Book-Entry Rules definition

Book-Entry Rules. The provisions from time to time in effect, currently contained in Title 24, Part 81, Subpart H of the Code of Federal Regulations, setting forth the terms and conditions under which Xxxxxxx Mac may issue securities on the book-entry system of the Federal Reserve Banks and authorizing a Federal Reserve Bank to act as its agent in connection with such securities. Business Day: A day other than (i) a Saturday or Sunday and (ii) a day when the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (or other agent acting as Xxxxxxx Mac’s fiscal agent) is closed or, as to any Holder, a day when the Federal Reserve Bank that maintains the Holder’s account is closed.
Book-Entry Rules. The provisions from time to time in effect, presently contained in Title 12, Part 1249 of the Code of Federal Regulations, setting forth the terms and conditions under which Xxxxxxx Mac may issue securities on the Fed System and authorizing a Federal Reserve Bank to act as Xxxxxxx Mac’s agent in connection with such securities.
Book-Entry Rules. The Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations (24 C.F.R. Part 81, Subpart H) applicable to Xxxxxxx Mac’s book-entry securities and such procedures as to which Xxxxxxx Mac and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York may agree.

Examples of Book-Entry Rules in a sentence

  • The issuance and recordation of, and transfers of interests (including security interests) in, Certificates maintained on the Fed System shall be governed by the Book-Entry Rules and such procedures as shall be agreed upon from time to time by Xxxxxxx Xxx and the Federal Reserve Banks.

  • Certificates maintained on the Fed System shall at all times remain on deposit with a Federal Reserve Bank in accordance with the provisions of the Book-Entry Rules.

