Eisai Know-How definition

Eisai Know-How means any and all Know-How that is Confidential Information Controlled by Eisai or its Affiliate and that, in either case, is discovered, identified, conceived, reduced to practice or otherwise made, as necessary to establish authorship, inventorship or ownership under applicable United States law as such law exists as of the Effective Date irrespective of where such discovering, identifying, conception, reduction to practice or other making occurs, solely by one or more employees of or consultants to Eisai or any of its Affiliates or Sub-distributors (to the extent such Sub-distributors are required to assign or license such Know-How to Eisai) in the course of or as a result of or related to the Commercialization activities under this Agreement to the extent such Know-How does not relate predominantly to the Commercialization of a Product and is predominantly applicable to the marketing, promoting, detailing, offering for sale, selling, distributing, or conducting other similar activities related to the commercial sale of pharmaceutical products generally.
Eisai Know-How means Know-How that (a) is Controlled by EISAI as of the Prior Agreement Effective Date or at any time thereafter prior to the expiration of the Target Exclusivity Period, (b) arises outside of the Collaboration, and (c) is necessary or reasonably useful for the Development, Manufacture or Commercialization of Licensed Compounds and Licensed Products in the Field in the Territory, but expressly excluding any Know-How Controlled by EISAI that relates to any compound or molecule that is not a Compound directed to EZH2. For purposes of clarity, EISAI Know-How includes Diagnostic Know-How Controlled by EISAI as of the Prior Agreement Effective Date or at any time thereafter prior to the expiration of the Target Exclusivity Period, but excludes any Collaboration Know-How owned by EISAI and EISAI’s interest in any Joint Know-How.
Eisai Know-How means technical information and know-how which have been developed or are developed by or for Eisai and/or its Affiliates during the term of this Agreement which relate to Compound and/or Product and shall include all biological, chemical, pharmacological, toxicological, clinical, assay, control and manufacturing data, regulatory filing dossier and other information useful for development or commercialization of Compound and/or Product. Eisai Know-How also includes inventions owned solely by Eisai in accordance with Article 6.4.

Examples of Eisai Know-How in a sentence

  • Eisai and its Affiliates have, and shall retain, all right, title and interest in and to the Existing Eisai Know-How and Existing Eisai Patents, any other intellectual property owned by Eisai or its Affiliates as of the Effective Date or developed by Eisai or its Affiliates during the Term, including any New Program Know-How or New Program Patents and, from the Effective Date, any Purchased Intellectual Property.

More Definitions of Eisai Know-How

Eisai Know-How means Know-How owned or Controlled by Eisai or its Affiliates as of the Effective Date or during the Term of this Agreement that is necessary or useful to Develop, Manufacture, or Commercialize the Product in the Field in the Territory.
Eisai Know-How means Know-How that (a) is Controlled by EISAI as of the Effective Date or thereafter during the Term, (b) arises outside of the Collaboration, and (c) is necessary or reasonably useful for the Development, Manufacture or Commercialization of Licensed Compounds and Licensed Products in the Field in the Territory. For purposes of clarity, EISAI Know-How includes Diagnostic Know-How Controlled by EISAI, but excludes any Collaboration Know-How owned by EISAI and EISAI’s interest in any Joint Know-How.
Eisai Know-How means all inventions, discoveries, trade secrets, information, experience, data, formulas, procedures and results arising solely out of the Development Program or the manufacture, use or sale of the Licensed Products which are useful for development, registration manufacturing, using or selling of the Compounds or the Licensed Products which are rightfully held by Eisai as of the Effective Date, or Which are not Joint Know-How or Joint Inventions and are developed or acquired by Eisai during the period beginning on the Effective Date and ending upon termination or expiration of this Agreement pursuant to Article 14.
Eisai Know-How means: (a) the Eisai Existing Know-how and (b) the Eisai Developed Know-how, but excluding in each of clauses (a) and (b) above any rights in Know-how to the extent covered or claimed by any published Eisai Patents.
Eisai Know-How means [*]. 1.27 “Eisai IP” means the Eisai Know-How, Eisai Patents, and Eisai’s undivided interest in the Joint Patents. 1.28 “Eisai License Agreement” means the License Agreement dated as of June 29, 2006, between Radius and Eisai Co., Ltd. (“Eisai”), as such agreement may be amended or restated from time to time. 1.29 “Eisai Patents” means all patents and patent applications which are or become owned by Eisai and/or its Affiliates, or to which Eisai and/or its Affiliates, otherwise have, now or in the future, the right to grant licenses, and which generically or specifically claim Compound and/or Product, a use for Compound and/or Product, a process for manufacturing Compound and/or Product, or an intermediate use in such process. Included within the definition of Eisai Patents are all continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, patents of addition, reissues, re-examinations, renewals or extensions thereof and all Supplementary Protection Certificates. Also included within the definition are any improvements on Compound and/or Product or intermediates or manufacturing process required or useful for production of Compound and/or Product which are developed by or for Eisai and/or its Affiliates, or to which Eisai and/or its Affiliates otherwise has the right to grant licenses, now or in the future, during the term of this Agreement. Eisai Patents also includes any patent application covering an invention solely owned by Eisai in accordance with Article 6.4
Eisai Know-How means any and all Know-How that is Confidential Information Controlled by Eisai or its Affiliate and that, in either case, is discovered, identified, conceived, reduced to practice or otherwise made, as necessary to establish authorship, inventorship or ownership under applicable United States law as such law exists as of the Effective Date irrespective of where such discovering, identifying, conception, reduction to practice or other making occurs, solely by one or more employees of or consultants to Eisai or any of its Affiliates or Sub-distributors or Co-Promotion Partners (to the extent such Sub-distributors or Co-Promotion Partners are required to assign or license such Know-How to Eisai) in the course of or as a result of or related to the Commercialization activities under this Agreement to the extent such Know-How does not relate predominantly to the Commercialization of a Product and is predominantly applicable to the marketing, promoting, detailing, offering for sale, selling, distributing, or conducting other similar activities related to the commercial sale of pharmaceutical products generally.
Eisai Know-How means any and all Know-How that is Confidential Information Controlled by Eisai or its Affiliate and that, in either case, is discovered, identified, conceived, reduced to practice or otherwise made, as necessary to establish authorship, inventorship or ownership under applicable United States law as such law exists as of the Effective Date irrespective of where such discovering, identifying, conception, reduction to practice or other making occurs, solely by one or more employees of or consultants to Eisai or any of its Affiliates or Sub-distributors or Co-Promotion Partners (to the extent such Sub-distributors or Co-Promotion Partners are required to assign or license such Know-How to Eisai) in the course of or as a result of or related to the Commercialization activities under this Agreement to the extent such Know-How does not relate predominantly to the Commercialization of a Product and is predominantly applicable to the marketing, promoting, detailing, offering for sale, selling, distributing, or conducting other similar activities related to the commercial sale of pharmaceutical products generally.