Error messages Sample Clauses

Error messages. E001: AS400 user <user> does not have the authority to execute QMirror/BK E002: Object list is empty. Please build up object list from AS400 libraries E004: Make sure the latest PTFs are applied to the AS400 server at <IP address> E101: QMirror/BK license is expired or incorrect E103: Configuration failure E106: Configuration ID <id> is incorrect E201: System control record in system table <database.table> is missed E203: QMirror/BK already started E204: Failed to start QMirror/BK E301: AS400 at <IP address> is not running E302: AS400 user password is incorrect E303: AS400 connection failure E304: <journal work file> cannot be created or has been locked E305: Mirror threads could not be started E306: Journal reading failure
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Error messages. Error messages are usually preceded by an audible tone that signals an instrument or test malfunction. Audio tones also sound if test parameters have been exceeded. A message statement displays on the monitor to indicate the nature of the problem. Error messages are explained in the Appendix (Chapter 14 3) of this manual.
Error messages. Errors must be handled in an appropriate manner. Failed login attempts to the Application must not display detailed information about the failed login attempt (e.g. incorrect password or unknown System User account). Other security related errors (e.g. file not found or permission denied) must generate generic error responses. Detailed error information must be written to secure logs so that developers and system administrators have access to error details required to address the error. Fully Compliant 1.14
Error messages. In addition to the flashing battery symbol that indicates the need for battery charging, any of several other error messages may appear on the screen: MESSAGES MEANING ERROR MESSAGE 1: VALUE TOO LOW or ERROR MESSAGE 2: VALUE TOO HIGH ERROR MESSAGE 3: CANNOT AUTOZERO ERROR MESSAGE 4: PROBE SUPPLY LOW Measured value beyond specified range of instrument, probe disconnected or incorrect measurement mode. If VALUE TOO HIGH is not displayed when probe is lifted in CONFIDENCE CHECK, check operating environment. Analog circuit malfunction or calibration problems. Measuring voltage supply out of regulation due to overload or instrument failure.
Error messages. Always ask the person who is reporting an error to record an error message related to the symptom that is visible. The error message may be:  In a console window, or  At the Solidifier command line interface, or  In a popup window from the Operating System or an application (Windows only), or  In the event viewer  In the /var/log/messages file (Linux) or /var/adm/messages file (Solaris) These error messages provide valuable insight to people who investigate the problem further. If there are multiple error messages that look similar but are not identical, the user should record the details of each one as they will be helpful for providing the context surrounding the problem. Command Line Interface Error Messages When an invalid filename is provided to a command such as sadmin so, then the following message is displayed on the CLI: The path 'filename' does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Error messages. XLOAD.EXE If XLOAD d o es n o t exec u t e su cc essf u ll y, an err o r messag e w ill be d ispl ayed an d an exit c o d e w ill be r et u r n ed . Th e err o r messa g es a n d c o rr espo n d in g exit c o d es (DOS ERRORLEVEL) ar e as f o ll o w s: "A c o mma n d l in e err o r w as f o u n d w h en exec u t in g XLOAD " An in v al id c o mman d l in e ar g u men t w as u sed o r t h e CODEFILE o r CON FIG ar g u men t s w er e o mitt ed (exit c o d e o f 1). "Th e f i l e FILENAME w as n o t f o u n d " A f i l en ame l is t ed in t h e c o mma n d l in e ar g u men t s w as n o t f o u n d in t h e d ef in ed d ir ec t o r y (exit c o d e o f 2). "Th e par amet er PARAMETER w as n o t f o u n d in t h e c o n f ig u r at io n f i l e " Th er e is a n err o r in t h e HDLC c o n f ig u r a t io n f i l e a n d t h e l is t ed PARAMETER c o u l d n o t be l o c at ed (exit c o d e o f 3). "Th e pa r amet er PARAMETER r ea d f r o m t h e c o n f ig u r at io n f i l e is in v al id " Th er e is a n err o r in t h e HDLC c o n f ig u r a t io n f i l e as t h e l is t ed PARAMETER is in v al id (exit c o d e o f 3). "Th e c o d e r u nn in g o n t h e a d apt er is n o t t h e same as t h e o r ig in al d o w n l o a d ed c o d e " Th er e is a mem o r y o r I/ O po r t a dd r ess c o n f l ic t in yo u r PC. Ch a n g e t h e I/ O po r t a dd r ess a n d / o r t h e mem o r y seg men t a n d mem o r y w in d o w par amet er s (exit c o d e o f 4 ). "Th e d o w n l o ad ed c o d e is n o t r u nn in g o n t h e a d apt er " Th e SDLA CPU h as h al t ed . Co n t ac t yo u r Xx x x x ma r epr esen t a t iv e (exit c o d e o f 5). "Th e S502 a d apt er is c o n f ig u r ed w i t h t h e in c o rr ec t ser ia l c o mm u n ic a t io n s c XIP " Co n t ac t yo u r San g o ma r epr esen t at ive (exit c o d e o f 6). XXX.XXX If XIP d o es n o t exec u t e su cc essf u ll y (exit c o d e o f 0x 00 ), an err o r messag e w ill be d ispl ayed an d a n o n -z er o exit c o d e w ill be r et u r n ed . Th e err o r messa g es a n d c o rr espo n d in g exit c o d es ar e as f o ll o w s:
Error messages. The system shall display plain language error messages that end users will understand and will help the user correct the error.
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Error messages. Errors must be handled in an appropriate manner. Failed login attempts to the Application must not display detailed information about the failed login attempt (e.g. incorrect password or unknown System User account). Other security related errors (e.g. file not found or permission denied) must generate generic error responses. Detailed error information must be written to secure logs so that developers and system administrators have access to error details required to address the error. 3 Please refer to the City’s Data Classification Policy for further detail EXHIBIT F ACRONYMNS ADA Americans with Disabilities Act API Application Programing Interface DR Disaster Recovery GUI Graphic User Interface HTML Hyper Text Markup Language IP Internet Protocol LAN Local Area Network LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol PDT Pacific Daylight Time REST Representational State Transfer RFP Request for Proposal RSS Really Simple Syndication SaaS Software as a Service XXXX Security Assertion Markup Language SCCM System Center Configuration Manager SDI Serial Digital Interface SDK Software Development Kit SIEM Security Incident & Event Management TB Tera Byte URL Uniform Resource Locator USA United States of America VPAT Voluntary Product Accessibility Template WAN Wide Area Network City of San Diego
Error messages. The error messages passed from SA&PI to AITV will be in the language of the passenger. In case the language of the passenger is not available the message will be in English. In case the passenger selected another Costa Crociere S.p.A. AITV – Functional Requirements and SAPI Interface 4/8 language inside AITV, SA&PI will still use the passenger language or English. The system doesn’t preview error messages passed from AITV to SA&PI. No modifications preview for Allin.
Error messages. In order to improve our Service, we collect data when error messages occur within the app. This data is used to fix bugs and improve the app’s functionality in subsequent releases. Log Data We want to inform you that whenever you use our Service, in case of an error in the app, we collect data and information (through third-party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing our Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.
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