Leave Policies. Section A Leave Days Teachers will be granted twelve (12) leave days per contract year.
1. If requesting more than two consecutive leave days, an explanation may be requested by administration before approval is given. This request must be made to administration at least five (5) days before absence occurs.
2. A leave day request will not be granted prior to or following the non-school days as indicated by the school calendar, not including Saturday and Sunday. A request will not be granted on the first or last day of the school calendar. A teacher will need special permission to use leave days during the month of May. Any request for leave during May should be made as far in advance as possible.
3. At the end of the year, teachers will notify the district office what they would like to have done with their unused leave days. Teachers have two options which may be used separately or in combination:
a. Teacher can transfer all or part of their remaining days to their individual sick leave bank, providing their maximum accumulation of leave days does not exceed eighty (80) days.
b. Up to three (3) days of the current year may be sold back to the District at a rate of $100 per day. Teachers will notify the District Office which option they choose on the end of the year checkout form.
Section B Emergency, Sick Leave, Bereavement, Family and Medical Leave Act
1. Sick or bereavement leave can be used for an employee’s parents, spouse, siblings, grandparents, children, step-children, and other relatives for whom the employee is the legal guardian, has power of attorney, or is declared the primary caregiver.
2. Teachers in USD No. 507 shall be allowed to transfer leave days to any teacher who, due to illness or accident, has used all of his/her leave days. No teacher will be able to use more than 80 days. These transfers shall be made only on an “as needed” basis and shall come from the donating employee’s individual sick leave bank.
3. Teachers in USD No. 507 shall be allowed to utilize two (2) days/year of accrued sick leave for emergency purposes. Those emergencies shall be unforeseen situations which keep a teacher from being physically present for work and that are not covered in other leave policy provisions. The Superintendent of USD No. 507 shall receive within five (5) days of the teacher’s return a written request requesting said leave specifically noted. Superintendent shall have sole authority for granting emergency leave
4. Teachers will be allowed to...
Leave Policies. Military, sick, annual and personal leaves, shall be governed by any applicable law or by the applicable College policy.
Leave Policies. 13 5.01 Sick Leave .................................................................. 13 5.011 Entitlement ........................................................ 13 5.012 Accumulation ..................................................... 13 5.013 Reasons ............................................................ 13 5.014 Sick Leave Advance .......................................... 14 5.015 Statement .......................................................... 14 5.016 Falsification ....................................................... 14 5.02
Leave Policies. Sick Leave 11 Section 2. Personal Leave 13 Section 3. Emergency Leave 14 Section 4. Leave for Jury Duty 14 Section 5. Leave of Absence 14 Section 6. Unpaid Leave Deductions 15 Section 7. Funeral Leave 15
Leave Policies. All requests for leave must be submitted through the KIOSK as soon as possible.
Leave Policies. 2 11.1 Definition
Leave Policies. The Company may at its sole option change its vacation or sick and personal leave policy by providing a new policy in writing to Employee and specifically referencing it as an amendment to this Agreement, such amendment to be prospective only.
Leave Policies. The forms necessary and the basic policy for leaves appear in the Board Policy and Procedures Manual and have been agreed upon except that the following modifications and additions take precedence. The Board may require verification of eligibility for any leave provided herein.
Leave Policies. A. 1. All full-time bargaining unit members shall receive sick leave credit at the rate of ten
Leave Policies. Employee will receive the following leave:
a. Sick leave (specify quantity, accrual method if applicable, allowable purposes, notice requirements, carryover, whether it is paid or unpaid, and any other conditions): ……………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………
b. Vacation leave (specify quantity, accrual method, notice requirements, carryover, timing, whether it is paid or unpaid, and any other conditions): …………………………………………………………………………….… …………………………………………………………………………….… …………………………………………………………………………….…
c. Parental leave for birth or adoption of a child (specify duration, notice requirements, whether there is a probationary period, whether it is paid or unpaid): …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Employment should not be terminated because of the Employer’s assumption that the Employee will leave work after taking maternity leave.
d. Other: ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………
e. Employee will receive the following holidays off (check all that apply and circle whether paid or unpaid): ……...New Year’s Day (paid or unpaid) ……...Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. Day (paid or unpaid) ……...President’s Day (paid or unpaid) ……...Memorial Day (paid or unpaid) ……...Independence Day (July 4) (paid or unpaid) ……...Labor Day (paid or unpaid) ……...Columbus Day (paid or unpaid) ……...Veteran’s Day (paid or unpaid) ……...Thanksgiving Day (paid or unpaid) ……...Christmas Day (paid or unpaid) Other (paid or unpaid) Other (paid or unpaid) Other (paid or unpaid)
f. Employee will receive holiday premium pay of $............ per .............. (hour or day) for working on the following holidays: ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. …………………………..