Biomass Sample Clauses

Biomass. (1) AES Hawaii may reduce coal combustion by modifying its fuel consumption to include biomass, subject to the prior written approval of HECO, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
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Biomass. If the transfer time is short (~2 days) the samples can be shipped frozen with ice packages in an insulated container. For extended transfer time, we recommend adding RNA later to the samples or shipping on dry ice. In some special cases sample freezing drying may be necessary if keeping samples cold is not an option. • Biomass for RNA purification and analysis should be immediately preserved in e.g. RNAlater during sampling and shipped on dry ice with transit time < 2 days. Purified DNA The samples can be shipped frozen with ice packages in an insulated container. The shipped DNA should preferably have a concentration of > 2 ng/µL measured with an DNA-specific fluorometric assay (e.g. Qubit dsDNA assay) and in a total volume of 20 µL. We recommend the tubes to be sealed with wrapping film (e.g. Parafilm) to avoid evaporation during transfer time. If the samples are sent in a 96-well plate, the xxxxx should be closed with lids and not foil. Purified RNA The samples can be shipped frozen with plenty of dry ice for a short transit time (~2 days). The shipped RNA should preferably have a concentration of > 2 ng/µL measured with an RNA-specific fluorometric assay (e.g. Qubit RNA HS assay) and in a total volume of 20 µL. We recommend the tubes to be sealed with wrapping film e.g., Parafilm to avoid evaporation during transfer time. If the samples are sent in a 96-well plate, the xxxxx should be closed with lids and not foil. Shipping address Novi Science Park Att: DNASense [Assigned project CP-number from quote/contact email] Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx 00 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Biomass. The data on biomass are derived from agricultural statistics based on detailed agricultural data compilations and surveys for example the Farm Structure Survey and agricultural balances. Data are annually published in detailed reports on the farm structure in accordance with the requirements of Eurostat and the database with aggregated data is available on the website of the Statistical Office. The methodology of statistical surveys has been gradually harmonised with international standards according to recommendations of the Statistical Office of the European Communities. For domestic production in forestry (input) we used data for removals by tree species. Data have been supplied by the Slovenian Forestry Service. The data on hunting are not available in tonnes, only as the number of animals. We decided not to include them in the accounts for the time being and we shall research this domain more deeply with the expert of the Slovenian Forestry Service.
Biomass. Bamboos like clump forming species like Bayog, Kawayan Tinik and Kawayan Kiling predominate in low to medium altitudes, are the fastest growing woody plant on Earth. It is known to produce greater biomass and 30% more oxygen than hardwood forest of comparable size. Literature on bamboo productivity is scarce, however, with the study of Klienhenz and Midmore (2001) tabulate the age class distribution of bamboo stems. They show that for most species culms are distributed between four years of growth. Their average total biomass figure of 130-142 t/ha can therefore re-work to show a maximum annual productivity of between 32 and 36 t/ha. Anil-Kumar et al.(1998) report 17 t/ha/yr for Acacia auriculiformis in India, showing that the performance of Casuarina is good under dry tropical conditions however, bamboo like those of bayog is more productive than many other candidate bioenergy crops, it shares a number of desirable fuel characteristics with certain other bioenergy feedstock, such as low ash content and alkali index. Its heating value is higher than most of agricultural residues, grasses and straws.
Biomass. Biomass shall mean carbonaceous biological matter comprised of plant and animal materials including materials comprised of or deriving from plants, animals, algae, agriproducts, paper, sewage and wastes and/or co-products containing plant and/or animal matter.
Biomass. Purchaser shall have the right to offer, on or before November 1 of each calendar year during the Term, to purchase, collect and retain any Residual Biomass by notifying Seller in writing of the volume of Residual Biomass that Purchaser offers to purchase, collect and retain, which notice shall include the price Purchaser will pay for such Biomass and, with reasonable specificity, the location of such Biomass (a “Biomass Offer”). Seller shall have thirty (30) days to accept or reject such Biomass Offer by written notice delivered to Purchaser. If Seller fails to deliver such written notice within the thirty (30) day period, Seller shall be deemed to have rejected the Biomass Offer. Seller shall have the right to sell such Residual Biomass to any third party only upon the actual or deemed rejection of such Biomass Offer and under no other circumstances. If Seller accepts a Biomass Offer, Purchaser and Seller shall enter into a usual and customary agreement with respect to Purchaser’s entrance upon the Property and Purchaser’s collection of Biomass from the Property. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 2.5 to the contrary, “Residual Biomass” shall exclude any Biomass that Seller is obligated to sell to a third party under a contract with a term of at least one (1) year. Purchaser shall purchase, collect and retain *** tons of Residual Biomass during Harvest Year 2007 and *** tons of Residual Biomass in Harvest Year 2008 from the harvest locations as set forth in Schedule 9.
Biomass. Any organic material from the Non-Psychoactive Cannabis Plant or hemp, or hemp for industrial use that is made up of all parts of the plant after being harvested and transformed by drying or other processes, including organic residues or waste. The living plant is not considered Biomass.
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Related to Biomass

