Preliminary Results Sample Clauses

Preliminary Results. The results from this study revealed potential sites of suitable habitat AJL and three key areas that should be evaluated for potential conservation sites (Figure 6). The largest priority area was 0.5 km2, while priorities 1 and 2 were 0.2 km2 and 0.17 km2, respectively. These areas should be field tested to ensure that the predictability of the model was accurate, and conservation actions should be assigned as needed to preserve current or future habitat sites for this rare species.
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Preliminary Results. Dear Secretary Xxxxxxxx: On behalf of the American Sugar Coalition and its members1 (“Petitioners”), we hereby submit the following comments in advance of the Department’s Preliminary Results of the instant administrative review. We hereby request proprietary treatment for the information contained in brackets in this submission pursuant to 19 C.F.R. § 351.303 because this information has been designated as proprietary by the mandatory respondents to this review. Pursuant to the Department’s one-day 1 The Members of the American Sugar Coalition are as follows: American Sugar Cane League, American Sugarbeet Growers Association, American Sugar Refining, Inc., Florida Sugar Cane League, Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers, Inc., Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida, and the United States Beet Sugar Association. XXXXXXX XXXX XXXX The Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx X. Pritzker PUBLIC VERSION October 28, 2016 Page 2 lag rule, the initial proprietary version of this submission was filed on Friday and a final version containing any changes to the bracketing of proprietary information will be filed today under separate cover. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned with any questions or concerns regarding this submission. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx X. Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Xx. International Trade Advisors Xxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx XXXXXXX XXXX XXXX (USA) LLP Counsel for Petitioners REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFICATION I, Xxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx, with Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx (USA) LLP, counsel to the American Sugar Coalition, certify that I have read the attached submission, "Sugar from Mexico: Petitioners ' Comments in Advance of the Department's Preliminary Results" dated October 28, 2016 pursuant to the Administrative Review of the Suspension Agreement suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Sugar from Mexico (A-201-845). In my capacity as counsel of this submission, I certify that the information contained in this submission is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that U.S. law (including, but not limited to, 18 U.S.C. 1001) imposes criminal sanctions on individuals who knowingly and willfully make material false statements to the U.S. Government. In addition, I am aware that, even if this submission may be withdrawn from the record of the AD proceeding, the U.S. Department of Commerce may preserve this submission, including a busi...
Preliminary Results. As we have seen in the background the theory of q-deformations is built in parallel to the questions one finds in traditional Lie Theory. Often the nice notions of Lie Theory do not carry into its deformation, for example Uq(sl2) is not a group so does not have subgroups. Kirillov and Ostrick utilize a way of defining a “finite subgroup” for Uq(sl2) which has parallel properties to finite subgroups of sl2. Given a semi simple abelian rigid balanced braided tensor category C over C, we define a C-Algebra A as an object A ∈ C with morphisms µ : A ⊗ A → A and iA : 1 → A that satisfy the following conditions:
Preliminary Results. The CONTRACTOR will provide initial findings from Services performed during Discovery Phases 1 and 2. These preliminary results shall be an early overview of the project's progress and a chance for meaningful feedback from the COUNTY.
Preliminary Results. The preliminary results from Discovery Phases 1 and 2 must be presented in a clear and concise format, provide a timely overview of the project’s progress, and include mechanisms for meaningful feedback.
