Sixth Paragraph definition

Sixth Paragraph. In bank transfers, CAFECERT’s Client must ensure that any charge is assumed by them, however, if by mistake or other circumstance in the transfer it is omitted to indicate that all charges are assumed by the transferor, CAFECERT may request the reimbursement of the charge that has been assumed, and will not grant the certification until it is cancelled by the client and is free and clear with CAFECERT. NINE: Execution and validity of the agreement: This agreement will commence upon signature from both parties.
Sixth Paragraph. Add the following at the end of the paragraph: "Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Note or in any other document, upon the VergeTech Conversion, (a) all payment obligations under this Note shall revert exclusively to issuance of shares of Common Stock rather than cash, and (b) the amount of shares of Common Stock to be issued to the Lenders shall equal for both Notes issued under the May 31, 2001 Loan Agreement and all conversion rights under the Certificate of Designation of the Series B Preferred, a total of 30% of the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Corporation on a fully diluted basis immediately following the closing of the asset purchase transaction between the Corporation and VergeTech, Inc., including the dividend and options therein, and taking into account common shares issued to either Lender, pursuant to conversions under the Series B Preferred or the Notes, after the date of such closing."
Sixth Paragraph. With certain exceptions, no adjustment in the Purchase Price will be required until cumulative adjustments require an adjustment of at least 1% in such Purchase Price. No fractional shares will be issued (other than fractional shares which are integral multiples of one two-hundredth of a Preferred Share) and, in lieu thereof, an adjustment in cash will be made based on the market price of the Preferred Stock on the last trading date prior to the date of exercise."

Examples of Sixth Paragraph in a sentence

  • MANUAL OF PATENT EXAMINATION PROCEDURE, Chapter 2100, Section 2181 2181 Identifying a 35 U.S.C. 112, Sixth Paragraph Limitation [R-9]II.

  • Article Sixth, Paragraph E, provides the trustee with the discretionary authority to distribute to, or for the benefit of, a beneficiary part, or all, of the principal of the trust as often as the trustee deems necessary.

  • Paragraph 2 C of Settlement Agreement replaces the discretionary distribution standard under Article Fourth, Paragraph G, and Article Sixth, Paragraph E, with fixed annual distributions of $O to Son and $P to each of GC1, GC2, GC3, and GC4.

  • Sixth Paragraph - Any necessary action may be taken, by the Committee, without a meeting, if, at the request of the Committee Chairman, all members of the Committee consent in writing, by letter, e-mail or any other appropriate electronic means.

  • The Secretary, with the assistance of the Treasurer, shall compile and keep current at the principal office of the Community Association all records required by Section8.4 hereof.

  • Sixth Paragraph : If the defendant fails to attend the hearing, the Judge shall have the authority, after hearing the plaintiff, to establish the contents of the submission to arbitration, and to appoint a sole arbitrator.

  • Article First, Paragraph D, provides that the Corporate Trustee shall have the authority to make discretionary distributions of income under Article Fourth, Paragraph G(1), and discretionary distributions of principal under Article Sixth, Paragraph E.

  • Sixth Paragraph – The Company may, by decision of the Board of Directors, buy back its own shares to be kept in treasury and subsequently sold or cancelled, without reducing the capital, up to the total amount of the profit balance and reserves excepting the legal reserve, as provided in the applicable laws and regulations.

  • Clause Sixth, Paragraph 1(b) provides that on B’s resignation as co-trustee, C is to be substituted in B’s place.

  • This paragraph shall not affect the right of the Agency to direct the activities as specified in the Sixth Paragraph of the Agreement.

More Definitions of Sixth Paragraph

Sixth Paragraph. If Lessee, without just cause, fails to sign the TRAF within the term of fifth paragraph, this agreement shall be terminated by operation of law, applying the provisions of Clause 22 below. Seventh paragraph - If the supplier for any reason fails to deliver Goods ordered within time enabling the signature of TRAF in the form above, or to perform insolvency or bankruptcy or recovery in violation of the order requirements although the lack of strength arises of and even because of major and unforeseeable or unanticipated circumstances, Lessor shall be relieved of the lease and Lessee will reimburse the total amount of disbursements first made duly adjusted and accrued by the commitment fee and other contractual provisions charges. Eighth paragraph - Lessor reserves the right at any time to consider Goods excluded from the Contract that are not timely delivered and agree upon signature of TRAF. If Lessor opts to delete, Lessee must indemnify it in the act of disbursements properly updated, and pay its commitment fees calculated in the field "06" of Table "V" of the preamble to the effective date of repayment for Goods deleted of the agreement.

Related to Sixth Paragraph

  • Original Lease shall have the meaning given such term in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Term of the Agreement shall have the same meaning as provided for in Article 7 of this Agreement.

  • Paragraph means a portion of this Decree identified by an Arabic numeral;

  • Standard sentence range means the sentencing court's

  • sentence means the sanction or combination of sanctions imposed by the sentencing court on an offender who is convicted of or pleads guilty to an offense.

  • Existing Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals hereto.

  • SIXTH above; and (iii) to the extent that any amounts available for distribution pursuant to clause "FIFTH" above are attributable to the issued but undrawn amount of outstanding Letters of Credit, such amounts shall be held by the Agent in a cash collateral account and applied (A) first, to reimburse the Issuing Lender from time to time for any drawings under such Letters of Credit and (B) then, following the expiration of all Letters of Credit, to all other obligations of the types described in clauses "FIFTH" and "SIXTH" above in the manner provided in this Section 3.15(b).

  • Article 55 BRRD means Article 55 of Directive 2014/59/EU establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms.

  • Section 102 means section 102 of the Ordinance and any regulations, rules, orders or procedures promulgated thereunder as now in effect or as hereafter amended.

