Excusable Delay Defined Sample Clauses

Excusable Delay Defined. (a) With respect to Contractor's performance of its obligations under this Contract, an "Excusable Delay" shall be any delay in the performance of the Work, in whole or in part, caused by an event that is beyond the reasonable control of Contractor, its Subcontractors or their respective Affiliates, including (i) war (whether declared or undeclared), outbreak of national hostilities, invasion or sabotage; (ii) fire, earthquake, flood, hurricane, tornado, cyclone, monsoon, epidemic, explosion, or quarantine restriction; (iii) strike or work slow-down (other than by the employees of Contractor or any Subcontractor at any Site) not reasonably within Contractor's control; (iv) freight embargoes; (v) acts of God; (vi) Extraordinary Weather Conditions; (vii) governmental action, including changes in Law, zoning moratorium (de jure and de facto), and changes in zoning requirements (but excluding difficulties in obtaining zoning not due to zoning moratorium (de jure or de facto ) or changes in zoning requirements) that have a negative impact on performance of the Work; or (viii) failure by Owner to timely meet its responsibilities under this Contract, including those referred to in Article 24 (Owner's Responsibilities), where such Owner failure inhibits, delays, or otherwise adversely affects Contractor's ability to perform the Work in accordance with the Initial City Schedule and/or Acceptance Date; provided, however, that no delay shall be an Excusable Delay unless such delay could not have been either (x) avoided by Contractor, its Subcontractors or their respective Affiliates through the exercise of reasonable foresight or reasonable precautions or (y) circumvented by Contractor, its Subcontractors or their respective Affiliates through the use of reasonable efforts to establish work-around plans alternate sources, or other means. Contractor shall use best efforts to include in its weekly report immediately following the delay a detailed description of the cause of the event constituting an Excusable Delay and the portion(s) of the Work known to be affected by such event constituting an Excusable Delay. Upon Owner's written request, Contractor shall provide Owner a Correction Plan. Contractor shall also provide Owner prompt written notice when the event constituting an Excusable Delay has ended.
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Excusable Delay Defined. The termExcusable Delay” shall mean a delay in performance or failure to perform which is due to an event beyond the reasonable control of a Party and shall include, without limitation, (a) acts of God, weather conditions, explosion, flood, earthquake, or fire; (b) war or threat of war, sabotaging, riot, revolution, civil disturbance or requisition; (c) acts, restrictions, regulations, prohibitions or measures of any kind on the part of any governmental authority; (d) import and export regulations or embargoes; or (e) strikes, lockouts, or other industrial actions or trade disputes.
Excusable Delay Defined. (a) With respect to Contractor’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement, an “Excusable Delay” shall be any delay in the performance of the Work due to: war, outbreak of national hostilities, invasion or sabotage, Government sovereign acts; fire, earthquake, flood, epidemic, explosion, or quarantine restriction; strike or work slow down not reasonably within Contractor’s control; freight embargoes; acts of God; any subcontractor delay due to any of the foregoing events; provided written notice is given to Customer, in writing, within ten (10) Business Days after Contractor shall have first learned of the occurrence of such an event. Notwithstanding the foregoing, failure by Contractor to provide such notice shall not prevent such an event from qualifying as an Excusable Delay provided Customer’s Program Manager has actual notice of such event by means of publicly and commonly available sources (i.e. national or global coverage of major natural disaster) prior to Customer suffering any prejudice from Contractor’s failure to provide such notice. Such notice to be provided by Contractor, as required by the preceding provisions, shall include a detailed description of the portion of the Work known to be affected by such delay. In all cases, Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to avoid or minimize and/or work around such delay through the implementation of any work-around plans, alternate sources, or other means Contractor may utilize or expect to utilize to minimize a delay in performance of the Work. Contractor shall also provide Customer prompt written notice when the event constituting an Excusable Delay appears to have ended. This Article 9, including reliance on Excusable Delay, is only applicable to Contractor. Delays applicable to Customer are set forth in Article 12.5.
Excusable Delay Defined. The term "Excusable Delay" shall mean a delay in performance or failure to perform which is due to an event beyond the reasonable control of a party and shall include, without limitation, (a) acts of God, weather conditions, explosion, flood,
Excusable Delay Defined. 48 11.2 EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENTS................................................................................48 11.3 MAXIMUM EXCUSABLE DELAY; TERMINATION.................................................................49 12. IN-ORBIT PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PAYMENTS....................................................................50

