WRITTEN QUESTIONS. Questions regarding the Statement of Need in this RFP must be submitted in writing no later than the close of business on October 6, 2022 and should be emailed to xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. Responses to questions will be answered in a written addendum.
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WRITTEN QUESTIONS. Offerors may submit written questions requesting clarification of solicitation requirements via email transmission with the subject line: “Solicitation Number: Offeror Questions” to xxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxx.xxx and copy to xxxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx0@xxxx.xxx. Potential Offerors may submit multiple questions per Submittal form by adding a row for each question. Communications with any Government employees other than the point of contact listed above are strictly prohibited. Information provided with each question should include a document name, document date, specific page, paragraph, clause or other definitive citation requiring clarification. All questions and responses will be distributed to all Offerors via solicitation amendment(s). The Government will publish all amendments containing questions and responses submitted via the website at xxx.xxx.xxx. All such questions shall be submitted electronically, in writing, within 10 calendar days after release of the solicitation to allow the Navy adequate time to prepare and issue responses to all Offerors prior to the date and time set for receipt of proposals. The Government will continue to accept questions up to the closing time of the solicitation; however, time may not permit responses to questions received after the 10-day period. Only written questions transmitted via email will receive a response. It is the Government's intent that questions and responses will be provided via an amendment to the solicitation or posted directly to FedBizOpps. Should a potential Offeror submit an inquiry they believe addresses a subject that is specific to the company (and/or addresses anything that is believed to be proprietary in nature), the inquiry shall be marked accordingly by the submitter prior to submission. If the Government concurs with this identification, the Government may respond only to the submitter or decline to answer the question. Offerors are, therefore, encouraged to submit questions that do not contain company-specific information. If the Government does not concur with the Offeror’s identification of any submitted question, it will inform the submitter of this non-concurrence and not provide any further response. Company-specific information will be omitted from all questions.
WRITTEN QUESTIONS. There is no limit on the number of questions a member may ask requiring only a written response which will be given in writing before the Council meeting.
WRITTEN QUESTIONS. 1. The arbitral tribunal may submit written questions to any disputing party at any time during the arbitral proceedings. The arbitral tribunal shall deliver the written questions to the party to which they are addressed.
WRITTEN QUESTIONS. In accordance with Article R.225-84 of the French Commercial Code, any shareholder wishing to ask written questions must, as from the date of this publication and no later than the fourth business day preceding the date of the meeting, i.e. [•], send their questions to the registered office by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the chairman of the board of directors, or by electronic means to the e-mail address provided in the convening brochure. In order to be taken into account, such questions must be accompanied by a certificate of registration.
WRITTEN QUESTIONS. Prospective Respondents who have questions regarding this RFP may email the contact listed above by the due date listed in the timeline above for written questions. Please reference “Penetration Testing RFP Questions” in the subject line of the email. The questions (without identification of the questioner) and the answers will be posted on the CTPF website according to the above timeline.
WRITTEN QUESTIONS. The tenderer has the possibility to receive additional information concerning the tender documenta- tion and the product by written questions. Questions must be submitted in written and in English directed to the contact person referred to in section 1. Questions must be submitted via xxx.xxxxxx.xx. Questions may not be submitted in any other way including e-mail. All tenderers will be informed of the written questions and their answers in anonymous form via xxx.xxxxxx.xx continuously and simultaneously. The tenderer is encouraged to check for updates on xxx.xxxxxxx.xx on a regular basis. Questions will be answered in English. The tenderer should ask specific questions concerning the understanding of the content of the pub- lished tender documentation, or suggest specific changes to the wordings in the published tender documentation. Question asked no later than 10 days before the deadline for submission of tenders, cf. Section 5 Timetable for the tender process, will be answered. Questions asked later than 10 days before the deadline for submission of tenders, will be answered to the extent that an answer can be provided no later than 6 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Answers to questions asked later than 6 days before the deadline for submission of tenders cannot be expected.
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WRITTEN QUESTIONS a. All questions regarding the content of this RFO must be submitted via email. The CDCR shall be notified immediately if clarification is needed. Consultants that fail to report a known or suspected problem with the RFO, or fail to seek clarification, shall submit an offer at their own risk. All questions must be received by the date and time listed in the Key Action Dates. Questions submitted via email after the deadline may be answered at the CDCR’s option. At its discretion, the CDCR may contact an inquirer to seek clarification of any inquiry received.


