Outcome 2 definition

Outcome 2. To have cleaner, safer and greener public spaces • Neighbourhood Sustainability • Regeneration • Community Payback
Outcome 2. Assessment, monitoring and management system of marine waters developed" The outcome will be supported through one pre-defined project "SCience and Information towards Regional Environmental Action for the Black Sea (SCIRENA-Black Sea)" (PDP no. 2), one call for proposals (call no. l) and two small grant schemes (SGS): one on pilot models for marine water purification (SGS no. l) and one for measures to reduce marine litter (SGS no. 2). • Outcome 3: "Improved municipal resource management (Circular Economy)" The outcome will be supported through one call for proposals (call no. 2) and one SGS (SGS no. 3).
Outcome 2. Teachers identify effective instructional practices and develop materials to share with other teachers during PLTs and for purposes of sustainability. Evaluation Questions: ● Is technology being used to transform the nature of teaching and learning? ● Are new instructional practices emerging? ● Are teachers sharing materials and practices with other teachers during PLTs? Data to Be Collected: ● Teacher self-report use of technology to identify promising instructional practices ● Teacher reports of shared materials and practices ● Principal reports of promising instructional practices How Data is Collected and by Whom: ● Teacher pre-post surveys (PRE) ● Teacher interviews (PRE) ● Principal observations (DDSD) ● Walkthroughs (DDSD) ● Leadership interviews (PRE) Outcome 3: Parents become more engaged in student learning Evaluation Questions: ● Are parents increasing their use of digital tools such as student videos, student texts, classroom communications (blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), and parent apps? ● Are parents using online resources from LearnZillion? ● Is the increased use of digital tools and applications impacting parent engagement in student learning? Data to Be Collected: ● Teachers perceptions of parent engagement ● Teacher reports of parent use of digital tools ● Parent self-report use of digital tools ● Parent self-report engagement level in student learning How Data is Collected and by Whom: ● Family perception surveys collected annually via online survey ● Attendance sign-in sheets for family engagement events ● Teacher pre-post surveys (PRE) ● Teacher interviews (PRE) ● Leadership Interviews (PRE)

Examples of Outcome 2 in a sentence

  • Mental Health Services Outcome 2: Prevention, health promotion and aged and continuing care services that help Western Australians to live healthy and safe lives.

  • The Organisation will deliver and report the actions and progress according to the locally co-designed implementation plan 30 June 2022 Outcome 2 Implement and deliver Assertive Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams initiative 1.

  • EFP directly contributes to: Outcome 2 – Attract and retain students in STEM disciplines through a progression of educational opportunities for students, teachers, and faculty.

  • In accordance with Article 7.2.4, the following entities shall be eligible: Eligible applicants (Project Promoters) Eligible partners SGS#1 Outcome 2 “Improved strategy and contingency planning” NGOs as defined in Art.

  • Outcome 1: A more equal society and Outcome 2: An outstanding system of learning within this Outcome Agreement have been developed to directly support addressing the issues identified by the commission and will work to deliver its next steps.

  • For Outcome 2, payments towards the projects will be in the form of advance payments, of up to 80 % of the total awarded grant amount, and in the form of reimbursements of incurred expenditure to be paid after the approval of a Final Project Report.

  • EFP goals align to Outcome 2 in the 2011 NASA Education Strategic Coordination Framework (xxx.xxxx.xxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx.xxxx).

  • Outcome 2 paragraph 3 was modified to reflect views that the demography, employment opportunities and numbers claiming job-seekers allowance means that there are additional priority groupings to the 16-19 year old age band.

  • The outcome will be realised through one call for proposals (combined with allocation from Outcome 2).

  • If appropriate and if there are uncommitted funds after the first deadline, a second deadline for applications shall be published no later than in the first half of 0000.Xxx call shall be launched for Outcome 2.

More Definitions of Outcome 2

Outcome 2. NGO service providers strengthened to meet minimum standards for effective youth development programming COMPONENT ACTIVITIES KEY DELIVERABLES Indicators 2.1 & 2.2 Enhanced competencies of youth development • Conduct a PTS refresher for ANEJ • Conduct study tour for IDMAJ partners to IYF youth programs in Morocco • Provide Training of Master Trainers PTS workshop • PTS refresher (Q1) • IDMAJ Morocco study tour (Q1) • PTS TOMT conducted (Q1) professionals and volunteers in how to deliver effective youth programs (TOMT) for IDMAJ partner to support sustainability of PTS training programs • Provide coaching and follow-up support for master trainers • Develop a coaching plan for newly-trained Master Trainers as part of quality assurance process • Conduct structured capacity building and learning workshops for partners • Coaching activities(Q1-Q2) • Coaching activity plan developed and implemented (Q1-Q2) • 3 Partner learning workshops (Q1, Q2, Q3)
Outcome 2. The promotion of adolescent and youth health and the identification and referral of young people to YFHS is improved, through a stronger engagement of relevant stakeholders, at national and local level, in inter-sectorial cooperation.
Outcome 2. Great neighbourhoods with strong community connections, capacity and voices Our vision is that no matter where you come from or how old you are, there is a place for everyone in the Whau. Green Bay Street Food at Green Bay Outcome 6: Celebrating our creative edge in our streets, neighbourhoods and communities Our vision is for our diversity and creativity to enrich our lives. We celebrate our arts and cultures across the Whau and are recognised as a creative community. Cast of Out of Date, a play produced by local community arts organisation Creative Community House. Outcome 3: It’s 20 minutes to all we need by walking, cycling and public transport We are well serviced with rail and feeder bus routes linking our communities and the Whau to the rest of Auckland. Our bus services and cycle paths are starting to criss- cross the Whau, linking our Avondale train station. towns and facilities. The City Rail Link is estimated to reduce travel time between New Xxxx and Britomart to less than 30 minutes. Souls Project. Outcome 7: Our heritage is known, protected and our stories are shared Our vision is for a strong foundation of knowledge available to the wider community. We will work with others to support the preservation of our heritage Te Toi Uku Clay Works. as much as possible. We will seek innovative ways to work with owners and developers to preserve or acknowledge our built and/or natural heritage.
Outcome 2. “Nuclear energy decommissioning system strengthened” The outcome shall be supported by way of pre-defined project “Safety Enhancement of Ignalina NPP Radioactive Waste management” (PDP no. 4)
Outcome 2. The project team exceeded the output targets of increasing FoodHub membership of Oregon Specialty Crop producers (to a target of 690) and high-volume buyers (target: 250). As of this report, 736 specialty crop producers in Oregon are now registered on FoodHub (Benchmark 1). In addition, the high volume buyer goal has been exceeded, with 300 institutional buyers (Oregon only) (Benchmark 2). These buyers include 28 colleges/universities, 118 K-12 schools or school districts, 48 Pre-K/daycare facilities, 47 health care facilities, 1 correctional facility, and 58 foodservice providers.

