Public Liability Insurance definition

Public Liability Insurance. BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE EACH OCCURRENCE: $1,000,000 AGGREGATE: $2,000,000
Public Liability Insurance. Insurer: Policy No.: Liability Limit: EXPLORATION DETAILS Exploration methods: - Tick the exploration methods that may be undertaken in this Agreement - Methods explained in Fact Sheet - Additional space for other activities if required Low impact exploration techniques Medium/high exploration techniques geological mapping geophysical survey soil and rock chip sampling drilling (please specify if applicable) diamond / RC / RAB environmental assessments costeaning or trenching bulk sampling Exploration area: See map at Annexure A Special conditions: See details at Annexure B Compensation: See details at Annexure C Paths of Entry: All gates/main gates/ Other (please specify): (see Annexure A for map) AGREEMENT DETAILS Term of Agreement From: To: End of Licence / Other (please specify) Signatures for Agreement See end of Annexure C TERMS OF AGREEMENT
Public Liability Insurance means insurance against loss or damage to the person or property of others that is not included in or incidental to some other class of insurance defined by or under this Act; (assurance-responsabilité civile)

Examples of Public Liability Insurance in a sentence

  • Public liability insurance cover must be arranged, and proof of coverage must be provided at time of application for approval.

More Definitions of Public Liability Insurance

Public Liability Insurance. LESSEE shall procure, keep in force, and pay for comprehensive public liability insurance (hereinafter referred to as "LIABILITY INSURANCE") indemnifying LESSOR and LESSEE against all claims and demands for injury to or death of persons or damage to property which may be claimed to have occurred upon the Premises, or in or about the common areas of the Building which arise out of the LESSEE'S use and occupancy of the Premises, in amounts which shall be in a combined single limit for bodily injury or death and for property damage ("Broad Form" endorsement, so-called), in a sum of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) DOLLARS.
Public Liability Insurance. Required: $1,000,000.00.
Public Liability Insurance means insurance to protect against loss or liability by reason of personal injuries to persons other than employees and damage to property owned by third parties.
Public Liability Insurance means the Hirer is to provide their own public liability insurance cover against any third party claim for loss or damage
Public Liability Insurance means the insurance detailed in the Application.
Public Liability Insurance. Insurer: Policy No.: Liability Limit: EXPLORATION DETAILS Exploration methods Circle the exploration methods that may be completed under this Agreement Methods explained in Fact Sheet Additional space for other activities if required geological mapping Yes / No diamond drilling Yes / No soil and rock chip sampling Yes / No reverse circulation drilling Yes / No environmental assessments Yes / No rotary air blast drilling Yes / No geophysical survey Yes / No costeaning or trenching Yes / No non-mechanical drilling / auguring Yes / No bulk sampling Yes / No Exploration area: See map at Annexure A Special conditions: See details at Annexure B Compensation: See details at Annexure C Paths of entry: All gates/main gates / Other (please specify): [See Annexure A for map] AGREEMENT DETAILS Term of Agreement From: To: End of licence / Other (please specify) Signatures for Agreement See end of Annexure C
Public Liability Insurance means a policy of liability insurance covering the Principal (and the Commonwealth if the Principal is not the Commonwealth), the Consultant and all subconsultants: to each other; and to third parties, for loss of or damage to property and death of or injury to any person arising out of, or in connection with, the Services. This policy is not required to cover liabilities insured under Professional Indemnity Insurance or workers compensation insurance. Request for Information means any request made by a construction contractor to the Principal requesting further information, instruction, guidance, advice or opinion (including in respect of the resolution of ambiguities, discrepancies or inconsistencies in the design) or otherwise in respect of the design of the Works. Services includes all things or tasks which are necessary for the Consultant to do to comply with its Contract obligations, including those services as set out in the CONTRACT PARTICULARS.