Operation and Maintenance Expense definition

Operation and Maintenance Expense means the costs of operating and maintaining the Water and Sewer Systems determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of interest on any debt payable from Gross Revenues, depreciation, and any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash.
Operation and Maintenance Expense means the costs of operating and maintaining the Utility System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of interest on any debt payable from Gross Revenues, depreciation, and any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash.
Operation and Maintenance Expense means all costs of operation and maintenance of the Authority’s System including, but not limited to, repairs and replacements for which no special fund is created in the Bond Resolution, the cost of utilities, supervision, engineering, accounting, auditing, legal services, and any other supplies, services, administrative costs, insurance and equipment necessary for proper operation and maintenance of the Authority’s System, and payments made by the Authority in satisfaction of judgments resulting from claims not covered by the Authority’s insurance or not paid by one particular Contracting Party or Additional Contracting Party arising in connection with the operation and maintenance of the System. The term also includes the fees of the bank or banks where the Outstanding Bonds and the Bonds are payable. Depreciation shall not be considered an item of Operation and Maintenance Expense.

Examples of Operation and Maintenance Expense in a sentence

  • The Revenue Requirement Components shall be the sum of Connecting Transmission Owner’s (A) Return and Associated Income Taxes, (B) Transmission Related Real Estate Tax Expense, (C) Transmission Related Amortization of Investment Tax Credits, (D) Transmission Related Payroll Tax Expense (E) Transmission Operation and Maintenance Expense, (F) Transmission Related Administrative and General Expenses, less (G) Revenue Credits, plus (H) Bad Debt Expense.

More Definitions of Operation and Maintenance Expense

Operation and Maintenance Expense means all reasonable expenses incurred by the Borough in causing the Electric Utility to be operated and maintained in good repair, working order and condition and properly treated as maintenance and operation expenses under generally accepted accounting principles applicable to similar municipal utilities, including: payments due under Contract Resource Obligations; all payments made to another person or agency for acquisition of electric energy; any deposits, premiums, assessments or other payments for insurance, if any, on the Electric Utility; amounts paid in respect of Electric Utility employee pensions and post-employment benefits (if any); and overhead and administration expenses allocated to the Electric Utility. Operation and Maintenance Expenses excludes: non- cash accounting items (e.g., depreciation, amounts treated as expenses under accounting guidelines with respect to unfunded contributions to pension or other post-employment benefit plans, non-exchange financial guarantees, environmental liabilities, and similar items); payments on contracts for the acquisition of electric energy or capability under which no energy has been furnished to the Borough (other than payments under Contract Resource Obligations); and any amounts paid in respect of municipal utility taxes or payments in lieu of taxes.
Operation and Maintenance Expense means all costs of operation and maintenance of the Project including (for greater certainty but without limiting the generality of the foregoing) repairs and replacements for which no special fund is created in the Bond Resolutions, the costs of utilities supervision, engineering, accounting, auditing, legal services, and any other supplies, services, administrative costs and equipment necessary for proper operation and maintenance of the Project, and payments made by Authority in satisfaction of judgments resulting from claims not covered by Authority’s insurance or not paid by a Contracting Party or Parties arising in connection with the operation and maintenance of the Project. The term also includes the charges of the bank or banks where the Bonds are payable.
Operation and Maintenance Expense means the Facility Operation and Maintenance Expense and the Global Common Facilities Operation and Maintenance Expense.
Operation and Maintenance Expense means the costs of operating and maintaining the System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of
Operation and Maintenance Expense means the costs of operating and maintaining the Stormwater System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting
Operation and Maintenance Expense means the costs of operating and maintaining the System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of (i) interest on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration, operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business.
Operation and Maintenance Expense means, for any period of calculation, all expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred in connection with operating, repairing, maintaining and insuring the System, determined in accordance with GAAP, including ordinary repairs, renewals and replacements, other than capital improvements, necessary to keep the System in efficient operating condition, the cost of audits required by this Installment Sale Agreement, legal fees, architect’s fees, engineering fees, properly allocated charges for insurance and generally all expenses which under general accounting practices are properly chargeable to maintenance and operation, but excluding depreciation; provided that the Operation and Maintenance Expense of the Water System means the foregoing definition with Water System substituted for System, plus the costs of purchasing or producing potable water and the Operation and Maintenance Expense of the Sewer System means the foregoing definition with Sewer System substituted for System.