  • Fuel 28.1 The Vehicle must be returned with the amount of fuel equal to that at the time of the commencement of the rental. If the Vehicle is returned with less fuel, the difference will be charged to You at a rate of $5.00 including GST per litre (which includes a service component).

  • Plant The expression ‘Plant’ as used in the tender papers shall mean every temporary accessory necessary or considered necessary by the Engineer to execute, construct, complete and maintain the work and all altered, modified, substituted and additional works ordered in the time and the manner herein provided and all temporary materials and special and other articles and appliance of every sort kind and description whatsoever intended or used therefore.

  • Production Lessee shall, subject to applicable laws, regulations and orders, operate and produce all xxxxx upon the leased land so long as the same are capable of producing in paying quantities, and shall operate the same so as to produce at a rate commensurate with the rate of production of xxxxx on adjoining lands within the same field and within the limits of good engineering practice, except for such times as there exist neither market nor storage therefore, and except for such limitations on, or suspensions of, production as may be approved in writing by Lessor. Lessee shall be responsible for adequate site security on all producing properties.

  • Electricity 14.01 Tenant shall obtain electricity for the Demised Premises on a direct meter basis, Tenant shall be responsible for and pay to the applicable utility all charges for electricity as measured by such meter. Landlord shall not in any way be liable or responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage or expense which Tenant may sustain or incur if either the quantity or character of electric service is changed or is no longer available or suitable for Tenant’s requirements. Any additional riser or risers to supply Tenant’s electrical requirements, upon written request to Tenant, will be installed by Landlord, at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, unless, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, the same will cause permanent damage or injury to the Building or the Demised Premises or cause or create a dangerous or hazardous condition or interfere with or disturb other tenants or occupants. In addition to the installation of such riser or risers, Landlord will also at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, install all other equipment proper and necessary in connection therewith subject to the aforesaid terms and conditions. Tenant covenants and agrees that at all times its use of electric current shall never exceed the capacity of the feeders to the Building or the risers or wiring installation which Landlord represents is sufficient for ordinary office use. It is further covenanted and agreed by the Tenant that all the aforesaid costs and expenses are chargeable and collectible as Additional Rent and shall be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord within ten (10) days after the rendering of any xxxx or statement to the Tenant therefor. Tenant shall make no alterations or additions to the electric equipment and/or appliances without the prior written consent of Landlord in each instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, should electric service be interrupted for a period of more than five (5) consecutive business days through the sole fault of Landlord so as to prevent Tenant from using at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the Demised Premises, Fixed Rent shall xxxxx until such service resumes and Tenant is able to resume the use of at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the Demised Premises. Should such service interruption prevent Tenant from using at least seventy-five (75%) of the Demised Premises for more than sixty (60) days and be due to the sole fault of Landlord, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Landlord no later than the seventieth (70th) consecutive day and vacating no later than the ninetieth (90th) consecutive day. TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE for Tenant as to both dates.

  • Generator Subject to the provisions of this Section 29.36, Tenant shall be entitled to install, operate and maintain a generator and any other equipment related thereto, including, without limitation, a fuel system, wiring and shaft space (“Generator”) next to the Building at Tenant’s sole cost and expense (without paying any additional fee or rental to Landlord for the use thereof). Prior to the installation of the Generator, Tenant shall inspect the proposed location to determine a suitable location for the Generator, and Tenant shall submit written plans and specifications relative to the type, size and proposed location (including any proposed screening) of the Generator to Landlord for its review and written approval. Tenant shall be solely responsible for the cost of acquisition, installation, operation, and maintenance of the Generator; and Tenant shall install, maintain and operate the Generator in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, including without limitation, obtaining and maintaining any and all permits, approvals and licenses required to install and operate the Generator by any governmental authority having jurisdiction. Landlord and Tenant agree that, upon the expiration of earlier termination of the Lease Term, Tenant shall not be required to remove the Generator, any associated cabling, wiring and screening or other improvements. Tenant shall not be entitled to grant or assign to any third party (other than a permitted assignee of Tenant’s rights under the Lease or a permitted subtenant relative to the Premises (or a portion thereof)) the right to use the Generator without Landlord’s prior written consent (which consent may be granted or withheld in Landlord’s discretion). Upon reasonable advance notice to Tenant (and provided Landlord reasonably coordinates with Tenant and provides an alternate source of backup generator capacity during said transition), Landlord shall be entitled to cause the Generator to be moved to another location near the Building, at Landlord’s cost and expense. Tenant shall pay all personal property taxes on the Generator. Tenant shall also pay any increases in the real property taxes of the Building due to the installation of the Generator within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice from Landlord which includes proof of such increase in taxes. Tenant’s indemnity obligations under Section of the Lease, relating to the use of Hazardous Materials, shall apply to the use and operation of the Generator. Finally, Tenant’s insurance obligations under Section 10.3 of the Lease shall apply to the Generator.

