Project Revenue definition

Project Revenue means all net rents, proceeds, revenue and other income derived by the City by virtue of any lease, sale, conveyance or other disposition of any part of the Project, plus all sums received by the City as a result of damage to or destruction or condemnation of the Project, but shall not mean any part of the Tax Revenue.
Project Revenue means all rents, fees, sales, and payments
Project Revenue means all rents, fees, sales, and payments generated by a project, less taxes or other government payments.

Examples of Project Revenue in a sentence

  • Any revenue generated by an Active Project is included as Project Revenue during the appropriate reporting period.

  • Deposit all Project Revenue in the Revenue Account for application solely for the purposes and in the order and manner provided in the Depositary Agreement.

  • On the first Business Day of each January, April, July and October, commencing on or after the Project Completion Date, to the Distribution Suspense Account, all remaining monies then on deposit in the Project Revenue Account.

  • Manager shall collect all Project Revenue, and deposit all such income in the Account for the Project.

  • The making of such payment into the Project Revenue Account, and the currency of such payment are of the essence of this Consent.

More Definitions of Project Revenue

Project Revenue shall refer to and mean all the monies (gross) received by the Developer, excluding service tax and sales tax, pursuant or incidental to – (a) the Sub-Lease of proposed space in Commercial Development Assets and Commercial Development Project Utilities in the Commercial Development Project; and (b) exploitation in any permitted manner of the Site, Commercial Development Assets and Commercial Development Project Utilities in the Commercial Development Project by any person, whether at the instance of the Developer or the End User, including but not limited to capital receipts, upfront Sub-Lease payments, deposits, advances, registration payments, instalments received from End Users, Sub-Lease charges, and shall also include the revenue earned pursuant to the services provided or to be provided by the Developer to the End Users or any person exploiting in any manner whatsoever the Commercial Development Assets and Commercial Development Project Utilities in the Commercial Development Project such as parking of vehicles, display, signage, play area, events, road shows, promotional activity, hoardings, kiosks, advertisements and counters. For avoidance of doubt Project Revenue shall exclude any Station Revenue received under the Station Facility Management Agreement and any revenue received from Railway Operational Activities;
Project Revenue means all Commercial Charges, tariff, fees, deposits and amounts received by or paid to the Concessionaire from or with respect to the Project Facilities, for services provided and maintenance charges for the Project Facilities and other tariff and charges including maintenance charges for services provided to the users;
Project Revenue herein includes all revenue receipts from sale of any product produced or moved out from the boundary of the Project Site.
Project Revenue means revenues generated from the Project or any other usage of the Project Site as permitted by the Licensor;
Project Revenue means, with respect to a period of time during Commercial Operation, all the revenue actually received by Seller during that period of time from all Clean Coal Buyers and from the sale of Net Energy and Other Products. Project Revenue does not include funds contributed by a Project Equity Investor or a Lender, federal grants, non-federal grants or other non-investment contributions.
Project Revenue means all amounts charged and recovered by the Concessionaire from the Users on mutually agreed terms and shall include user charges for use of the Resort and Hospitality Services by the Users and shall also include but not be limited to all Commercial Charges, rent, license fees, tariff, fees, compensation, benefits, deposits (whether long term or short term and whether refundable or not), capital receipts, insurance claims or any other similar payment by whatever name called received by or paid to the Concessionaire from or with respect to the Project Facilities, for services provided and maintenance charges for the Project Facilities and other tariff and charges including maintenance charges for services provided to the users;
Project Revenue means all income received by the Landlord for the Development and includes Rent.