Minimum Requirements definition
Examples of Minimum Requirements in a sentence
Any collaborating organization must be designated as subcontractor subject to the terms of Exhibit C Special Provisions (see Appendix B: Contract Minimum Requirements).
City shall review Form 1295 as part of the Minimum Requirements Review performed upon all proposals received.
Standard Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction; 2012a.
The Secretary of State has also published draft Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs), which set out the environmental and sustainability commitments that will be observed in the construction of the Proposed Scheme.The Bill is being promoted through Parliament by the Secretary of State for Transport (the ‘Promoter’).
The Secretary of State has also published draft Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs)2, which set out the environmental and sustainability commitments that will be observed in the construction of the Proposed Scheme.The Secretary of State for Transport is the Promoter of the Bill through Parliament.