  • Delivery Point (a) All Energy shall be Delivered hereunder by Seller to Buyer at the Delivery Point. Seller shall be responsible for the costs of delivering its Energy to the Delivery Point consistent with all standards and requirements set forth by the FERC, ISO-NE, the Interconnecting Utility and any other applicable Governmental Entity and any applicable tariff.

  • Manufacture 2.1. The LED(s) on the LED module shall be equipped with suitable fixation elements.

  • Product ACCEPTANCE Unless otherwise provided by mutual agreement of the Authorized User and the Contractor, Authorized User(s) shall have thirty (30) days from the date of delivery to accept hardware products and sixty (60) days from the date of delivery to accept all other Product. Where the Contractor is responsible for installation, acceptance shall be from completion of installation. Failure to provide notice of acceptance or rejection or a deficiency statement to the Contractor by the end of the period provided for under this clause constitutes acceptance by the Authorized User(s) as of the expiration of that period. The License Term shall be extended by the time periods allowed for trial use, testing and acceptance unless the Commissioner or Authorized User agrees to accept the Product at completion of trial use. Unless otherwise provided by mutual agreement of the Authorized User and the Contractor, Authorized User shall have the option to run testing on the Product prior to acceptance, such tests and data sets to be specified by User. Where using its own data or tests, Authorized User must have the tests or representative set of data available upon delivery. This demonstration will take the form of a documented installation test, capable of observation by the Authorized User, and shall be made part of the Contractor’s standard documentation. The test data shall remain accessible to the Authorized User after completion of the test. In the event that the documented installation test cannot be completed successfully within the specified acceptance period, and the Contractor or Product is responsible for the delay, Authorized User shall have the option to cancel the order in whole or in part, or to extend the testing period for an additional thirty (30) day increment. Authorized User shall notify Contractor of acceptance upon successful completion of the documented installation test. Such cancellation shall not give rise to any cause of action against the Authorized User for damages, loss of profits, expenses, or other remuneration of any kind. If the Authorized User elects to provide a deficiency statement specifying how the Product fails to meet the specifications within the testing period, Contractor shall have thirty (30) days to correct the deficiency, and the Authorized User shall have an additional sixty (60) days to evaluate the Product as provided herein. If the Product does not meet the specifications at the end of the extended testing period, Authorized User, upon prior written notice to Contractor, may then reject the Product and return all defective Product to Contractor, and Contractor shall refund any monies paid by the Authorized User to Contractor therefor. Costs and liabilities associated with a failure of the Product to perform in accordance with the functionality tests or product specifications during the acceptance period shall be borne fully by Contractor to the extent that said costs or liabilities shall not have been caused by negligent or willful acts or omissions of the Authorized User’s agents or employees. Said costs shall be limited to the amounts set forth in the Limitation of Liability Clause for any liability for costs incurred at the direction or recommendation of Contractor.

  • API If the Software offers integration capabilities via an API, your use of the API may be subject to additional costs or Sage specific policies and terms and conditions (which shall prevail in relation to your use of the API). You may not access or use the API in any way that could cause damage to us or the Software, or in contravention of any applicable laws. We reserve the right in our sole discretion, to: (i) update any API from time to time; (ii) place limitations around your use of any API; and (iii) deny you access to any API in the event of misuse by you or to otherwise protect our legitimate interests.

  • Raw Materials Lonza shall procure all required Raw Materials as well as consumables other than those Raw Materials that are Customer Materials. Customer shall be responsible for payment for all consumables and Raw Materials ordered or irrevocably committed to be procured by Lonza hereunder. Upon cancellation of any Batch or termination of the Agreement, all unused Raw Materials shall be paid for by Customer within [***] days of invoice and at Customer’s option will either be (a) held by Lonza for future use for the production of Product, (b) delivered to Customer, or (c) disposed of by Lonza.

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