  • Opportunity to Ask Questions You have had the opportunity to ask questions about the Company and the investment. All your questions have been answered to your satisfaction.

  • Investor Questionnaire The undersigned represents and warrants to the Company that all information that the undersigned has provided to the Company, including, without limitation, the information in the Investor Questionnaire attached hereto or previously provided to the Company (the “Investor Questionnaire”), is correct and complete as of the date hereof.

  • No Notices Except as disclosed in the NSB Disclosure Schedule, neither NSB nor any NSB Subsidiary has received any notification or communication from any Regulatory Authority (i) asserting that it is not in substantial compliance with any of the statutes, regulations or ordinances which such Regulatory Authority enforces, which noncompliance has or could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on NSB and the NSB Subsidiaries, as a whole, (ii) threatening to revoke any license, franchise, permit or governmental authorization which is material to it, (iii) requiring or threatening to require it, or indicating that it may be required, to enter into a cease and desist order, agreement or memorandum of understanding or any other agreement restricting or limiting, or purporting to restrict or limit in any manner its operations or (iv) directing, restricting or limiting, or purporting to direct, restrict or limit in any manner its operations (any such notice, communication, memorandum, agreement or order described in this sentence shall be referred to herein as a "Regulatory Agreement"). Neither NSB nor any NSB Subsidiary has consented to or entered into any Regulatory Agreement.

  • Written Instructions Instructions may be transmitted in a writing that bears the manual signature of Authorized Persons.

  • Disclosure Materials The Mortgagor has executed a statement to the effect that the Mortgagor has received all disclosure materials required by, and the Seller has complied with, all applicable law with respect to the making of the Mortgage Loans. The Seller shall maintain such statement in the Mortgage File;

  • CONFIDENTIAL INVESTOR QUESTIONNAIRE 7.1 The Subscriber represents and warrants that he, she or it comes within one category marked below, and that for any category marked, he, she or it has truthfully set forth, where applicable, the factual basis or reason the Subscriber comes within that category. ALL INFORMATION IN RESPONSE TO THIS SECTION WILL BE KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. The undersigned agrees to furnish any additional information which the Company deems necessary in order to verify the answers set forth below. Category A The undersigned is an individual (not a partnership, corporation, etc.) whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with his or her spouse, presently exceeds $1,000,000.

  • D&O Questionnaires To the Company’s knowledge, all information contained in the questionnaires completed by each of the Company’s directors and officers immediately prior to the Offering as well as in the Lock-Up Agreement provided to the Underwriters is true and correct in all respects and the Company has not become aware of any information which would cause the information disclosed in such questionnaires become inaccurate and incorrect.

  • Underwriters’ Questionnaire Your acceptance of the Invitation Wire for an Offering or your participation in an Offering as an Underwriter will confirm that you have no exceptions to the Underwriters’ Questionnaire attached as Exhibit A hereto (or to any other questions addressed to you in any Wires relating to the Offering previously sent to you), other than exceptions noted by you In Writing in connection with the Offering and received from you by us before the time specified in the Invitation Wire or any subsequent Wire.

  • ACCREDITED INVESTOR QUESTIONNAIRE In order for the Company to offer and sell the Securities in conformance with state and federal securities laws, the following information must be obtained regarding your investor status. Please initial each category applicable to you as a Purchaser of Securities of the Company.

  • No Notice The Seller represents and warrants that it acquired title to the Receivables in good faith, without notice of any adverse claim.

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