Related to Outcome 2

  • Outcomes means the Health and Wellbeing Outcomes prescribed by the Scottish Ministers in Regulations under section 5(1) of the Act;

  • Strategic Plan means the plan which the Integration Joint Board is required to prepare and implement in relation to the delegated provision of health and social care services to adults in accordance with section 29 of the Act;

  • Outcome means a job/training or placement outcome after the Start Date; and a Participant has been in employment/training/placement and Off-Benefit each week; and there has been an either continuous or cumulative individual period of employment/training/placement (Outcome payment trigger point) as detailed in the Specification for each Participant Group].

  • Target Audience means users on the Criteo Network who will be targeted with relevant performance advertising Product Ads based on the Criteo Technology.

  • Strategy means the Department of Education International Risk Management Strategy for Homestays and Short Term Cultural Exchanges developed and implemented under section 171 of the Working With Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 as in force at any given time.

  • Focus means limiting the number of items included in a curriculum to allow for deeper exploration of the subject matter.

  • Productivity as defined in ORS 427.005 means:

  • Performance Metrics means criteria established by the Administrator relating to any of the following, as it may apply to an individual, one or more business units, divisions, or Affiliates, or on a company-wide basis, and in absolute terms, relative to a base period, or relative to the performance of one or more comparable companies, peer groups, or an index covering multiple companies:

  • Growth means the rating a school will receive based on longitudinally matched student data comparing current performance to the previous year’s for the purpose of determining student academic growth.

  • Performance Indicators means the indicators for Project monitoring and evaluation set forth in the Operational Manual.

  • Targeted case management means services that assist a beneficiary to access needed 2 medical, educational, social, prevocational, vocational, rehabilitative, or other community services. The 3 service activities may include, but are not limited to, communication, coordination and referral;

  • Goals means the annual level of participation by SBEs in City Contracts as established in this chapter, the SBE Regulations, or as necessary to comply with applicable federal and state nondiscrimination laws and regulations. Goals for individual Contracts may be adjusted as provided for in this chapter and shall not be construed as a minimum for any particular Contract or for any particular geographical area.

  • Number of Students Who Began the Program means the number of students who began a program who were scheduled to complete the program within 100% of the published program length within the reporting calendar year and excludes all students who cancelled during the cancellation period.

  • Measurable means the amount of the transaction can be determined and “available” means collectible with the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. State equalization monies are recognized as revenue during the period in which they are appropriated. A one- year availability period is used for revenue recognition for all other governmental fund revenues.

  • Level has the meaning given that term in the definition of the term “Applicable Margin.”

  • Rewards means any Merchandise Reward, Travel Reward, Gift Card Reward or Account Credit Reward that is available in this Program; and

  • Performance Milestone means an act or event specified in section 5.1 and described in section 9 of the EPLA.

  • R2000 Strategy means an initiative by the Government of Kenya to improve the maintenance of the country’s Road Network by giving priority to maintenance through network approach, using appropriate technology, labour-based methods, local resources and increased usage of small-scale entrepreneurs.

  • Performance Monitoring System has the meaning given to it in paragraph 1.1.2 in Part B of Schedule 6 (Service Levels, Service Credits and Performance Monitoring);

  • Performance Review means a summative evaluation of a teacher other than a beginning teacher and used to determine whether the teacher’s practice meets school district expectations and the Iowa teaching standards, and to determine whether the teacher’s practice meets school district expectations for career advancement in accordance with Iowa Code section 284.7.

  • experimental development means acquiring, combining, shaping and using existing scientific, technological, business and other relevant knowledge and skills with the aim of developing new or improved products, processes or services. This may also include, for example, activities aiming at the conceptual definition, planning and documentation of new products, processes or services;

  • Goal means the intended or projected result of a comprehensive corrections plan or community corrections program to reduce prison commitment rates, to reduce the length of stay in a jail, or to improve the utilization of a jail.

  • Number of Students Who Began Program means the number of students who began the program who are scheduled to complete the program within the reporting calendar year.

  • Stability means structural stability.

  • Period of Affordability means the time during which HOME Loan financed units must remain affordable to eligible households, as defined by HOME program regulations and this Plan. The Period of Affordability shall commence upon completion of the project and shall run for the period required under HOME regulations or the term of the HOME Loan, whichever is greater. Completion shall be defined as set forth in the HUD regulations for the HOME program.

  • Return on Sales means the percentage equal to the Company’s or a business unit’s Operating Income before incentive compensation, divided by the Company’s or the business unit’s, as applicable, revenue, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.