Similar Services definition

Similar Services means services that are comparable to those contemplated in the application and for which there are standards in the State Health Plan.”
Similar Services has the meaning given in Section 1.6.
Similar Services means services are similar to other services if they are similar as other services or if they are of the same description as that of the other services;

Examples of Similar Services in a sentence

  • Similar services should be available to regional offices, if utilized.

  • If a renter is in a unit that is paying higher than average property taxes, the change will have a negative impact; whereas if the unit’s property taxes are low in relation to rent paid, the renter will benefit from this change.

  • Similar services as those available at Service Centres may be offered through Mobile Service Centres.

  • Similar services, even when provided by two different I/T/U health care practitioners, are not considered multiple encounters.

  • Similar services are being developed by platforms such as YouTube.

More Definitions of Similar Services

Similar Services are defined in paragraphs 7(c)(2)(C) through (G). You acknowledge and agree that you have had access to and received Confidential Information (described in paragraph 7(c)(5)(B) below) and the above time and geographic restrictions are reasonable and necessary to protect Cigna’s business and Confidential Information.
Similar Services means services similar to the services you perform, or for which you have responsibility, at a Cigna Company within the Restricted Area during the six-month period that ends on your Termination of Employment date.
Similar Services means, each of the following for any given audit: (A) the overall combination of services and associated deliverables required by the Amdocs customer; (B) the specific combination of development services and associated deliverables required by the Amdocs customer; and (C) the specific combination of operation services and associated deliverables required by the Amdocs customer, in each case including the time period during which the overall or applicable services are provided and the overall or applicable revenue stream generated by the customer, taking into account the duration of the underlying agreement, where the services and associated deliverables provided to other than Sprint Amdocs customers resemble, as best as possible on a relative basis, the Services provided to Sprint under this Agreement. In other words, Net Price comparisons of Similar Services with regard to the combinations described in (A), (B) and (C) above. For avoidance of doubt, in no event will Amdocs refuse to conduct a [**] audit on the basis that there does not exist Similar Services, but will instead conduct such audit with respect to the services provided to other Amdocs customers that resemble, as best as possible on a relative basis, Similar Services.
Similar Services means the services pertaining to Housekeeping and Sanitation services discharged by the bidder in past.
Similar Services means discretionary investment management services provided by you in accordance with your Global Leaders investment strategy (or any successor to such strategy). You may not serve as the sole investment adviser or subadviser to another publicly offered, U.S. open-end mutual fund (i.e., investment company that is subject to the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) (a “U.S. Mutual Fund”) that would be in direct competition with the Fund for the life of this Agreement, including any continuation thereof. Direct competition means publicly offered U.S. Mutual Funds for which you serve as the sole investment adviser or subadviser and for which you employ your “Global Leaders” equity investment strategy or any successor to such strategy). For the avoidance of doubt, direct competition would also include serving as investment adviser or subadviser to publicly offered U.S. Mutual Funds structured as fund-of-funds type vehicles with broader mandates that (i) historically have invested at least a portion of their assets in, among other types of instruments, proprietary and third-party advised publicly offered U.S. Mutual Funds to gain exposure to specific investment strategies, (ii) may seek exposure to your Global Leaders equity investment strategy or any successor to such strategy, and (iii) may utilize the Fund as one of the underlying funds to provide that investment exposure in place of engaging you directly to serve as investment adviser or subadviser to that fund (the “fund-of-funds restriction”). In light of the continuing evolution of products offered by third parties that may be subject to this fund-of-funds restriction, the parties agree to discuss in good faith any and all such future products that may be covered by this fund-of-funds restriction. This restriction on serving as investment adviser or subadviser to another publicly offered, U.S. Mutual Funds that would be in direct competition with the Fund shall not apply to any publicly offered, U.S. Mutual Fund which (i) is marketed or held out to the public as employing a multi-manager investment approach, (ii) in fact does employ multiple managers to achieve its investment objectives, and (iii) is not structured as a fund-of-funds type vehicle that is seeking exposure to an investment strategy substantially similar to that utilized by the Fund and that may otherwise utilize the Fund to provide that investment exposure. For the avoidance of doubt, the restriction in this paragraph shall not...
Similar Services means any services that are the same as, or similar to, any Services you provided during the last 12 months, or the performance of which would require you to use, or be aided by the use of, any confidential information. typical benefits of employment means all incidents of employment and all incidents of deemed employment under the deeming provisions of laws concerning superannuation, workers’ compensation, tax and payroll tax, including (as applicable) all:
Similar Services means experience in providing personnel of the type –Data Entry Operators, as a Manpower Agency or Manpower Supplier. The experience in providing manpower in unrelated fields such as “Security Agencies”, “Manual Labour or Housekeeping Services or Cleaning/Sweeping Works” shall not be counted as experience in this regard.