preparations definition

preparations means mixtures or solutions composed of two or more substances;
preparations means mixtures or solutions composed of two or more substances intended for use as a plant protection product or as an adjuvant;
preparations as used herein shall be construed to mean any different grade level, course title, subtitle, or specified level. It shall not be construed to mean different student ability levels with a grade level, course title, subtitle, or specified level. Employees at each school shall not be required to teach six (6) periods without Employer action. Should such action be taken by the Employer, the Employer agrees to negotiate salary and working conditions for the additional period prior to implementation.

Examples of preparations in a sentence

  • Please refer to the Additional Preparations section for further information regarding sample handling.

  • Preparations are being made for WP 4 and content ingestion, and the content ingestion schedule has been prepared as well.

  • Preparations periods will be assigned to those working at least a half-day or more.

  • Planning and Preparations • The shared desire to make the collaboration work as well as a pragmatic approach to finding solutions played a significant role in making the cooperation successful.

More Definitions of preparations

preparations means mixtures or solutions composed of two or more substances, of which at least one is an active substance, intended for use as plant protection products.
preparations means acts done to facilitate the racing event including, but not limited to, arrival of motor vehicles at a predetermined location; impeding the use of a city street by action, word, or physical barrier; the revving of motor vehicle engines or spinning of motor vehicle tires; the gathering of individuals with intent to actively take part in the event or to spectate; or the presence of a person acting as a race starter.
preparations means mixtures or solutions made of two or more substances out of which at least one is an active substance and are used as plant protection products;
preparations means the pharmaceutical preparations, products and medical devices listed in Schedule 2;
preparations means mixtures or solutions composed of two or more substances, of which at least one is an active substance, intended for use as a plant protection product.
preparations means mixtures or solutions composed of two or more substances.Explanations and working principles Exclusion criteriaSubstances and preparations which meet such a criterion or fall into one of these categories cannot be used in the manufacture of packaging inks. The exclusion criteria will be amended, if appropriate, in the light of new data on safety, health and environmental matters. Inventory listThe Inventory List catalogues the individual substances currently used in the manufacture of packaging inks but not the preparations. The inventory list will be updated once a year by the Council of Europe Secretariat if necessary. Evaluation of migrationThe evaluation of a possible migration of any substances will be carried out by worst case calculation and/or practical extraction or migration tests. The conditions of testing and rules for worst case calculations are described in the Technical document No. 3. The evaluation results should be made available to the Council of Europe and to the control authorities. Limit of migrationThe substances which are not evaluated should not be detectable in a migration test at the lowest concentration at which a substance can be measured with statistical certainty by a validated method of analysis. It is agreed that the detection limit would depend on the nature of the substance. However, this limit expressed in concentration shall not exceed 0.01 mg/kg of food or food simulant (analytical tolerance included). It shall apply to the sum of a group of compounds if they are structurally and toxicologically related, e.g. isomers. Disclosure processA substance can be disclosed by the industry to the Council of Europe for its insertion in the inventory list. The request should include the necessary information on the substance in regard to its safe use. Evaluation processTo be registered in the list of evaluated substances (List 1), a substance should pass through an evaluation process based on the “Guidelines concerning the safety evaluation of substances to be used in food contact materials and articles” covered by Council of Europe resolutions. The Council of Europe accepts the safety evaluations of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as well as the evaluations performed by other organisations recognised by EFSA. Specific requirementsSee part 4.
preparations has the meaning ascribed to it in the section headed “The Framework Agreement – Possible Cooperation”