Examples of Outcomes in a sentence
Outcomes will be tracked by RPS, but will not be measured as a performance outcome for purpose of evaluating the success of the RPD mentor program.
Outcomes for minority gender learners within subject areas are strongly positive and in line with successful outcomes for other learner groups.
This broad goal allows us to focus on the following state priorities: 1 Basic Conditions of Learning; 2 State Standards; 4 Pupil Achievement; 7 Course Access; 8 Other Student Outcomes Metric Baseline Year 1 Outcome Year 2 Outcome Year 3 Outcome Desired Outcome for 2023–24 # of core teachers that are appropriately credentialed and not misassigned 100% of teachers (as of 2020 SARC) SARC assignment data N/A for 21-22 96% of core teachers appropriately credentialed.
This overarching goal enables us to concentrate on the following state priorities: I Basic Conditions of Learning; 2 State Standards; 4 Pupil Achievement; 8 Other Student Outcomes An explanation of why the LEA has developed this goal.
The ROMs that the young people will complete are: SWEMWBS (Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale), GBO (Goal Based Outcomes) ChiESQ (Child E of Service Questionnaire) These will be uploaded to PCMIS and Core+ in Multimedia.