Assistance Agreement definition

Assistance Agreement means a for- mal, written agreement between the CDFI Fund and an Awardee which specifies the terms and conditions of assistance under this part;
Assistance Agreement means the agreement to be made and entered into by and between a governmental agency and the authority, as authorized by this chapter, providing for a lease, loan, services, or grant to the governmental agency or for the purchase of obligations issued by the governmental agency, and for the repayment thereof to the authority by the governmental agency.
Assistance Agreement means the agreement to be made and entered into by and

Examples of Assistance Agreement in a sentence

  • Subject to its terms, conditions and exclusions, this Assistance Agreement applies to a data security event occurring, and security event expenses incurred, anywhere in the world.

  • The mediator shall also give due consideration to the general principles of the law of the state where the Company is incorporated in the construction or interpretation of the provisions of this Assistance Agreement.

  • The titles of the various clauses and paragraphs of this Assistance Agreement and endorsements, if any, attached to this Assistance Agreement, are inserted solely for convenience or reference and are not to be deemed in any way to limit or expand the provisions to which they relate, and are not part of this Assistance Agreement.

  • The most we shall pay for the total of all security event expenses and post event services expenses arising out of any related data security event first discovered by the merchant during the Assistance Agreement term and reported to us within the notice period is the Related Data Security Event Limit noted above, regardless of the number of merchants or MIDs involved with or impacted by such related data security event.

  • We shall pay the merchant for all reasonable security event expenses resulting from any data security event first discovered by the merchant during the Assistance Agreement term and reported to us within the notice period.

More Definitions of Assistance Agreement

Assistance Agreement means the agreement to be made and entered into by and between a governmental agency or a private entity and the authority, as authorized by this chapter, providing for a lease, loan, services, or grant to a governmental agency or a private entity or for the purchase of obligations issued by the governmental agency, and for the repayment thereof to the authority by the governmental agency or a private entity;
Assistance Agreement means a loan or grant from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for the allowable costs of the project.
Assistance Agreement means an agreement entered into under subclause 7(a)(i), (ii), (iii) or (iv); (« accord d'aide »)
Assistance Agreement means a formal agreement between the Fund and an Awardee which specifies the terms and conditions of assistance under this part;
Assistance Agreement means an assistance agreement between the Issuer and a Governmental Agency, as originally executed and as it may from time to time be supplemented, modified or amended in accordance with the terms thereof and of the Indenture, which has been entered into and pledged pursuant to the Indenture and which is substantially in the form attached to the Indenture.
Assistance Agreement means one or more legally binding contracts, with respect to a facility for which the Authority is to provide financial assistance as provided in this Act, to which the Authority and a governmental owner of a facility or its tenant, or both, and any other appropriate persons are parties, which may be in the form of an intergovernmental agreement. (F) "Financial Assistance" means the use by the Authority, pursuant to an assistance agreement, of its powers under this Act, including, without limitation, the power to borrow money, to issue bonds and notes, to impose an occupation tax as provided in Section 19 of this Act and to receive and expend the proceeds of that tax, to assist a governmental owner or its tenant, or both, with one or more of the following: designing, developing, establishing, constructing, erecting, acquiring, repairing, reconstructing, renovating, remodeling, adding to, extending, improving, equipping, operating, and maintaining a facility owned or to be owned by the governmental owner. (G) "Tenant" means any person with which a governmental owner or the Authority has entered into an agreement for the use by a professional sports team or other sports team of any facility. Such an agreement may be a management agreement or an assistance agreement or may be a lease of or a license, permit, or similar agreement with respect to the use of a facility by such team for such period as shall be agreed upon by the person and the governmental owner or the Authority, as the case may be. (Source: P.A. 91-935, eff. 6-1-01.)
Assistance Agreement or “Agreement” shall mean this Assistance Agreement between the CDFI Fund and the Recipient, of which these General Award Terms and Conditions are a material part, including the cover signature page, any schedules and attachments hereto, as the Agreement may, from time to time, be amended in accordance with its terms.