Certain Improvements Sample Clauses

Certain Improvements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) if ORCHID -------------------- creates, invents or otherwise develops any improvements to TAG Assays (each a "TAG Improvement"), then (i) ORCHID shall (and hereby does) assign and transfer to AFFYMETRIX all right, title and interest in and to such TAG Improvement, and all related intellectual property rights Controlled by ORCHID related thereto, (ii) AFFYMETRIX shall (A) grant to ORCHID a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to exploit such TAG Improvement for ORCHID's internal use, and (B) shall include internal use rights to use such TAG Improvement within the licenses granted to Product customers, and (iii) to the extent that AFFYMETRIX grants any Third Party a license to exploit the TAG Improvements, AFFYMETRIX shall pay ORCHID a royalty of [*] of the Net Sales (which royalty shall be subject to reduction in the manner and scope described in Section 2.2(d)) received by AFFYMETRIX from (and only from) use of such TAG Improvements until ORCHID has received an aggregate of [*], at which time no further royalties or other fees shall be due or owing ORCHID in respect of such TAG Improvement; and (b) if AFFYMETRIX creates, invents or otherwise develops any improvements to GBA (each a "GBA Improvement"), then (i) AFFYMETRIX shall (and hereby does) assign and transfer to ORCHID all right, title and interest in and to such GBA Improvement, and all related intellectual property rights Controlled by AFFYMETRIX related thereto, (ii) ORCHID shall (A) grant to AFFYMETRIX a non- exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to exploit such GBA Improvement for AFFYMETRIX's internal use and (B) shall include internal use rights to use such GBA Improvements within the licenses granted to Product customers, and (iii) to the extent that ORCHID grants any Third Party a license to exploit the GBA Improvements, ORCHID shall pay AFFYMETRIX a royalty of [*] of the Net Sales (which royalty shall be subject to reduction in the manner and scope described in Section 2.2(d)) received by ORCHID from (and only from) use of such GBA Improvements until AFFYMETRIX has received an aggregate of [*], at which time no further royalties or other fees shall be due or owing AFFYMETRIX in respect of such GBA Improvement. This Section 5 does not (by implication or otherwise) extend to either party any license to any other intellectual property or technology such as any underlying technology in any TAG Improvement or GBA Improvement. Notwith...
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Certain Improvements. (a) When Micrologix enters into any agreement or other arrangement with a Third Party or licensee or sublicensee that may result in the development, creation or acquisition by Micrologix of any developments, derivative works, enhancements, modifications, inventions or discoveries relating to the Compound or the Product for use in the Field (collectively, “Certain Improvements”), Micrologix will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts not to limit or otherwise restrict Micrologix’s ability to grant a license or sublicense to any such Certain Improvements as provided for herein without violating the terms of any such agreement or other arrangement.
Certain Improvements. As between the Parties and notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, (i) DS shall have and retain ownership of the Research Sequence Pairs (including the entire sequence set forth on Exhibit 1.54), DS Sequence Pair, the […***…] Binding Domain (including the entire sequence set forth on Exhibit 1.12), and (subject to the provisions of ownership in Section 7.1 above and Zymeworks’ ownership of the Zymeworks Platform Improvements) the […***…] Variable Domain; and (ii) Zymeworks shall retain all rights in the Zymeworks Platform and any Inventions comprising improvements thereto. For clarity, (a) all Inventions comprising antibody mutations created by the Parties or their Related Parties (alone or jointly) that modify or improve the Zymeworks Platform will comprise improvements thereto (“Zymeworks Platform Improvements”) and will be owned by Zymeworks, subject to the licenses and the Option set forth in Section 2.1; and (b) all Inventions comprising antibody mutations, other than Zymeworks Platform Improvements, created by the Parties or their Related Parties (alone or jointly) pursuant to this Agreement to the extent that such mutations are within the […***…] Variable Domain (collectively, “[…***…] Variable Domain Improvements”) will be owned by DS, subject to the licenses set forth in Section 2.2. For purposes of the foregoing, “[…***…] Variable Domain” defined means an antibody variable region comprising the […***…] Binding Domain or a mutated […***…] Binding Domain described in clause (b) above.
Certain Improvements. As between the Parties and notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary (including Section 6.1.2), (a) ICONIC shall have and retain ownership of Sequences and Antibodies developed by or on behalf of ICONIC or its Related Parties, and ICONIC Antibody Improvements and (b) Zymeworks shall have and retain all rights in the Zymeworks Platform and Zymeworks Platform Improvements. For clarity, the Zymeworks Platform Improvements will be subject to the licenses set forth in Section 2.1 and the ICONIC Antibody Improvements will be subject to the licenses set forth in Exhibit 3.5.
Certain Improvements. Astro-Med has completed on or before the date hereof the following improvements to the Products on behalf of ART:
Certain Improvements. All obligations of the tenant under Paragraph 28 of the Lease have previously been fulfilled.
Certain Improvements. Certain improvements to properties may be financed by Bridge Mortgage Loans, which improvements are being financed by the Borrower as described as the American House transaction and will be completed under fixed price contracts, by bonded, licensed and insured contractors.”
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Certain Improvements. The "Product Improvement Plans" required under those certain License Agreements relating to each of the Properties known as the Embassy Suites Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida have been completed, and all costs and expenses thereof have been paid.

