Terminating Date definition

Terminating Date has the meaning given in the Access Undertaking.
Terminating Date means the date specified in Item 6(c).
Terminating Date has the meaning given in the Access Undertaking. Third Party Amount means the amount for which DBCT Management is actually indemnified by the Operator and/or another third party (including a liability insurer) in respect of liability for any Claim made by the User, less DBCT Management's costs of recovery of that amount. For clarification, if a Delay affects more than one Access Holder, then the aggregate amount of any payment received by DBCT Management which related to a common Third Party Amount claimed by such affected Access Holders will be distributed to them in the proportions of their respective annual contracted tonnages.

Examples of Terminating Date in a sentence

  • After the expiry of this Lease the Lessee may continue to occupy the Premises under a 6 monthly tenancy where the Lessee occupies the Premises at the same Rent payable prior to the Terminating Date and otherwise on the same terms as this Lease, as far as they can be applied to a 6 monthly tenancy.

More Definitions of Terminating Date

Terminating Date means the date on which the Term expires, as specified in Column 2 of Item 3 of Schedule 1;
Terminating Date means the date on which the Term expires, as specified in Column 2 of Item 3 of Schedule 1; Hazardous Substance means a substance that because of its quantity, concentration, acute or chronic toxic effects, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, corrosiveness, flammability, or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may pose a hazard to property, human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, disposed of or otherwise managed; Improvements mean any structure or work of a permanent nature attached to the land; Law includes the provisions of any statute, rule, regulation, proclamation, ordinance or by-law, present or future, whether state, federal or otherwise; this Lease means this Lease Agreement including the Schedules, and all Annexures hereto;
Terminating Date means the date specified in Item 7.
Terminating Date means the date specified in the Commercial Terms Schedule. Work Health and Safety Legislation means Work Health and Safety Xxx 0000 (NSW) and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW). Works means any building or construction works (other than maintenance or repairs) making an alteration or addition to the Premises by or on behalf of the Tenant.
Terminating Date means the date stated in Item 8. WHS Law means the Work Health and Safety Xxx 0000 (NSW) and all Codes of Practice approved under Part 14 of that Act, the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW), and any other work health and safety Law that applies to work being carried out on the Premises.
Terminating Date means the ending date set out at clause 4 of the Standard Form as extended under clause 2 of these Additional Terms.
Terminating Date means the date set out in Item (G)3 on the Front Page, as extended under clause 2 of these Additional Terms. Execution Page [Execution clause for individual Landlord] I certify that I am an eligible witness and that the Landlord signed this dealing in my presence. [see note ** below] Certified correct for the purposes of the Real Property Act 1900 by the Landlord. Signature of witness Signature of Lessor Name of witness Address of witness ** s117 RP Act requires that you must have known the signatory for more than 12 months or have sighted identifying documentation. [Execution clause for corporate Landlord] Certified correct for the purposes of the Real Property Act 1900 and executed on behalf of SAMPLE - DO NOT USE the corporation named below by the authorised person(s) whose signature(s) appear(s) below pursuant to the authority specified. Corporation: Authority: Section 127 of the Corporations Act Signature of authorised person Signature of authorised person Name of authorised person Name of authorised person [Director, Secretary, Sole Director/Secretary] [Director, Secretary, Sole Director/Secretary] Office held Office held Executed for and on behalf of ) Defence Housing Australia ) ABN 72 968 504 934 by its delegate duly authorised ) pursuant to s.65 of the Defence ) Housing Australia Act (Cth) 1987: ) ……………………………………………… Signature: ……………………………………………… Name: (please print) ……………………………………………… Position: SAMPLE - DO NOT USE ………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………….. Signature of witness: ……………………………………….. Name of witness: (please print) ……………………………………….. Position of witness: ………………………………………… Occupation of witness: ATTACHMENT AFORM OF MORTGAGEE’S CONSENT Mortgagee’s Consent [Insert name of bank] the proprietor of mortgage no. [insert number] over the land described in [insert title details] at the request of the parties to the lease between [insert name of landlord] (Landlord) and Defence Housing Australia ABN 72 968 504 934 (Tenant) CONSENTS to the demise contained in this lease (including any further term created pursuant to the exercise of any extension of the lease) and all the provisions of the lease and AGREES that while the Tenant complies with its obligations under the lease (including as extended or varied from time to time) it will not dispossess the Tenant from the premises nor in any way interfere with its use or occupation of them despite any default committed by the mortgagor under the mortgage. Signed as a Deed Poll SAMPLE - DO NOT USE