Technical Support Document definition

Technical Support Document means the Noncompliance Penalties Technical Support Document which ac- companies these regulations. The Tech- nical Support Document appears as ap- pendix A to these regulations.All other terms are defined as they are in the Act.[45 FR 50110, July 28, 1980, as amended at 57FR 5328, Feb. 13, 1992] § 66.4 Limitation on review of regula- tions.No applicable legal requirement, which could have been reviewed or challenged by means of the timely fil- ing of an appropriate petition, no pro- vision of this part or part 67 or appen- dices A, B or C, may be challenged, re- viewed or re-examined in any hearing conducted under this part or part 67. This limitation on review includes, but is not limited to:(a) Arguments that the statute is more or less restrictive than the regu- lations, e.g., that exemptions other than those provided herein should be granted.(b) Arguments that the economic model does not accurately calculate the economic benefits of noncompli- ance, or that parameters, terms and conditions other than those provided for in the model should be used or that evidence other than that described in the Technical Support Document for establishing inputs should be consid- ered.§ 66.5 Savings clause.Proceedings under these regulations for imposition of a penalty under sec- tion 120 are in addition to any other proceedings related to permits, orders, payments, sanctions or other require- ments of State or Federal law. No ac- tion under this part or part 67 shall af- fect in any way any administrative, Environmental Protection Agency § 66.13 civil or criminal enforcement pro- ceeding brought under any provision of the Clean Air Act or State or local law.§ 66.6 Effect of litigation; time limits.(a) The existence of any litigation on the validity of these regulations shall not affect the authority of the Agency to issue notices of noncompliance or to conduct subsequent administrative proceedings under parts 66 and 67.(b) Failure of the Environmental Ap- peals Board or the Presiding Officer at a hearing to meet any of the time lim- its contained in this part 66 and part 67 of this chapter shall not affect the va- lidity of any proceeding under these regulations.(c) The filing of any petition for re- consideration under this part or part 67 or the institution of EPA review of a State determination under part 67 shall not toll the accrual of noncompliance penalties. The penalty will be cal- culated from the date on which the source owner or operator receives a no- tic...
Technical Support Document means the 2016 technical support document of the federal interagency working group on social cost of greenhouse gases, entitled "Technical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis Under Executive Order 12866".
Technical Support Document means the ‘New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program Development of Soil Cleanup Objectives Technical Support Document’ dated September 2006, as amended by the ‘2019 Soil

Examples of Technical Support Document in a sentence

  • Technical Support Document For Water Quality-based Toxic Control.

  • Technical Support Document for Water Quality-based Toxics Control.

  • Emission Calculations See Appendix A of this Technical Support Document for detailed emission calculations.

  • Effluent limitations for the toxicants listed below have been derived in a manner consistent with the Technical Support Document (TSD) for Water Quality-based Toxics Control (EPA, March 1991), the CPP, and 40 CFR Part 122.45(c).

  • Changes to the permit or technical support material that occur after the public notice are documented in this Addendum to the Technical Support Document.

  • Technical Support Document: Technical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis Under Executive Order 12866.

  • The ECA has the same meaning as waste load allocation (WLA) as used in USEPA guidance (Technical Support Document For Water Quality-based Toxics Control, March 1991, second printing, EPA/505/2-90-001).

  • However, the EPA’s Technical Support Document for Water Quality-based Toxic Controls (TSD) establishes other alternatives to limit derivation.

  • The ECA has the same meaning as waste load allocation (WLA) as used in U.S. EPA guidance (Technical Support Document For Water Quality-based Toxics Control, March 1991, second printing, EPA/505/2-90-001).

  • Emission CalculationsSee Appendix A of this Technical Support Document for detailed emission calculations.

More Definitions of Technical Support Document

Technical Support Document means the “New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program Development of Soil Cleanup Objectives Technical Support Document” dated September 2006, which is the document that presents the assumptions, rationale, algorithms and calculations utilized by the Department and the New York State Department of Health to develop the soil cleanup objectives in ECL 27-1415(6).

Related to Technical Support Document

  • Transport Document means a document which evidences a contract of carriage and the taking over or loading of goods by a carrier, made out in the form of a bill of lading or consignment note or of any other document used in trade;

  • Procurement Documents means the procurement documents attached hereto as Schedule F (if any);

  • Programme Agreement means the programme agreement entered into on or about the date hereof between, inter alios, the Guarantor, the Sellers, the Issuer, the Representative of the Covered Bondholders and the Dealers.

  • Programme of work means the Programme of work submitted by the contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-charge and includes an amendment thereto made from time to time and approved by the Engineer-in-charge;