Related to Certain Improvements

  • Lessee Improvements Lessee shall not make or allow to be made any alterations or physical additions in or to the leased premises without first obtaining the written consent of Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any alterations, physical additions or improvements to the leased premises made by Lessee shall at once become the property of Lessor and shall be surrendered to Lessor upon the termination of this Lease provided that Lessee shall be entitled to retain the property listed on Exhibit A attached hereto, and provided further that, Lessor, at its option, may require Lessee to remove any physical additions and/or repair any alterations in order to restore the leased premises to the condition existing at the time Lessee took possession, reasonable wear and tear excepted, all costs of removal and/or alterations to be borne by Lessee. This clause shall not apply to moveable equipment of furniture owned by Lessee, which may be removed by Lessee at the end of the term of this Lease if Lessee is not then in default and if such equipment and furniture are not then subject to any other rights, liens and interests of Lessor.

  • Joint Improvements Rights and title to the Technology, whether or not patentable, and any patent applications or patents based thereon, which directly relate to and are not severable from Licensor IP and which are improvements thereto by both LICENSOR AND LICENSEE shall be jointly owned intellectual property by LICENSOR AND LICENSEE.

  • Landlord's Improvements All fixtures, improvements or equipment which are installed, constructed on or attached to the Premises or Common Area by Landlord shall be a part of the realty and belong to Landlord.

  • TENANT'S IMPROVEMENTS If the Lessor is the Insuring Party, the Lessor shall not be required to insure Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease. If Lessee is the Insuring Party, the policy carried by Lessee under this Paragraph 8.3 shall insure Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations.

  • Improvements The buildings, structures, fixtures, additions, enlargements, extensions, modifications, repairs, replacements and improvements now or hereafter erected or located on the Land (collectively, the “Improvements”);

  • Construction of Improvements (A) Lessee warrants and agrees that the Building will be constructed on the Leased Premises, and all other improvements to the land, including the parking lot, approaches, and service areas, will be constructed in all material respects by Lessee substantially in accordance with the plot, plans, and specifications heretofore submitted to Lessor.

  • Improvements; Alterations Improvements to the Premises shall be installed at Tenant’s expense only in accordance with plans and specifications which have been previously submitted to and approved in writing by Landlord, which approval shall be governed by the provisions set forth in this Section 8(a). No alterations or physical additions in or to the Premises may be made without Landlord’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; however, Landlord may withhold its consent to any alteration or addition that would adversely affect (in the reasonable discretion of Landlord) the (1) Building’s Structure or the Building’s Systems (including the Building’s restrooms or mechanical rooms), (2) exterior appearance of the Building, (3) appearance of the Building’s common areas or elevator lobby areas, or (4) provision of services to other occupants of the Building. Tenant shall not paint or install lighting or decorations, signs, window or door lettering, or advertising media of any type visible from the exterior of the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. All alterations, additions, and improvements shall be constructed, maintained, and used by Tenant, at its risk and expense, in accordance with all Laws; Landlord’s consent to or approval of any alterations, additions or improvements (or the plans therefor) shall not constitute a representation or warranty by Landlord, nor Landlord’s acceptance, that the same comply with sound architectural and/or engineering practices or with all applicable Laws, and Tenant shall be solely responsible for ensuring all such compliance.

  • Condition of Improvements The Improvements and the Tangible Personal Property (including but not limited to the mechanical systems, plumbing, electrical, wiring, appliances, fixtures, heating, air conditioning and ventilating equipment, elevators, boilers, equipment, roofs, structural members and furnaces) shall be in the same condition at Closing as they are as of the date hereof, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Prior to Closing, the Contributor shall not have diminished the quality or quantity of maintenance and upkeep services heretofore provided to the Real Property and the Tangible Personal Property and the Contributor shall not have diminished the Inventory. The Contributor shall not have removed or caused or permitted to be removed any part or portion of the Real Property or the Tangible Personal Property unless the same is replaced, prior to Closing, with similar items of at least equal quality and acceptable to the Acquiror.