Preliminary Results. 242 In the Pollen Only subset with bleach treatments, in any of the triplicates of each combination of concentration and incubation time, there were no PCR products observed on the 244 agarose gel. This showed that even at low concentrations, for a short incubation time, bleach was successful in removing all DNA from pollen. In the Purified DNA Only subset with the three 246 chemical treatments (sodium hydroxide, Exitus, hydrochloric acid), there were also no bands in any triplicates of each chemical combination. This showed that all three chemicals tested were 248 efficient at removing purified DNA. I filtered the data to examine individual data subsets of Pollen Only, Leaf Only, and 250 Anther Only. For each chemical, I calculated the total number of bands, for each type of intensity. I then divided each raw count by the sample size used for each chemical. This allowed 252 me to compare each category of band intensity across all three chemicals for each of the data subsets. In the Pollen Only subset, there were similar proportions of intermediate bands across all 254 three chemical treatments, with the hydrochloric acid treatment showing the highest proportion of replicates having no bands (Table 1). This indicated that none of the chemicals were 256 successful in destroying all of the pollen DNA. In the Leaf Only subset, sodium hydroxide treatments resulted in the highest proportion of replicates having no bands (Table 2). In the 258 Anther Only subset, hydrochloric acid treatments resulted in the highest proportion of replicates having no bands (Table 3). I also conducted an ordinal logistic regression test comparing band 260 intensity and chemicals. Overall, I found that sodium hydroxide had a significant effect on lowering band intensity (p=0.0010) (Table 4). I also conducted OLR tests on incubation times 262 for the three chemicals, but found no significant effects.
Preliminary Results. Many unit tests have been implemented for the Context Management component. In this section, we report the results of these tests illustrating that all the operations are properly implemented. The results of the tests passed for the “in-memory” and the “Redis” backend, and for the gRPC and REST interfaces are summarized in Table 5. Note that for gRPC tests, each test involves the listing and retrieval of non-existing objects, the creation and update of the objects, the retrieval of existing objects, and the removal of the objects. In all cases, the appropriate constraints (existence of dependencies, correctness of data types, etc.) are checked. Moreover, all the operations tested are interleaved with the testing of the publish-subscribe mechanism used to retrieve notifications when the database objects are created, updated, or deleted.
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Preliminary Results. ‌ It is worth mentioning that some of the functional blocks exposed by the Monitoring component are only partially implemented at the time of this report. The component will be upgraded and completed in the following iterations. Here, we present the screenshots of some preliminary results achieved during the development and testing of the Monitoring component regarding the parts that have been fully implemented.
Preliminary Results. The Traffic Engineering component has already been partially implemented, even though not yet integrated as a fully-fledged TeraFlow Component. Most notably the PCE element was demonstrated at the 2021 IEEE NFV-SDN conference. The demonstration visualizes the Erlang PCE setting-up and performing Traffic Engineering over a virtualized network composed of six interconnected routers as shown in Figure 9, where each head- end router connects to the Erlang PCE through PCEP. The routers are instances of Free-Range Routing (FRR) daemons running on a single desktop machine with a network virtualized using Linux namespaces. <.. image(A picture containing timeline Description automatically generated) removed ..> Figure 9: Virtual topology used for demonstrating Transport Engineering. A flow of ICMP packets is initiated between the source and destination, and the flow is directed from one side of the topology to the other side using the PCE console as shown in Figure 10. The demonstration then validates whether flow migration is effective by using packet inspection.
Preliminary Results. ‌ A set of unit tests has been defined for the Device component. In this section, we report the results of the tests illustrating those operations and features for the released components that operate correctly. Note that some of the drivers are work in progress, thus only the tests for the Device Driver API, the Emulated Device Driver, and the OpenConfig Device Driver are reported. Note also that the monitoring functionality of the Device Drivers is work in progress. For the tests, the Device component makes use of an “in-memory” instance of Context Management component. The results of the tests passed are summarized in Table 14. The tests for the Driver API consist of validating the different methods by means of the Emulated Driver directly without using the gRPC interface of the Device component. Then, the gRPC interface is added when testing the Device component with the Emulated Driver. Finally, the last implemented test focuses on testing the OpenConfig Device Driver, also through the gRPC interface of the Device component. In all cases, the appropriate constraints (existence of dependencies, correctness of data types, confirmation of retrieved values in the test cases, etc.) are checked. Table 14: Unit tests passed for the Device component. $ docker exec -i $IMAGE_NAME bash -c "pytest --log-level=DEBUG --verbose $IMAGE_NAME/tests/ $IMAGE_NAME/tests/" 121============================= test session starts ============================== 122platform linux -- Python 3.9.6, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /usr/local/bin/python3 123cachedir: .pytest_cache
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