Computer Networks. Any funds used to maintain or establish a computer network shall block the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography, except that this Section 29 shall not limit the use of funds necessary for any federal, state, tribal, or local law enforcement agency or any other entity carrying out criminal investigations, prosecution, or adjudication activities.
Computer Networks. No Federal funds granted pursuant to this Subaward Contract may be used to maintain or establish a computer network. Any funds used to maintain or establish a computer network shall block the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography.
Computer Networks. No Federal funds granted pursuant to this Grant Contract may be used to maintain or establish a computer network.
Computer Networks. The Host Committee shall provide or purchase, and provide for the installation of, wireless & wired local area networks (“LANs”) connecting users within the Convention Facilities and other locations by the DNCC and a wide area network connecting all such LANs with each other. The LANs must support open standard to enable multi-vendor connectivity and support all of the types of wireless-enabled devices to be provided hereunder; and have a minimum bandwidth of 100 MB/second. Subject to the provisions of Article 3 and Exhibit B hereof, the DNCC reserves the right to modify any of the specifications or requirements set forth in this Article 9 for any reason including to reflect advances in applicable technology between the date hereof and the time the systems and networks to be provided herein are installed.
9.1.1. Servers and/or cloud computing platforms must be accessible by laptops and must be capable of daily back-up; have redundancy sufficient to prevent any single point of failure from disabling normal network operations; recovery in four hours or less; and ability to administer enterprise systems and services.
9.1.2. Wide area network systems must link the Headquarters Office, the Licensed Premises, the Headquarters Hotel and all of the other Convention Offices with each other, with connections to the Internet and a virtual private network to allow DNCC staff to securely to access DNCC technology infrastructure features and services.
9.1.3. Each of the Convention Offices shall be equipped with a modern structured cabling system with quad voice, data (2 voice/2 data) and a single CATV, utilizing a minimum of CAT 6 cable for all data cabling; and with all office wiring terminated on patch panel and a minimum bandwidth of 100 mb/second.
9.1.4. The Host Committee shall provide all required network installation personnel, wiring and cabling, warranty maintenance, surge suppressors and similar equipment and technical and maintenance support for all network systems and equipment, including all computers, peripheral and other devices and cabling and connectivity devices and elements.
Computer Networks. The applicant understands and agrees that it cannot use VOCA Grant funds to maintain or establish a computer network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography.
Computer Networks. Early computers were self-contained machines. Data could be input into them (usually laboriously by punch card), and after the computer processed the data, output would be produced. But the data never left the physical environs of the single computer. To move data from one computer to another, one had to take the output of one computer and transport it physically to and then input it into the new computer. Even when input and output became somewhat more efficient— for example, by use of magnetic storage media such as “floppy disks” — the necessity for a physical transfer remained. Computer engineers recognized early on that great benefits would flow from the networking of computers. Networking has been around in specialized computing environments since the late 1960s, but it was not until the 1990s that the Internet afforded easy widespread access to large computer networks. As of June 1999, more than 171 million people around the world had Internet access and 37 percent of the U.S. population had Internet access at home or at work. Networking computers requires some basic technologies. First, some form of hardware must connect the two computers, either physically or virtually. If the computers are physically close to one another, this can be accomplished by stringing a cable between them. If the computers are physically separated by great distances, networking requires that they be connected either via telephone lines or by some form of wireless communication. Long-distance connections require some form of hardware to convert digital computer data into a form that can be transferred over the telephone lines or “narrowcast” over the airwaves. One common type of hardware that enables telephone transmissions of digital data is a modem. Modems take digital computer data, convert it to analog (sound) form for transfer over telephone lines, and then reconvert it to digital form. Networking software (and sometimes hardware components as well) is required to enable computers to communicate with each other. When one computer sends data, the other must be able to process it. Interoperability issues thus arise in the context of computer networking design. The development of standard protocols for exchanging information has fostered the growth of networking.
Computer Networks. Lessee shall, at its sole expense, procure, install and maintain all computer networks within the Premises.
Computer Networks. Contractor understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds to maintain or establish a computer network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography.
Computer Networks. This is an advanced course in computer networking. The course is designed to include materials relevant to the industry, for example IP QoS and TE necessary for VOIP and MPLS services. The course deals with the principles, architectures, algorithms, and protocols related to Internet, with emphasis on routing, transport protocol design, flow control and congestion control, IP Quality of Service and Traffic Engineering. It also introduces IP security. Anti- requisite: COE865 or ELE865. 1 Credit
Computer Networks. Prentice Hall Pro- fessional Technical Reference, 5th edition. ISBN: 978-0-13-255317-9. TeleGeography (2014). Skype traffic continues to thrive. xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx. com/press/press-releases/2014/01/15/skype-traffic-continues-to- thrive/index.html. Accessed on 26. Feb 2014.