Related to Excusable Delay Defined

  • Excusable Delay The parties shall not be obligated to perform and shall not be deemed to be in default hereunder, if the performance of a non-monetary obligation required hereunder is prevented by the occurrence of any of the following, other than as the result of the financial inability of the party obligated to perform: acts of God, strikes, lock-outs, other industrial disturbances, acts of a public enemy, war or war-like action (whether actual, impending or expected and whether de jure or de facto), acts of terrorists, arrest or other restraint of government (civil or military), blockades, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, storms, floods, washouts, sink holes, civil disturbances, explosions, breakage or accident to equipment or machinery, confiscation or seizure by any government or public authority, nuclear reaction or radiation, radioactive contamination or other causes, whether of the kind herein enumerated or otherwise, that are not reasonably within the control of the party claiming the right to delay performance on account of such occurrence.

  • Excusable Delays Neither Party shall be held liable for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this Services Agreement by reason of any cause beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil or military authority, government regulations, embargoes, epidemics, war, terrorist acts, riots, fires, explosions, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, floods, strikes, power blackouts affecting facilities, inability to secure products or services of other persons or transportation facilities, or acts or omissions of transportation common carriers, provided that the Party so affected shall use reasonable commercial efforts to remove such causes of non-performance. Upon the occurrence of any event of force majeure, the Party whose performance is prevented shall promptly give written notice to the other Party and the Parties shall promptly confer in good faith to agree upon reasonable action to minimize the impact of such event on the Parties.

  • Force Majeure Delays In any case where either party hereto is required to do any act (other than the payment of money), delays caused by or resulting from Acts of God or Nature, war, civil commotion, fire, flood or other casualty, labor difficulties, shortages of labor or materials or equipment, government regulations, delay by government or regulatory agencies with respect to approval or permit process, unusually severe weather, or other causes beyond such party’s reasonable control the time during which act shall be completed, shall be deemed to be extended by the period of such delay, whether such time be designated by a fixed date, a fixed time or “a reasonable time.”

  • Unavoidable Delay Except for the monetary obligations of Tenant under this Lease, neither party shall be chargeable with, liable for, or responsible to the other for anything or in any amount for any Unavoidable Delay and any Unavoidable Delay shall not be deemed a breach of or default in the performance of this Lease, it being specifically agreed that any time limit provision contained in this Lease (other than the scheduled expiration of the Term) shall be extended for the same period of time lost by Unavoidable Delay.

  • Unavoidable Delays Delays due to acts of God, acts of public agencies, labor disputes, strikes, fires, freight embargoes, inability (despite the exercise of due diligence) to obtain supplies, materials, fuels or permits, or other causes or contingencies (excluding financial inability) beyond the reasonable control of Landlord or Tenant, as applicable. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Tenant with prompt notice of any Unavoidable Delays.

  • Definition of Force Majeure The term “Force Majeure” as used in this Agreement shall mean any cause or causes not reasonably within the control of the Party claiming relief and which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome, including acts of God; strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances; acts of the public enemy, acts of terror, sabotage, wars, blockades, military action, insurrections or riots; epidemics; landslides, subsidence, lightning, earthquakes, fires, storms or storm warnings; crevasses, floods or washouts; civil disturbances; explosions, breakage or accident to xxxxx, machinery, equipment or lines of pipe; the necessity for testing or making repairs or alterations to xxxxx, machinery, equipment or lines of pipe; freezing of xxxxx, equipment or lines of pipe; inability of any Party hereto to obtain, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, necessary materials, supplies, rights of way or Permits; or any action or restraint by any Governmental Authority (so long as the Party claiming relief has not applied for or assisted in the application for, and has opposed where and to the extent reasonable, such action or restraint, and as long as such action or restraint is not the result of a failure by the claiming Party to comply with Applicable Law).

