Subagreement definition

Subagreement means a subgrant or subcontract between a Lead Center and a Program Participant for the implementation of a CRP.
Subagreement means a subgrant or subcontract between a Lead Center and a Partner for the implementation of a CRP.
Subagreement means a written agreement between the grantee and another party, such as a contractor, and any tier of agreement thereunder for the furnishing of services, supplies, or equipment necessary to complete the project for which a grant was awarded, including contracts for personal and professional services and purchase orders.

Examples of Subagreement in a sentence

  • This Agreement consists of this document and the following documents, all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference: Exhibit A: Project Description and Budget Exhibit B: Federal Requirements and Certifications Exhibit C: Subagreement Insurance Requirements Exhibit D: Information required by 2 CFR 200.332(a) In the event of a conflict between two or more of the documents comprising this Agreement, the language in the document with the highest precedence shall control.

More Definitions of Subagreement

Subagreement means any agreement or contract executed between a Consortium Member and another entity in performance of a Project Agreement.
Subagreement means any agreement entered into by a subrecipient to furnish supplies or services for performance of a prime agreement or a subagreement.
Subagreement means an agreement through which a Recipient awards Federal assistance derived from FTA to a subrecipient as defined below. The term “subagreement” also includes the term “subgrant,” but does not include the term “third party subcontract.”
Subagreement means a written agreement between a grant recipient and another party (other than another public agency) and any lower tier agreement for services, supplies, equipment, or construction necessary to complete the project. Subagreements include contracts and subcontracts for personal and professional services, agreements with consultants and purchase orders.
Subagreement means an agreement between a PIBC and VUSA in the form attached as Exhibit 2. COVENANTS
Subagreement means a written agreement between a recipient and another party (other than another public agency) and may include the prime building agreement for the project, a lower tier agreement for services, supplies, or construction necessary to complete the project; an agreement for personal and professional services with consultants; a purchase agreement for the acquisition of land; and a purchase order.
Subagreement means the document that the RTI Subagreement Administrator will use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to authorize and reasonably request the Supplier to commence Work under and subject to the terms of this Agreement. The term “subagreement” includes subcontracts, subawards, contracts, and/or purchase orders issued under this Agreement. Subagreement(s) issued under this Agreement fully incorporate by reference the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement which are set forth herein. The term “Subcontract” will be applicable when RTI’s prime agreement is a contract and “Subaward” may be applicable when RTI’s prime agreement is a cooperative agreement or a grant in with the Supplier is a Subgrantee or Subrecipient. The term “Contract” will be applicable when RTI’s prime agreement is a Federally funded cooperative agreement or grant in which the Supplier is contractor, as defined by 2 CFR 200, who is a provider of services to RTI. The term “Purchase Order” may be applicable when a contractual document is issued by RTI for the purchase of goods and/or non-technical services.