Examples of Faculty member in a sentence
A Faculty member may dismiss a student from a particular meeting of a particular class if the student is so disrupting the class as to make it impossible for the Faculty member to serve the remaining members of the class effectively.
Reassignment is the temporary freeing of a Faculty member from teaching workload responsibilities to accomplish specific duties as required by the College.
A Faculty member shall not require a student to purchase any course materials that are not College approved per the process stated herein.
Faculty member requests for participation in training programs or faculty member exchanges shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.
While it is usual for faculty to enjoy input into scheduling of classes taught, and to schedule office hours, research time and other academic work activities to best utilize personal work habits, there is the tacit assumption that each Ordinary Faculty member devotes sufficient time and effort to faculty responsibilities each week while under contract so as to be de facto a full-time employee of the University.