Operating Cost definition

Operating Cost means the costs associated with operating a multifamily development once the project is placed in service.
Operating Cost means the costs associated with operating a DCA funded property after it is placed in service.
Operating Cost means the total cost and expense incurred in operating, managing, insuring, equipping, lighting, repairing, maintaining and policing the Real Property, including the exterior of the Real Property and the common areas, and specifically including, without limitation, items of expense for or related to: insurance premiums and deductibles, management, bookkeeping.

Examples of Operating Cost in a sentence

  • Base Rent and Operating Cost under this Agreement may collectively be referred to as “Rent” or “Rents.” All Rents shall be made payable to Landlord and delivered to the address stated above or to another address as Landlord may designate upon reasonable notice to Tenant.

  • Within a reasonable time after the end of each calendar year, Landlord shall prepare and deliver to Tenant a statement showing the actual Annual Operating Cost Adjustment (the “Operating Cost Adjustment Statement”).

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, if Landlord has not delivered the Operating Cost Adjustment Statement within twelve (12) months after Tenant has vacated the Premises, Tenant shall not be obligated to pay to Landlord any amounts contained within.

  • Subject to Xxxxxx’s right to audit the accuracy of the Operating Costs, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Operating Cost Adjustment Statement, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, or Landlord shall credit against the next Rent payment or payments due from Tenant, as the case may be, the difference between the actual Annual Operating Cost Adjustment for the preceding calendar year and the estimated amount paid by Tenant during such year.

  • In addition to the Base Rent specified in this Lease, commencing as of the Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in each calendar year or partial calendar year during the Term, an amount equal to the Annual Operating Cost Adjustment for such calendar year.

More Definitions of Operating Cost

Operating Cost means the total operating cost as reported by the operator under the Uniform System of Accounts and Records, pursuant to Section 99243 and subdivision (a) of Section 99247.
Operating Cost means the total cost and expense incurred in operating, managing, insuring, equipping, lighting, repairing, maintaining and policing the Real Property, including the exterior of the Real Property and the common areas, and specifically including, without limitation, items of expense for or related to: insurance premiums and deductibles, management, bookkeeping, and accounting fees, and an annual addition equal to % per annum of the Operating Cost for a reserve fund for major repairs, replacements, and renovations. With each monthly Base Rent payment, Tenant shall pay an estimate of Xxxxxx’s share of the Operating Cost. Such monthly estimates shall be based on the prior year’s actual Operating Cost. On an annual basis, Landlord shall reconcile Tenant’s payments against the actual Operating Cost. In the event Tenant’s payments are less than its share of the actual Operating Cost, Tenant shall pay such deficiency within days of request by Landlord. In the event Tenant’s payments exceed its share of the actual Operating Cost, Landlord shall apply the overpayment to the next monthly estimate(s).
Operating Cost or “Cost of Operations” means those costs actually incurred by Contractor, reasonably necessary to perform under this agreement, and not otherwise specifically excluded in this agreement.
Operating Cost as used in this clause, means the cost of operating equipment such as operating crew labor, servicing labor and equipment, labor and parts for all repairs and maintenance, fuel, oil, grease, supplies, tire wear and repair.
Operating Cost means the total cost and expense incurred in operating, managing, insuring, equipping, lighting, repairing, maintaining and policing the Real Property, including the exterior of the Real Property and the common areas, and specifically including, without limitation, items of expense for or related to: insurance premiums and deductibles, management, bookkeeping, and accounting fees, and an annual addition equal to __________% per annum of the Operating Cost for a reserve fund for major repairs, replacements, and renovations. With each monthly Base Rent payment, Tenant shall pay an estimate of Tenant’s share of the Operating Cost. Such monthly estimates shall be based on the prior year’s actual Operating Cost. On an annual basis, Landlord shall reconcile Tenant’s payments against the actual Operating Cost. In the event Tenant’s payments are less than its share of the actual Operating Cost, Tenant shall pay such deficiency within __________ days of request by Landlord. In the event Tenant’s payments exceed its share of the actual Operating Cost, Landlord shall apply the overpayment to the next monthly estimate(s).
Operating Cost shall have the meaning given in Section 2.04.
Operating Cost means recoverable Contractor's costs, expenses, duties, fees, and charges related to Production Operations pursuant to Annex C.