 0.35% 3 Performance fee Net assets Unit Class RC: 15% including tax of the outperformance above the benchmark 50% Capitalised €STR + 50% EURO STOXX Large Net Return Unit Class IC: None
Other characteristics. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Mutual Fund have the BANQUE FEDERATIVE DU CREDIT MUTUEL as their custodian. The Absorbed Mutual Fund and the Absorbing SICAV have an identical investment objective, investment strategy and asset composition. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Mutual Fund are open to all subscribers. The Absorbing SICAV and the Absorbed Mutual Fund are UCIs that accumulate distributable amounts. The fees and commissions of the Absorbed Mutual Fund are currently as follows and shall also apply mutatis mutandis to the Absorbing SICAV: Subscription and redemption fees Subscription fees not paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Subscription fees paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Redemption fees not paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Redemption fees paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units None Operational and management charges Charges invoiced to the UCITS Basis Rate scale 1 Financial management and administration fees external to the portfolio management company Net assets Unit Classes RC and RD: 0.50% maximum, inclusive of tax Unit Class EI: 0.80% maximum, inclusive of tax 2 Transfer fees Portfolio Management Company: 100% Levy on each transaction None
Other characteristics. The custodian of the Absorbing Mutual Fund and the Absorbed Fund of the SICAV is BANQUE FEDERATIVE DU CREDIT MUTUEL. The Absorbed Sub-fund of the SICAV and the Absorbing Mutual Fund have a similar management objective, a similar investment strategy, and are composed of similar assets. However, the Absorbed Sub-fund has obtained the SRI label. Its non-financial quality filter thus respects the requirements of the French SRI label. In addition, it will not be permitted to invest in credit derivatives: Credit Default Swaps (CDS), Credit Link Notes or any equivalent instrument The Absorbing Mutual Fund and the Absorbed Sub-fund of the SICAV are intended for the same categories of subscribers according to their unit or share class. The Absorbing Mutual Fund and the Absorbed Sub-fund of the SICAV are accumulating and/or distributing amounts available for distribution according to their unit class or share class. The fees and expenses of the Absorbed Sub-fund of the SICAV are currently the following and shall also apply mutatis mutandis to the Absorbing Mutual Fund: Subscription fees not paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units Unit Classes/Share Classes IC, ID, ES, RC, and RC 2: None Subscription fees paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units Unit Classes/Share Classes IC, ID, ES, RC, and RC 2: None Redemption fees not paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units Unit Classes/Share Classes IC, ID, ES, RC, and RC 2: None Redemption fees paid to the UCITS net asset value × number of units Unit Classes/Share Classes IC, ID, ES, RC, and RC 2: None Operational and management charges Charges invoiced to the UCITS Basis Rate scale 1 Financial management and administration fees external to the portfolio management company Net assets Unit Classes/Share Classes IC and ID: maximum 0.50% inclusive of tax Unit Class/Share Class ES: maximum 0.15% inclusive of tax Unit Class/Share Class RC: maximum 0.65% inclusive of tax Unit Class/Share Class RC 2: maximum 0.70% inclusive of tax 2 Transfer fees Portfolio management company: 100% Levy on each transaction None 3 Performance fee Net assets Unit Classes IC, ID, ES, RC, and RC240% inclusive of tax of performance net of fixed management fees above capitalised €STR, even if this performance is negative
Other characteristics. Including: Laptop Host PC; Head (Chin) Support; Laptop and Desktop Computer Mount
Other characteristics. The software for interfacing with the management systems does not provide a user interface. How to install the software The software for interfacing with the management systems will be automatically installed with the Well-Contact Suite Basic Software (cod. 01590) or Well- Contact Suite Top Software (cod. 01591) Unless you activate the service-specific license, this component is non-operational. To activate the license you must follow the appropriate procedure described in License Activation. After properly installing the WCS software, so that it can be used with all its features, you need to perform the appropriate configuration described in the Chapter Configuration of the interfacing with management software. The configuration operations can be performed only by software users with high access privilege to the software. Software update The software for interfacing with the management systems will be automatically updated with the WCS Software. To update the software, proceed as described in the user manual of the WCS software installed. Introduction After properly installing the WCS software, so that it can be used with all its features, you need to perform the appropriate configuration. These operations are described in detail in the next few paragraphs. In the chapter Configuration of the interfacing with management software are described the generic operations that apply to all types of management software, while the next few chapters describe the operations to perform for each PMS compatible system. Configuration of the interfacing with management software Log on to the "General Interfacing Activation/Configuration" section from the menu "Settings" as described in Picture 1.
Other characteristics. Equivalent to completion of the 12th grade required; supplemental course work or training in environmental sciences.