LITHUANIA Sample Clauses

LITHUANIA. There are no country-specific provisions. MEXICO
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LITHUANIA. There are no country specific provisions.
LITHUANIA. There are 18 identified stakeholders in Lithuania, relevant to the EU JAV project, 5 national Authorities, 2 Universities, 4 parents associations, 2 media and 2 online medical portals. All stakeholders are characterised by fair net gain in the project and its outcomes and general awareness on immunisation issues. Issues s Table 0-10Lithuanian national stakeholders Stakeholder Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination Seasonal Vaccinations Vaccine hesitancy Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information Vaccine research and development Level of engagement Dominant Stakeholders Authorities, policy & decision makers (Ministries of Health, Public health agencies) LT1 Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania X X X X X Involve; Collaborate Inform; Consult; Involve Collaborate LT2 National Health Insurance Fund under the Ministry of Health X X X LT3 Centre for Communicable Diseases and AIDS X X X X LT4 National Public Health Centre under the Ministry of Health X X X LT5 The State Medicines Control Agency under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania Research and Academia (Research institutes, Universities, Life and human Xcience experts Re Xlevant European sc ientific societ ies) X LT6 Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine X X X X LT7 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences X X X X Forceful Stakeholders LT17 Visuomenės sveikata X X X X LT18 e.medicina X X X X Marginal Stakeholders Healthcare professionals representatives, LT8 Association of infectologists X X X X LT9 Association of pediatricians X X X X LT10 Lithuanian Public health Association Patients and civil society (including parents) X representatives, NG X Os X X LT11 Association "Objektyviai apie skiepus" X X X LT12 Association "Nacionalinis aktyvių mamų sambūris" X X X LT13 Association "Lietuvos tėvų forumas" X X X LT14 Lietuvos pacientų organizacijų atstovų taryba X X X Media, opinion makers LT15 Lietuvos sveikata X X X LT16 Sveikatos radijas X X X 5.11.1 Dominant (power high, net gain/loss high, legitimacy high) All the authorities and the two Universities in Lithuania have the resources, the interest and the legitimacy to engage with the project in issues of vaccines and vaccinations. These are the stakeholders that the project should aim to work closely with, keep them informed of the project’s progress and results and ideally involve them or even collaborate with them in the planned project activities.
LITHUANIA. All bodies not having an industrial or commercial character whose procurement is subject to supervision by the Public Procurement Office under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania HUNGARY Bodies: – a megyei, illetőleg a regionális fejlesztési tanács (county and regional development council), az elkülönített állami pénzalap kezelője (managing bodies of the separate state fund), a társadalombiztosítás igazgatási szerve (social security administration body) – a köztestület (public-law corporation) és a köztestületi költségvetési szerv (budgetary organ of a public-law corporation), valamint a közalapítvány (public foundation) – a Magyar Távirati Iroda Részvénytársaság (Hungarian News Agency Plc.), a közszolgálati műsorszolgáltatók (public service broadcasters), valamint azok a köz-műsorszolgáltatók, amelyek működését többségében közpénzből finanszírozzák (public broadcasters financed mainly from the public budget) – az Állami Privatizációs és Vagyonkezelő Részvénytársaság (Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company) – a Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Részvénytársaság (Hungarian Development Bank Plc.), az a gazdálkodó szervezet, melyben a Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Részvénytársaság ellenőrző részesedéssel rendelkezik (business organisations on which the Hungarian Development Bank Plc. exercises a dominant influence). Categories: – egyes központi és önkormányzati költségvetési szervek (certain budgetary organs) – alapítvány (foundation), társadalmi szervezet (civil society organisations), közhasznú társaság (public benefit company), biztosító egyesület (insurance association), víziközmű-társulat (public utility water works association) - business organisations established for the purpose of meeting needs in the general interest and controlled by public entities or financed mainly from the public budget.