  • Tenant Improvements Defined As used herein, “Tenant Improvements” shall mean all improvements to the Premises desired by Tenant of a fixed and permanent nature. Other than funding the TI Allowance (as defined below) as provided herein, Landlord shall not have any obligation whatsoever with respect to the finishing of the Premises for Tenant’s use and occupancy.

  • Tenant Delays A "Tenant Delay” shall be defined as any delay in the design, permitting or performance of the Base Building Work to the extent that such delay is actually caused by any act or, where there is a duty to act under this Lease, any failure to act by Tenant or Tenant's contractors, architects, engineers, or anyone else engaged by or on behalf of Tenant in connection with the construction of the Tenant Improvement Work as set forth in this Article III (including, without limitation, any delays resulting from the Approved Tenant Finishes under Section 3.l(C) above) and disclosed to Tenant as hereinafter provided. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall any delays in the completion of the Base Building Work caused by Tenant’s use of non-union labor constitute a Tenant Delay hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no event shall be deemed a Tenant Delay unless and until Landlord has given Tenant written notice (the "Tenant Delay Notice") advising Tenant: (x) that a Tenant Delay is occurring and setting forth Landlord's good faith estimate as to the likely length of such Tenant Delay; (y) of the basis on which Landlord has determined that a Tenant Delay is occurring; and (z) the actions which Landlord believes that Tenant must take to eliminate such Tenant Delay. No event shall be deemed to be a Tenant Delay unless and until Tenant has failed to rectify the situation causing the Tenant Delay within forty-eight (48) hours after Tenant's receipt of the Tenant Delay Notice (which for the purposes of determining receipt may be delivered by hand to Tenant's Construction Representative, with copies to follow to Tenant at the notice address set forth in Section 1.2 of this Lease within five (5) days thereafter); provided, however, that if Tenant shall fail to eliminate the delay within the aforesaid 48-hour period, then the 48-hour cure period shall be included in the period of time charged to Tenant pursuant to such Tenant Delay Notice (it being understood and agreed that if Tenant shall in fact eliminate the Tenant Delay within the 48-hour cure period, no Tenant Delay shall be deemed to have occurred for the purposes of this Article III). In addition, any delay to the extent caused by (i) Landlord Delay or (ii) subject to the limitations of subsection (D) below, Tenant's Force Majeure (as defined in said subsection (D)) shall not constitute Tenant Delay. Tenant covenants that no Tenant Delay shall delay commencement of the Term or the obligation to pay Annual Fixed Rent or Additional Rent. The Delivery Dates and/or the date of substantial completion of the Base Building Work, as applicable, shall be deemed to have occurred as of the date when such Delivery Dates and/or date of substantial completion of the Base Building Work, as applicable, would have occurred but for any Tenant Delays, as determined by Landlord in the exercise of its good faith business judgment (it being understood and agreed that the foregoing shall not be construed so as to relieve Landlord of its obligation to actually complete the Base Building Work, notwithstanding the fact that substantial completion may have been deemed to have occurred prior to actual completion as the result of Tenant Delays).

  • Force Majeure In no event shall the Trustee be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder arising out of or caused by, directly or indirectly, forces beyond its control, including, without limitation, strikes, work stoppages, accidents, acts of war or terrorism, civil or military disturbances, nuclear or natural catastrophes or acts of God, and interruptions, loss or malfunctions of utilities, communications or computer (software and hardware) services; it being understood that the Trustee shall use reasonable efforts which are consistent with accepted practices in the banking industry to resume performance as soon as practicable under the circumstances.

  • Rent Defined All monetary obligations of Lessee to Lessor under the terms of this Lease are deemed to be rent.

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