Selected Areas definition

Selected Areas means the following five (5) districts: Bonthe, Kailahun, Falaba, Tonkolili and Western Area Rural.
Selected Areas means the Borrower’s geographical areas serviced by the Distribution Companies and NTDC.
Selected Areas means the areas identified or selected by the Recipient on the basis of eligibility criteria listed in the ESRP Operational Manual for school reconstruction activities under Part I (c) of the Project.

Examples of Selected Areas in a sentence

  • The objective of the Project is to increase access to improved sanitation in Selected Areas of South Tarawa and to strengthen related institutions.

More Definitions of Selected Areas

Selected Areas means MHMS functions and geographical areas selected by the Recipient, on the basis of criteria satisfactory to the Association, as having the greatest need to improve communication and data reporting between MHMS and front-line health workers.
Selected Areas means any area of the Recipient’s territory in the vicinity of the research centers of Ferme Levi and Thiotte-Savane Zombi, respectively.
Selected Areas means areas in the Recipient’s territory including: (i) Dakar greater area; (ii) Senegal river area (Louga Matam, Saint-Louis); (iii) Casamance (Ziguinchor, Sédhiou); (iv) Tambacounda, Kolda; (v) Kaolack, Fatick, Kaffrine, Diourbel; and (vi) Thiès, Louga; and additional geographical areas identified through the POM, in agreement with the Association.
Selected Areas means selected municipalities and districts in the Recipient’s provinces of Battambang, Pursat, Kandal, and Xxxxxx Xxxx; and “Selected Area” means any of the Selected Areas.
Selected Areas means the 182 Upazilas identified and provided for in the Project Implementation Manual.”
Selected Areas means the Recipient’s administrative regions of Bafata, Biombo, Cacheu, Gabu, Oio, and the Recipient’s autonomous sector of Bissau, as well as any other areas, sectors or regions that the World Bank may agree from time to time.
Selected Areas means the area of (i) the Office du Niger zone; (ii) along the Niger River between Ségou and Gao; (iii) in the administrative sub-regions (“cercles”) of Douentza, Bankass, Koro, Bla, Macina, Tominian, Kidal, Diré, Kayes, Dilly, Diéma, Nara, Kati, Dioïla, Kita and Bafoulabé; and (iv) the peri- urban areas of Bamako, Kayes, Ségou, Mopti, Sikasso and Koulikoro or any other area agreed with the Association.