LITHUANIA. Entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity pursuant to the Lietuvos Respublikos elektros energetikos įstatymas (Žin., 2000, Nr. 66-1984) and being in compliance with the provisions of Lietuvos Respublikos viešuju pirkimų istatymas (Žin., 2002, Nr. 118-5296). Valstybės įmonė Ignalinos atominė elektrinė (State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant) set up pursuant to the Lietuvos Respublikos branduolinės energijos įstatymas (Žin., 1996, Nr. 119-2771). HUNGARY Entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity on the basis of an authorisation pursuant to Act CX of 2001 on electricity (2001. évi CX. törvény a villamos energiáról). MALTA Korporazzjoni Enemalta (Enemalta Corporation). POLAND Przedsiębiorstwa energetyczne w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 10 kwietnia 1997 r. Prawo energetyczne (Energy enterprises within the meaning of the Act of 10 April 1997 "Energy Law"). SLOVENIA ELES- Elektro Slovenija, podjetja, ki proizvajajo električno energijo, skladno z Energetskim zakonom (Uradni list RS, 79/99), podjetja, ki izvajajo transport električne energije, skladno z Energetskim zakonom (Uradni list RS, 79/99), podjetja, ki dobavljajo električno energijo, skladno z Energetskim zakonom (Uradni list RS, 79/99) (ELES- Elektro Slovenija; entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity pursuant to the Energy Act (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, 79/99)).
LITHUANIA. Valstybės įmonė "Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto direkcija" (state enterprise "Klaipėda State Seaport Authority") operating pursuant to the Lietuvos Respublikos Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto įstatymas (Žin., 1996, Nr. 53-1245). Valstybės įmonė "Vidaus vandens kelių direkcija" (state enterprise "Inland Waterways Administration") operating pursuant to the Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus vandenų transporto kodeksas (Žin., 1996, Nr. 105-2393). Other entities operating in the field of maritime or inland port or other terminal facilities and being in compliance with the provisions of Lietuvos Respublikos viešųjų pirkimų įstatymas (Žin., 2002, Nr. 118-5296). HUNGARY Public ports operated fully or partially by the State pursuant to Act XLII of 2000 on water transport (2000. évi XLII. törvény a vízi közlekedésről). MALTA L-Awtorita' Marittima ta' Malta (Malta Maritime Authority). POLAND Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ich przewoźnikom morskim i śródlądowym. (Entities operating in the field of management of sea ports or inland harbours and letting them for use to sea and inland carriers.).
LITHUANIA. Clause 16 The Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Any dispute between the Parties shall primarily be resolved through mutual negotiations. If agreement cannot be reached in these negotiations, the Parties agree that any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, its breach, termination or validity shall be finally settled by the Lithuanian courts.
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LITHUANIA. The institute possessing hydrogeological data is the Geological Survey of Lithuania (LGT). In Lithuania all hydrogeological data and maps are invariably in the possession of the Geological Survey of Lithuania. The data including well-, exploitation- and monitoring recordings are gathered on national level and managed in a harmonised database (GEOLIS). Simultaneously, their accessibility varies according to the data types. Well data can be accessed in the Internet but the service is provided for registered users only. There is a special fee – generally a yearly flat rate – for the registration according to a contract related to the use of the service. The data are free. Simultaneously, everybody has free access to the administrative data of xxxxx. Application for Internet access to the xxxxx’ hydrochemical data has not yet been developed. They can be procured on written request. Concerning water exploitation and monitoring information summarized data are published in annual groundwater monitoring bulletins, which is available in PDF format on the Internet ( Groundwater exploitation data can be accessed only by internal users for Internet application for external users has not yet been developed. Data can be procured on written request. Most hydrogeological maps are available in printed format, whereas some of them can be accessed digitally as well. The fee of data service covers material and service costs. Metadatabase of hydrogeological databases has not yet been developed.
LITHUANIA. There are no country-specific terms and conditions. MALAYSIA
LITHUANIA. There are no country specific provisions. MALAYSIA
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