Preconstruction Phase Services. Preconstruction Phase Services shall mean all services described in Article 3.1, and any similar services described in the Request for Proposals, including such similar services as are described in the Construction Manager at Risk’s Response to the Request for Proposals to the extent they are accepted by Owner, but excluding any Early Work. Early Work shall be considered part of Construction Phase Services.
Preconstruction Phase Services. The CM/GC agrees to provide all of the Preconstruction Phase Services described below and further defined in the Request for Proposal on an ongoing basis in support of, and in conformance with, the time frames described in the RFP. Commencement of the Construction Phase shall not excuse CM/GC from completion of the Preconstruction Phase Services if such services have not been fully performed at commencement of the Construction Phase. Preconstruction Phase Services shall include CM Services performed during the Preconstruction Phase.
3.1.1 The CM/GC shall provide a preliminary evaluation of the Owner’s program and budget requirements, each in terms of the other.
3.1.2 The CM/GC shall provide the following services relating to design and preconstruction tasks:
(a) The CM/GC will provide the Preconstruction Phase Services described in this Article, and as presented in the Request for Proposal and its Attachments and Exhibits, and as further described in negotiated Scope of Work, Fee, and Schedule. Commencement of the Construction Phase shall not excuse CM/GC from completion of the Preconstruction Phase Services if such services have not been fully performed at commencement of the Construction Phase. Preconstruction Phase Services shall include CM Services performed during the Preconstruction Phase.
3.1.3 The CM/GC shall provide the following services related to the Project schedule:
(a) The CM/GC shall prepare, and periodically update, a preliminary Project schedule for the Owner’s review and approval.
(b) The CM/GC shall coordinate and integrate the preliminary Project schedule with the services and activities of the Owner, Design Team, and CM/GC. As design proceeds, CM/GC shall update the preliminary Project schedule to indicate proposed activity sequences and durations, milestone dates for receipt and approval of pertinent information, submittal of a GMP proposal, preparation and processing of shop drawings and samples, delivery of materials or equipment requiring long-lead time procurement, and Owner’s occupancy requirements showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority, provided that the date(s) of Substantial Completion shall not be modified without Owner’s prior written approval.
3.1.4 The CM/GC shall make recommendations to design consultant and Owner regarding the phased issuance of Plans and Specifications to facilitate phased construction of the Work, if such phased construction is appropriate for the Project, taking into consideration ...
Preconstruction Phase Services. The services to be provided under Article 3 constituting the preconstruction phase services to be performed by the Contractor.
Preconstruction Phase Services. Preconstruction Phase Services shall mean all services described in Article 3.1, and any similar services described in the Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”), including such similar services as are described in the CM/GC's
Preconstruction Phase Services. The CM/GC agrees to provide all of the Preconstruction Phase Services described below on an ongoing basis in support of, and in conformance with, the time frames described in the Request for Proposals. Commencement of the Construction Phase shall not excuse CM/GC from completion of the Preconstruction Phase Services, if such services have not been fully performed at commencement of the Construction Phase. Preconstruction Phase Services shall include CM Services performed during the Preconstruction Phase.
3.1.1 The CM/GC shall provide a preliminary evaluation of the Owner’s program and budget requirements, each in terms of the other.
3.1.2 The CM/GC shall provide the following services relating to design and preconstruction tasks:
(a) The CM/GC shall consult with, advise, assist, and provide recommendations to the Owner and the design team on all aspects of the planning and design of the Work, subject to the limitations of Article 3.4 of this CM/GC Contract.
(b) Provide pre-programming cost estimate based on existing documents. This shall include reviewing of the scope and cost estimates of the existing ISES reports, meeting with PSU crews, and studying the scale and construction techniques for the proposed expansion.
(c) The CM/GC shall jointly schedule and attend regular meetings with the Architect/Engineer and Owner’s Authorized Representative. The CM/GC shall consult with the Owner and Architect/Engineer and Owner’s Authorized Representative regarding site use and improvements, and the selection of materials, building systems and equipment.
(d) The CM/GC shall provide recommendations on construction feasibility; actions designed to minimize adverse effects of labor or material shortages; time requirements for procurement, installation and construction completion; and factors related to construction cost including estimates of alternative designs or materials, preliminary budgets and possible economies.
(e) The CM/GC shall review in-progress design documents, including the documents generally described in the industry as Schematic Design Documents, Design Development Documents, and Construction Documents (50%, 90% and 100%) and provide input and advice on construction feasibility, alternative materials, and availability. CM/GC shall review these completed Schematic Design Documents, Design Development Documents, and Construction Documents (50%, 90% and 100%) and timely suggest modifications to improve completeness and clarity.
3.1.3 The CM/GC shall provi...
Preconstruction Phase Services. The Construction Manager shall:
2.2.1 Provide preconstruction deliverables consisting of a report at Schematic Design, 100% Design Development, and a review at 50% Construction Documents together with a confirmation of scope. The reports shall include a complete discussion and summary
2.2.2 Review designs during their development. Advise on site use and improvements, selection of materials, building systems and equipment and methods of Project delivery. Provide recommendations on relative feasibility of construction methods, availability of materials and labor, time requirements for procurement, installation and construction and factors related to cost including, but not limited to, costs of alternative designs or materials, preliminary budgets and possible economics.
2.2.3 Provide, for the Design Professional's and the Owner's review and acceptance, a Project Schedule that coordinates and integrates the CM's services, the Design Professional's services and the Owner's responsibilities with anticipated construction schedules. The CM shall update this schedule periodically, as required.
2.2.4 Prepare for the Owner's approval a detailed estimate of construction costs, including quantity take-off and unit pricing, developed by using estimating techniques which anticipate the various elements of the Project, and based on design documents prepared by the Design Professional. Update and refine this estimate periodically as the Design Professional prepares Construction Documents. Notify the Owner and the Design Professional if it appears that the construction cost may exceed the Project budget. Make recommendations for corrective action
2.2.5 Coordinate Contract Documents by consulting with the Owner and the Design Professional regarding Drawings and Specifications as they are being prepared, and recommending alternative solutions whenever design details affect construction feasibility, cost, or schedules. Advise on the separation of the Project into contracts for various categories of Work. If separate contracts are to be awarded by the Owner, review the Drawings and Specifications and make recommendations as required to provide that [1] the Work of the separate contractors is coordinated with that of the Trade Contractors, [2] all requirements for the Project have been assigned to the appropriate separate contract, [3] the likelihood of jurisdictional disputes has been minimized, and [4] proper coordination has been provided for phased construction.
Preconstruction Phase Services. The CM/GC agrees to provide all of the Preconstruction Phase Services described below on an ongoing basis in support of, and in conformancewith, thetimeframesdescribed intheRFP. CommencementoftheConstruction Phase does not excuse the CM/GC from completion of the Preconstruction Phase Services, if such services have not been fully performed at commencement of the Construction Phase. Preconstruction Phase Services include CM Services performed during the Preconstruction Phase. Time is of the essence for the duration of this contract.
Preconstruction Phase Services. 2.1.2 Construction Preparation Period.
Preconstruction Phase Services. CM shall perform the following Preconstruction Phase Work, and shall continue to provide the required services as needed throughout the duration of the Contract:
Preconstruction Phase Services. 3.1 A. Services during Preconstruction Phase During the preconstruction phase the Service Provider shall: Perform the services that are required by the Task Order. Work closely with the Trustees to bring best value to the Project, as defined by the Trustees. All preconstruction phase services are more fully described in the following sections. Service Provider shall only provide services required by each Task Order.