the Lessee definition

the Lessee or any other Person includes without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement any successor in title to it and any permitted assignee;
the Lessee s Contribution” means: subject to 2.2.8, an amount payable in addition to the rent and any other additional charges.
the Lessee or “the Tenant” or “the Possessor” – The Lessee and anyone that is from time to time the possessor and/or the user of the Leased Premisesjointly and severally.

Examples of the Lessee in a sentence

  • If beer, wine, or liquors are consumed upon said premises by the Lessee or by any guests, invitees, patrons of any kind or any other third parties, Lessee shall assume all responsibility for such consumption and for all resulting actions and behavior of said persons caused or influenced by such consumption of beer, wine or liquors.

  • If all the terms and conditions are fully complied with the Lessee, then the security deposit shall be returned to the Lessee on surrender of the premises in a good state and condition, reasonable use and wear thereof excepted, at the termination of this Lease.

  • If Xxxxxx fails to discharge said lien then the Lessee shall forthwith reimburse the Lessor the total expenses incurred by the Lessor in discharging the said lien, as additional rent hereunder.

  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, Xxxxxx agrees that in the event that Xxxxxx secures a leasehold mortgage and thereafter defaults in the performance, of any of the terms and conditions of this Lease, Lessor will give notice of such default to any holder of the leasehold mortgage (where Lessor has been notified of the identity of the leasehold mortgagee) and a like notice of the default to the Lessee.

  • If the attention of Xxxxxx is called to any such violation on the part of the Lessee or of any person employed by or admitted to said premises by Xxxxxx, Lessee will immediately desist from and correct or cause to be corrected such violation.

More Definitions of the Lessee

the Lessee shall include the Lessee's successors in title and assigns and shall include personal representatives
the Lessee means; the person whose name is reflected on page 1;
the Lessee refrain from paying in a timely manner to "THE LESSOR" the amount of insurance premiums that the latter contracts directly with respect to THE GOODS.
the Lessee means the Lessee, his heirs, executors, administrators, permitted assigns, or in the case of a corporate body its successors and permitted assigns.
the Lessee includes the Lessee’s successors and assigns to whom the Lessor has consented.
the Lessee means the person or persons in whom the Lease is currently vested
the Lessee has timely given the notice described in Section 10.1(a) but before the EBO Date, the Lessee shall be entitled to all of its rights set forth in Article IX upon the occurrence of an Event of Loss with respect to any Item.