More Definitions of Book-Entry Rules

Book-Entry Rules. The Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations (24 C.F.R. Part 81, Subpart H) applicable to Xxxxxxx Mac’s book-entry securities and such procedures as Xxxxxxx Mac and the FRBNY may agree to. Business Day: (i) with respect to Book-Entry Debt Securities, any day other than (a) a Saturday, (b) a Sunday, (c) a day on which the FRBNY is closed, (d) as to any Holder of a Book-Entry Debt Security, a day on which the Federal Reserve Bank that maintains the Holder’s account is closed, or (e) a day on which Xxxxxxx Mac’s offices are closed; and (ii) with respect to Registered Debt Securities, any day other than (a) a Saturday, (b) a Sunday, (c) a day on which banking institutions are closed in (1) the City of New York or (2) if the Specified Payment Currency is other than U.S. dollars or euros, the Principal Financial Center of the country of such Specified Payment Currency, (d) if the Specified Payment Currency is euros, a day on which the TARGET system is not open for settlements, or a day on which payments in euros cannot be settled in the international interbank market as determined by the Global Agent, (e) for any required payment, a day on which banking institutions are closed in the place of payment, or (f) a day on which Xxxxxxx Mac’s offices are closed.
Book-Entry Rules means 31 C.F.R. § 357 (Treasury bills, notes and bonds); 12 C.F.R. § 615 (book-entry securities of the Farm Credit Administration); 12 C.F.R. §§ 910 and 912 (book-entry securities of the Federal Home Loan Banks); 24 C.F.R. § 81 (book-entry securities of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation); 12 C.F.R. § 1511 (book-entry securities of the Resolution Funding Corporation or any successor thereto); 31 C.F.R. § 354 (book-entry securities of the Student Loan Marketing Association); and any substantially comparable book-entry rules of any other Federal agency or instrumentality.
Book-Entry Rules. The provisions in effect from time to time, currently contained in Title 24, Part 81, Subpart H of the Code of Federal Regulations, which govern the terms and conditions under which the Issuer may issue securities on the book-entry system of the Federal Reserve Banks and authorize a Federal Reserve Bank to act as the Issuer’s agent in connection with such securities.
Book-Entry Rules. The Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations (24 C.F.R. Part 81, Subpart H) applicable to the Fed Book-Entry Debt Securities, FHFA regulations, 12 C.F.R. Part 1249, and such procedures as to which Xxxxxxx Mac and the FRBNY may agree. Business Day: (i) With respect to Fed Book-Entry Debt Securities, any day other than (a) a Saturday, (b) a Sunday, (c) a day on which the FRBNY is closed, (d) as to any Holder of a Fed Book-Entry Debt Security, a day on which the Federal Reserve Bank that maintains the Holder’s account is closed, or (e) a day on which Xxxxxxx Mac’s offices are closed; and (ii) with respect to Registered Debt Securities, any day other than (a) a Saturday, (b) a Sunday, (c) a day on which banking institutions are closed in the City of New York, (d) for any required payment, a day on which banking institutions are closed in the place of payment, or (e) a day on which Xxxxxxx Mac’s offices are closed. Calculation Agent: Xxxxxxx Mac or a bank or broker-dealer designated by Xxxxxxx Mac in the applicable Supplemental Agreement as the entity responsible for determining the interest rate on a Variable Rate Debt Security.
Book-Entry Rules. The provisions from time to time in effect, presently contained in Title 12, Part 1249 of the Code of Federal Regulations, setting forth the terms and conditions under which Freddie Mac may issue securities on the Fed System and authorizing a Federal Reserve Bank to act as Freddie Mac’s agent in connection with such securities.” In addition, the following definition is substituted for the definition of “Class Factor”: “A truncated (or, commencing with the Class Factors for the month of August 2016, rounded rather than truncated) eight-digit decimal published or otherwise made available by the Administrator, on behalf of the Trustee, unless otherwise provided in the related Terms Supplement: (i) in the case of Multiclass PCs and related MACR Certificates, on or about the fifth business day of each month or (ii) in the case of Multiclass Securities and related MACR Certificates, on or about the tenth business day of each month. As to each Class having a stated principal amount, the Class Factor for such Class, when multiplied by the original principal amount of a Certificate of that Class (assuming such Certificate was issued on the applicable Startup Day), will equal its remaining principal amount, after giving effect to any payment of (and/or addition to) principal to be made on the Payment Date in the same month or, in the case of a Class directly or indirectly backed by Original PCs or ARM PCs, in the following month; and as to each Interest Only Class having a notional principal amount, the Class Factor for such Class, when multiplied by the original notional principal amount of a Certificate of such Class (assuming such Certificate was issued on the applicable Startup Day), will equal its remaining notional principal amount after the Payment Date occurring in the same month or, in the case of a Class directly or indirectly backed by Original PCs or ARM PCs, in the following month. The Class Factor for a Retail Class applies to such Class as a whole, not to any related Retail Class Units, and disregards any rounding of principal payments.” Capitalized terms used in this Amendment have the meanings given them in the Agreement. Except as specifically amended above, the Agreement will remain in full force and effect and is hereby ratified and confirmed.
Book-Entry Rules. The provisions from time to time in effect, presently contained in Title 12, Part 1249 of the Code of Federal Regulations, setting forth the terms and conditions under which Freddie Mac may issue securities on the Fed System and authorizing a Federal Reserve Bank to act as Freddie Mac’s agent in connection with such securities.” The following definition is substituted for the definition of “Pool Factor”: “With respect to each PC Pool, a truncated (or, commencing with the Pool Factors for the month of August 2016, rounded rather than truncated) eight-digit decimal calculated for each month by the Administrator which, when multiplied by the original principal balance of the related PCs, will equal their remaining principal amount. The Pool Factor for any month reflects the remaining principal amount after the payment to be made on the Payment Date in the same month for Fixed-Rate PCs or in the following month for ARM PCs.” In addition, the following definition is substituted for the definition of “S&P”: “S&P Global Ratings, or any successor thereto.” Capitalized terms used in this Amendment have the meanings given them in the Agreement. Except as specifically amended above, the Agreement will remain in full force and effect and is hereby ratified and confirmed.
Book-Entry Rules. The provisions from time to time in effect, presently contained in Title 12, Part 1249 of the Code of Federal Regulations, setting forth the terms and conditions under which Xxxxxxx Mac may issue securities on the Fed System and authorizing a Federal Reserve Bank to act as Xxxxxxx Mac’s agent in connection with such securities.” In addition, the following definition is substituted for the definition of “Class Factor”: “For each Class of Pass-Through Certificates, a truncated (or, commencing with the Class Factors for the month of August 2016, rounded rather than truncated) eight-digit decimal that, when multiplied by the original principal amount or notional principal amount of a Pass-Through Certificate, will equal its remaining principal amount or notional principal amount after giving effect to the payment of principal or reduction in notional principal amount to be made on the Payment Date (i) in the same month, for Classes backed by Gold PCs, mortgage-related assets otherwise related to Gold PCs or GNMA Certificates or (ii) in the following month, for Classes backed by Original PCs, mortgage-related assets otherwise related to Original PCs or ARM PCs.” Capitalized terms used in this Amendment have the meanings given them in the Agreement. Except as specifically amended above, the Agreement will remain in full force and effect and is hereby ratified and confirmed.