RSA Software definition

RSA Software means RSA proprietary software identified on a License/Product Schedule hereto and as further described in the User Manuals associated therewith. "RSA Software" shall also include all modifications and enhancements (including all New Releases and New Versions) to such programs as may be provided by RSA to OEM pursuant to this Agreement or a maintenance agreement between RSA and OEM.
RSA Software shall also include all modifications and enhancements (including all New Releases and New Versions) to such programs as may be provided by RSA to OEM pursuant to this Agreement or a maintenance agreement between RSA and OEM.
RSA Software means RSA proprietary software identified as RSA Software on page 1 of the License Agreement.

Examples of RSA Software in a sentence

  • No other rights are implied with respect to the Service Offering, any related RSA Software, or any related Intellectual Property Rights.

  • Customer shall not use any third-party product embedded in or bundled with the RSA Software as a standalone program or in any way independently from the Software.

  • Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, or unless such additional rights are granted in the Product Notice, Customer may only use one production copy of the RSA Software.

  • If RSA successfully reproduces the reported non-conformity and confirms that it is a non-conformity, then RSA shall use commercially reasonable efforts, at its option, to (1) correct the nonconformity, (2) provide a work around or software patch (a “Fix”), or (3) replace the RSA Software.

  • This warranty applies only to the initial delivery of the RSA Software.

More Definitions of RSA Software

RSA Software means the software programs listed in RSA’s commercial price list.
RSA Software means software licensed by UPI from RSA Data Security, Inc. ("RSA") and provided by UPI to Licensee hereunder.
RSA Software means collectively the RSA BSAFE Software and/or RSA Enterprise Software licensed by RSA hereunder.
RSA Software. BSAFE v.3.0 (provided by RSA on Solaris, Windows 95 and Windows NT platforms) OEM may obtain copies of the RSA Software on other platforms as may be generally available at RSA's then current published price list, each additional platform version of which will be covered RSA Software under this Licensed/Product Schedule. Delivery of RSA Software to OEM: One (1) copy of each of the RSA Object Code, the RSA Source Code (if licensed hereunder) and the User Manual for the RSA Software identified above: [X] have been received by OEM, or [ ] will be delivered by RSA as soon as practicable, but not later than ten (10) business days after the date of execution of this License/Product Schedule. 9 RSA Data Security, Inc. Exhibit "A" Page 2 LICENSED SOFTWARE AND FIELD OF USE RESTRICTION FOR THIS BUNDLED PRODUCT RIGHT TO INCLUDE OBJECT SOURCE CODE IN DESCRIBE CODE BUNDLED FIELD OF USE FIELD OF USE LICENSE PRODUCT RESTRICTION RESTRICTION BSAFE YES NO YES NO YES NO RSA Public Key Cryptosystem [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ Diffxx-Xxxxxxx Xxx Negotiation [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ Bloox-Xxxxxx Xxxret Sharing [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ Data Encryption Standard (DES) [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ Extended Data Encryption [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ Standard (DESX) Triple DES (3DES) [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ RC4 Variable-Key Size [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ Symmetric Stream Cipher RC5 Variable-Key Size [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ Symmetric Block Cipher MD Hashing Algorithm [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ MD2 Hashing Algorithm [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ MD5 Hashing Algorithm [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ Secure Hashing Algorithm [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ (SHA) Digital Signature Algorithm [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ (DSA) TIPEM (all set forth below) [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ RSA Public Key Cryptosystem Data Encryption Standard (DES) RC2 Variable Key Size Symmetric Block Cipher MD2 Hashing Algorithm MD5 Hashing Algorithm BCERT [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] */ -------------------------- */ Solely for authentication and privacy between applications built with the SDK Client Bundled Product and Server Bundled Product utilizing the SSL protocol. The SDK Client Bundled Product shall not communicate with any other server products. LICENSE FEES Source Code License Fee for this License/Product Schedule: N/A Object Code License Fees for this License/Product Schedule: Fixed Dollar License Fee. [*] for each copy/unit of the Server Bundled Product.
RSA Software means RSA's proprietary software identified on the attached "Product and License Fee Exhibit" (and including only these algorithms listed therewith), as further described in the User Manual(s) associated therewith.
RSA Software means software for public key cryptography licensed to Xxxxxx by RSA Data Security Inc. to Xxxxxx ("RSA Software") and sublicensed by Xxxxxx to Active within the Toolkit.
RSA Software means RSA proprietary software known as BSAFE and TIPEM as described in the User Manuals associated