depreciated value definition

depreciated value means the cost to the Joint Venturers of the assets on which allowable capital expenditure is incurred less the total amount deducted therefrom by way of depreciation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subclause;
depreciated value the value of assets calculated in accordance with depreciation presented for income tax purposes, taking into consideration the unexpired portion of the period specified in Clause 4, provided that the minimum rates of depreciation shall not be less than normal custom and practice;
depreciated value means the value for the purposes of the Second Indenture and Series Leases of a particular piece of Equipment determined as of March 1 of each year calculated by deducting from the Equipment Cost the pro rata portion of the principal of the KISTA Series Certificates applied to the acquisition of the Equipment paid and retired as of the date the calculation is made; said pro rata portion shall be based upon a fraction with the Equipment Cost of the unit in question as a numerator and the Equipment Cost of all Equipment purchased with the proceeds of the particular Series Certificates as the denominator.

Examples of depreciated value in a sentence

  • Depreciated Value shall be defined as the greater of the original cost of the unit to the Lessor or the current cost of a new unit of equipment.

  • Customer agrees to reimburse Ryder for loss or damage to all Vehicles up to the Depreciated Value of each Vehicle, as defined in Paragraph 11 A (2), including related expenses, if the Vehicles are operated by drivers under 18.

  • The Depreciated Value shall be calculated based on an attached schedule when equipment is leased out.

  • The party designated on Schedule A will provide and maintain at its own expense, physical damage coverage for collision, fire, theft and causes customarily covered by comprehensive physical damage or combined additional coverage insurance, for the full value of the Vehicle, which in no case will be less than the Schedule A Depreciated Value of a Vehicle as described in Section 9.6, with a deductible amount not to exceed the amount specified on Schedule A (“Physical Damage Insurance”).

  • The definition of "Depreciated Value" is hereby amended by deleting it in its entirety.

More Definitions of depreciated value

depreciated value means the value of equipment or Fixed Asset which includes the amount of depreciation not yet incurred plus the salvage or residual value.
depreciated value the value of the assets, revalued for changes in the Consumer Price Index during the period that runs from the date they were first accounted for in the Private Party’s books until the date of termination of the PPP agreement. The value will be calculated in accordance with depreciation presented for income tax purposes, taking into consideration the unexpired portion of the period specified in Clause 3, provided that the minimum rates of depreciation shall not be less than normal custom and practice;
depreciated value the value of assets calculated in accordance with depreciation presented for income tax purposes, taking into consideration the unexpired portion of the period specified in Clause 3, provided that the minimum rates of depreciation shall not be less than normal custom and practice; 2.1.25 “Development Period” a period of up to 12 (twelve) months reckoned from the Signature Date, during which the Private Party will refurbish the NAMAQUA FLOWERS BEACH LUXURY MOBILE TENTED CAMP in line with Private Party’s brand in order to commence with full trading activities thereat; provided that in the event the refurbishment is completed earlier than 12 (twelve) months from the Signature Date, this period shall be adjusted accordingly to such earlier date as may stipulated by SANParks in writing; 2.1.26 “EIA” or “Environmental Impact Assessment” - the process of assessing the environmental effects of a development or an activity and its subsequent operation, carried out in accordance with the applicable Regulatory Provisions and guidelines; 2.1.27 “Environment” - the aggregate of surrounding objects, conditions and influences that influence the life and habitats of humans or any other organism or collection of organisms, including all or any of the following : air (including the air within any building or the air within any other man-made or natural structure above or below ground), water (including inland waters, groundwater and water in drains and sewers) and land; 2.1.28 “Environmental Laws” - any Laws in respect of the Environment, including, without limitation, the following statutes: the National Water Act , No. 36 of 1998; the Water Services Act, No. 108 of 1997; the National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998; the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, No. 57 of 2003; the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act; the Hazardous Substances Act, No. 15 of 1973; and the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999; 2.1.29 “Environmental Specifications” - the requirements, conditions, obligations and specifications detailed in Schedule 7; 2.1.30 “Equity” - the entire issued share capital of the Private Party as at the relevant date; 2.1.31 “Expiry Date” - the last day of the month in which the xxx() anniversary of the Operation Commencement Date occurs; 2.1.32 “Financial Year” - the period from to in any given year for purposes of financial reporting of the Private Party;
depreciated value means the written down value in the audited books of the Operator of a specific asset or class of asset in accordance with Companies Act and generally accepted accounting principles and applicable accounting standards; This shall also be referred to as ‘Book Value
depreciated value is equal to the age of the Covered Item divided by its life expectancy, multiplied by the purchase price, and then subtracted from the purchase price of the Covered Item.
depreciated value means depreciated calculated according to methodology set out in the Commission’s Rate-Setting Guidelines.
depreciated value means, with respect to each such new slot machine, an amount determined by multiplying: