the Tenant’s Covenants definition

the Tenant’s Covenants means the covenants set out in Schedule IV hereof.
the Tenant’s Covenants means the covenants set out in Schedule IV hereof. 1.9 "the Landlord's Covenants" shall mean the covenants set out in Schedule V hereof. 1.10 "the Insured Risks" shall mean fire, lightning, explosion, xxxxx, xxxxxxx, flood, bursting and overflowing of water tanks, apparatus or pipes, impact from aircraft and other aerial devices and any articles dropped therefrom, earthquake, riot, civil commotion, strikes, locked out workers and malicious persons and such other risks as the Landlord shall from time to time consider necessary subject to the availability of insurance cover against such risks and to the extent that and subject to such conditions as insurance cover against any such buildings is generally available. 1.11"interest" shall mean interest at the rate of interest charged in respect of Income tax under the Income Tax Xxx 0000. 1.12 "the Planning Acts" shall mean the local Government (Planning and Development) Acts 1963 to 1993 and all statutes regulations and orders included by virtue of Clause 2.5 hereof. 1.13 "development" shall have the meaning given to it by the Planning Acts. 1.14 "the Surveyor" shall mean any person or firm appointed by or acting for the Landlord to perform the function of the Surveyor for any purposes of this Lease. 1.15 "the Superior Lease" shall mean the Lease under which the Landlord holds the property from Industrial Development Agency (Ireland).
the Tenant’s Covenants means the covenants and conditions contained or referred to in clause 5 and the Office Covenants

Examples of the Tenant’s Covenants in a sentence

  • The Tenant is to comply with the Tenant’s Covenants throughout the Term and the Landlord is to comply with the Landlord’s Covenants throughout the Term.

  • The Tenant shall peaceably and quietly hold and enjoy the Premises without any unlawful interruption or disturbance from or by the HDB, subject to the Tenant performing and observing all the Tenant’s Covenants.

  • IMPORTANT: The following Special Provisions, more particularly described in the Tenant’s Covenants in Clause 3 of this Agreement, are repeated here for the avoidance of any doubt.

More Definitions of the Tenant’s Covenants

the Tenant’s Covenants means the Tenant’s Covenants as defined and contained in the Lease

Related to the Tenant’s Covenants

  • the Tenant means the party(ies) named on the tenancy agreement as the tenant of The Property.

  • Sublessee means any party to whom Lessee grants the right to possess all or any portion of the Premises according to a Sublease.

  • THE LESSEE or any other Person includes without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement any successor in title to it and any permitted assignee;

  • Lessee means a person who acquires the right to possession and use of goods under a lease. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term includes a sublessee.

  • Subtenant means any Person entitled to occupy, use, or possess any Premises under a Sublease.

  • Subleased Premises means such portions of the Leased Premises being particularly identified on Schedule B, which the parties agree, for the purposes of this Sublease and any square footage calculations pursuant hereto, is approximately 42,244 square feet of office (21,068 square feet on the third floor and 21,176 square feet on the seventh floor) and approximately 9.4312% of common space (building rentable area is 447,917 square feet).

  • Sublessor means one who conveys real property by sublease."

  • Lessees SIGNATURE: DATE: PRINT NAME: LESSOR’S SIGNATURE: DATE: PRINT NAME: LESSOR’S ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF County, ss. On this day of , 20 , before me appeared , as LESSOR of this Commercial Lease Agreement who proved to me through government issued photo identification to be the above-named person, in my presence executed foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. Notary Public My commission expires: LESSEE’S ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF County, ss. On this day of , 20 , before me appeared , as LESSEE of this Commercial Lease Agreement who proved to me through government issued photo identification to be the above-named person, in my presence executed foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. Notary Public

  • Master Lease means that certain [Master Lease title], relating to the leasing of, inter alia, the Healthcare Facility by Borrower to Master Tenant.

  • Tenant means a person entitled under a rental agreement to occupy a dwelling unit to the exclusion of others.

  • Sublandlord means the holder of sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease. In the event of any assignment or transfer of the Sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease, which assignment or transfer may occur at any time during the Term in Sublandlord’s sole discretion, Sublandlord shall be and hereby is entirely relieved of all covenants and obligations of Sublandlord hereunder accruing subsequent to the date of the transfer and it shall be deemed and construed, without further agreement between the parties hereto, that any transferee has assumed and shall carry out all covenants and obligations thereafter to be performed by Sublandlord hereunder. Sublandlord may transfer and deliver the then existing Letter of Credit to the transferee of Sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease, and thereupon Sublandlord shall be discharged from any further liability with respect thereto. In addition, Sublandlord shall comply with all of its obligations as “Tenant” under the Master Lease except to the extent that any such obligation is the obligation of Subtenant pursuant to the terms of this Sublease. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Sublease, the liability of Subtenant to Sublandlord for any default in Subtenant’s obligations under this Sublease shall be limited to actual, direct damages, and under no circumstances shall Sublandlord, its partners, members, shareholders, directors, agents, officers, employees, contractors, sublessees, successors and/or assigns be entitled to recover from Subtenant (or otherwise be indemnified by Subtenant) for lost revenues, lost profit or other consequential, special or punitive damages arising in connection with this Sublease for any reason, except for any breach by Subtenant under Section 32 of the Master Lease. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Sublease, no personal liability shall at any time be asserted or enforceable against Subtenant’s shareholders, directors, officers, or partners on account of any of Subtenant’s obligations or actions under this Sublease.

  • The Lessor Agent" for "the Lessee", "Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E and Unit" for "Parcel of Property" and "Section 13" for "Section 28".

  • Tenant’s Taxes means (a) all taxes, assessments, license fees and other governmental charges or impositions levied or assessed against or with respect to Tenant's personal property or Trade Fixtures in the Premises, whether any such imposition is levied directly against Tenant or levied against Landlord or the Property, (b) all rental, excise, sales or transaction privilege taxes arising out of this Lease (excluding, however, state and federal personal or corporate income taxes measured by the income of Landlord from all sources) imposed by any taxing authority upon Landlord or upon Landlord's receipt of any rent payable by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease ("Rental Tax"), and (c) any increase in Taxes attributable to inclusion of a value placed on Tenant's personal property, Trade Fixtures or Alterations. Tenant shall pay any Rental Tax to Landlord in addition to and at the same time as Base Rent is payable under this Lease, and shall pay all other Tenant's Taxes before delinquency (and, at Landlord's request, shall furnish Landlord satisfactory evidence thereof). If Landlord pays Tenant's Taxes or any portion thereof, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord upon demand for the amount of such payment, together with interest at the Interest Rate from the date of Landlord's payment to the date of Tenant's reimbursement.

  • Tenant Parties means Tenant, any affiliate of Tenant, any permitted subtenant or any other permitted occupant of the Premises, and each of their respective direct or indirect partners, officers, shareholders, directors, members, trustees, beneficiaries, servants, employees, principals, contractors, licensees, agents, invitees or representatives.

  • the Landlord means the party named on the first page of this Agreement and any successor and any person who has an interest as heritable proprietor in The Property, even if not named in this Agreement. The Landlord agrees to inform The Agent, in writing, of any changes to ownership of The Property, contact telephone numbers, postal or e-mail addresses as soon as possible and in any event within 7 days of the change.

  • this Lease means the relevant portion of Articles 1 through 29 of this Office Lease to which this Tenant Work Letter is attached as EXHIBIT B and of which this Tenant Work Letter forms a part, and all references in this Tenant Work Letter to sections of "this Tenant Work Letter" shall mean the relevant portion of Sections 1 through 7 of this Tenant Work Letter.

  • Additional Rent means any and all amounts, other than Basic Rent, required to be paid by the Tenant under this Lease, whether or not same are designated “Additional Rent” or whether or not the same are payable by Landlord;

  • Basic Lease Provisions means and refer to the following collective terms, the application of which shall be governed by the provisions in the remaining Articles of this Lease.

  • Lease Term means the term of this Lease which shall commence on the Commencement Date and continue for the period specified in Section J of the Summary.

  • Lessor means a person who transfers the right to possession and use of goods under a lease. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term includes a sublessor.

  • Ground Lessee means the Owner Lessor as lessee of the Ground Interest under the Facility Site Lease.

  • Basic Rent means Basic Rent as defined in Paragraph 6.

  • Fixed Rent shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.1 hereof.

  • Master Leases refers to the four second amended and restated master lease agreements, dated as of April 27, 2007, by and among the Operating Partnership and Kindred Healthcare, Inc. and Kindred Healthcare Operating, Inc.

  • Renewal Rent for the Aircraft means the rent payable therefor in respect of a Renewal Lease Term determined pursuant to Section 17.2.2 of the Lease.

  • Landlord shall have the meaning given such term in the preambles to this Agreement and shall also include their respective permitted successors and assigns.