  • This means we liquidate purchase payments in the order they were made: the oldest unliquidated purchase payment first, the next oldest unliquidated purchase payment second, etc., until all purchase payments have been liquidated. The surrender charge as to any liquidated purchase payment is determined by multiplying the amount of the purchase payment being liquidated by the applicable percentage shown in the Schedule. The total surrender charge will be the sum of the surrender charges for each purchase payment being liquidated. In a partial withdrawal, the surrender charge is deducted from the Account Value remaining after you are paid the amount requested. The amount requested from a Sub-Account may not exceed the value of that Sub-Account less any applicable surrender charge. In a complete withdrawal (or surrender of this Contract), it is deducted from the amount otherwise payable. CHARGES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The types and amounts of charges and when and how they are deducted are described in the Schedule. OWNER, ANNUITANT AND BENEFICIARY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Owner - You are the Owner of this Contract. You have the rights and options described in this Contract, including but not limited to the right to receive the income payments beginning on the Income Date. One or more people may own this Contract. The Annuitant - Unless another Annuitant is shown in the Schedule, you are also the Annuitant. You may name a Contingent Annuitant. You will be the Contingent Annuitant unless you name someone else. If there are joint Owners, we will treat the youngest Owner as the Contingent Annuitant, unless you elect otherwise. If you are not the Annuitant and the Annuitant dies before the Income Date, the Contingent Annuitant becomes the Annuitant. If the Annuitant dies and no Contingent Annuitant has been named, we will allow you sixty days to designate someone other than yourself as Annuitant. The Beneficiary - We pay the death benefit to the primary Beneficiary (unless there are joint Owners in which case proceeds are payable to the surviving Owner). If the primary Beneficiary dies before the Owner, the death benefit is paid to the Contingent Beneficiary, if any. If there is no surviving Beneficiary, we pay the death benefit to the Owner's estate. One or more persons may be named as primary Beneficiary or Contingent Beneficiary. We will assume any death benefit is to be paid in equal shares to the multiple surviving Beneficiaries unless you specify otherwise. You have the right to change Beneficiaries. However, if you designate the primary Beneficiary as irrevocable, you may need the consent of that irrevocable Beneficiary to exercise the rights and options under this Contract. Change of Owner, Beneficiary or Annuitant - During your lifetime and while this Contract is in force you can transfer ownership of this Contract or change the Beneficiary, or change the Annuitant. (However, the Annuitant cannot be changed after the Income Date.) To make any of these changes, you must send us Satisfactory Notice. If accepted, any change in Owner, Beneficiary or Annuitant will take effect on the date you signed the notice. Any of these changes will not affect any payment made or action taken by us before our acceptance. A change of Owner may be a taxable event and may also affect the amount of death benefit payable under this Contract. DEATH BENEFITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Benefit Before the Income Date - If any Owner dies before the Income Date, we will pay the Beneficiary the greatest of the following:

  • (1) DEFINITION.—In this subsection, the term covered member’ means—

  • (1) AGREEMENT.—The term Agreement’ means the United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement ap- proved by Congress under section 101(a)(1).

  • FOURTEENTH Meetings of the Directors may be held outside of the State of Delaware at such places as may be from time to time designated by the Board, and the Directors may keep the books of the Company outside of the State of Delaware at such places as may be from time to time designated by them.

  • Term of Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Article 2 of this Agreement;

  • Section 504 Plan means a student’s individualized plan developed by the student’s Section 504 multidisciplinary team after a pre-placement evaluation finding the student is disabled within the meaning of Section 504 and its implementing regulations.

  • (iii) the term covered period’ means

  • Paragraphs and other subdivisions without reference to a document are to designated Articles, Sections, Subsections, Paragraphs and other subdivisions of this Agreement;

  • Original Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals.

  • (22) the term jail or lockup for adults’ means

  • Foundation Agreement means the agreement dated the 20th February 1985 made between the Trustee, the Manager, Xxxxxxxx, Genting WA and Tileska providing for the subscription of Units and Options;

  • (2) The term Director’ means the Director of

  • (3) In this subsection, the term oil fuel’ means any oil used as fuel in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary machinery of the vessel in which such oil is carried.’’.

  • Section 1 Purchase Option" Section 2.6(a)(i) "Purchase Option Issuance Date" Section 1 "Purchase Option Exercise Price" Section 1 "Purchase Option Exercise Date" Section 1 "Purchase Option Notice" Section 2.6(a)(ii) "Purchase Option Share Amount" Section 1 "Qualified Daily Trading Limit" Section 1 "Registered" Section 1 "Registrable Securities" Section 1 "Registration Statement" Section 1 "Releases" Section 5.13 "SEC" Section 1 "SEC Documents" Section 5.8 "SEC Filings" Section 1 "Securities Act" Recitals "Selling Period" Section 1 "Selling Period Obligation" Section 1 "Settlement" Section 1 "Settlement Date" Section 1 "Subsidiary" Section 5.3 "Suit" Section 5.18(c) "Tax Return" Section 1 "Taxes" Section 1 "Trading Day" Section 1 "Transfer Agent" Section 1 "Underwriter" Preamble "Underwriter's Clearing Broker" Section 1 "Underwriting Price" Section 1 "Underwriter Sales Notice" Section 2.3(b) "Violations" Section 9.1(a) "VWAP" Section 1 "WARN" Section 5.11 COMMON STOCK UNDERWRITING AGREEMENT ----------------------------------- COMMON STOCK UNDERWRITING AGREEMENT dated as of January 4, 2001 (the "Agreement"), between Ramius Securities, LLC, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware (the "Underwriter"), and Onyx Software Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington (the "Company").

  • (12) The term Phase II’ means—

  • Original LLC Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.