  • Improvements to Premises Lessee shall take the Premises in its "as-is" condition for the Extended Term except for certain Leasehold Improvements (herein so called) to the Premises which shall be completed in accordance with the specifications attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Approved Plans"), which have been approved by both Lessor and Lessee. Lessor shall cause the Leasehold Improvements to be installed or constructed in accordance with the Approved Plans by Lessor's contractor. So long as no Event of Default (or event which with notice or lapse of time could become an Event of Default) has occurred under the Lease, Lessor agrees to provide Lessee an allowance equal to One Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand One Hundred Nineteen and No/100 Dollars ($153,119.00) (the "Improvement Allowance"), which allowance is to be used solely for completion of the Leasehold Improvements in accordance with the Approved Plans, and an additional allowance equal to Three Thousand Two Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($3,200.00) (the "Architectural Allowance"), which allowance is to be used solely for space planning and design services for the Premises. In the event that any alterations or modifications to the Premises are required in order to comply with applicable law, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, or the State of Texas equivalent laws and regulations, the cost of any such alterations or modifications shall be satisfied out of the Improvement Allowance. The cost of the Leasehold Improvements and the space planning and design fees is to be paid by Lessor out of the Improvement Allowance and the Architectural Allowance, respectively. Any completed work (labor or materials) outside the scope of the Approved Plans or the cost of which is in excess of the Improvement Allowance or the Architectural Allowance, as the case may be, shall be at Lessee's sole cost and will be billed to Lessee by Lessor and will be due and payable within ten (10) days after Lessee's receipt of an invoice therefor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee will not be liable for work outside the scope of the Approved Plans or excess costs over the amount of the Improvement Allowance or the Architectural Allowance unless Lessee has consented in writing to such work outside the scope of the Approved Plans or excess costs prior to the commencement of such work or the incurring of such excess costs. Any portion of the Improvement Allowance or the Architectural Allowance remaining upon the completion of the Leasehold Improvements shall be deemed forfeited by Lessee. Lessor further acknowledges and agrees that Section 4.07 of the Lease is hereby amended to provide that Lessee shall not be required to surrender possession of the Premises to Lessor "in the same condition as when received", but rather shall be entitled to surrender possession of the Premises in the same condition as exists upon the completion of the Leasehold Improvements described in Paragraph 3 above, subject to any and all other requirements set forth in Section 4.07 of the Lease.

  • Removal of Improvements Except as otherwise expressly agreed to by Lessor and Lessee, Lessee shall have the right to remove all Tank Farm Assets and other improvements, fixtures, equipment, materials, supplies and personal property installed by Lessee from the Premises upon the termination or expiration of this Lease, but in no event later than the date that is 120 days following the expiration or termination of this Lease (the “Removal Date”) and Lessor shall provide Lessee with access to the Premises at reasonable times until expiration of the Removal Date for the purpose of removing such items. Lessee shall provide Lessor with written notice of its election to remove the Tank Farm Assets and other improvements, fixtures, equipment, materials, supplies and personal property from the Premises at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the Lease. If Lessee elects to remove the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises after such removal Lessee shall restore any damage to the Premises and clean the Premises so as to eliminate therefrom any accumulation (other than any de minimis and non-hazardous accumulation) of foreign substances, materials, or debris, in addition to any Environmental Cleanup that may be required under Article 10. Lessee shall pay Lessor pro rata Rent (based on the amount of Rent applicable during the last month prior to the termination or expiration) through the date of Lessee’s complete removal of all such items. During the period of such removal and clean-up, all terms and conditions of this Lease, including, the indemnity and insurance provisions shall continue in full force and effect. If Lessee elects not to remove all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises on or before the Removal Date, and provided that such facilities are in good working condition at the expiration of the Term (ordinary wear and tear excepted) then, such Tank Farm Assets and Improvements shall be deemed permanently abandoned to Lessor’s sole ownership, and Lessor may remove and dispose of such facilities in any manner which Lessor may deem appropriate, without any liability whatsoever to Lessee. If Lessee elects not to remove all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises on or before the Removal Date and such facilities are not in good working condition at the expiration of the term (ordinary wear and tear excepted), or Lessee fails to so remove any or all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises before the Removal Date, then, in addition to all rights and remedies available at law or in equity, without any prior notice, Lessor may (but shall be under no obligation), at Lessor’s option, deem such Tank Farm Assets and Improvements to be permanently abandoned to Lessor’s sole ownership, and Lessor may remove and dispose of such facilities in any manner which Lessor may deem appropriate, without any liability whatsoever to Lessee, and Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for all costs of such removal and disposal upon demand from Lessor. If requested by Lessor, Lessee shall execute any and all documents necessary to evidence that title to the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements that Lessee does not remove by the Removal Date is in Lessor and to extinguish and remove any cloud or potential cloud on the title to the Premises and/or such facilities created by Lessee.

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