Assessed value definition

Assessed value means 1 of the following:
Assessed value means the taxable value as determined under section 27a of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.27a.
Assessed value means the valuation of taxable real property

Examples of Assessed value in a sentence

  • The amounts charged to the Avalon and Bellevue Tax Collectors will be as follows: AVALON BELLEVUE Total Assessed Value $192,951,930 $326,446,413 Amount Charged $5,539,650 $9,372,277 *** The above amounts charged are before the homestead exclusion is applied and are based on a millage rate of 28.71 xxxxx.

More Definitions of Assessed value

Assessed value means the amount of the most current property tax assessment.
Assessed value means the valuation of taxable real property as placed on the last completed assessment roll.
Assessed value means the most recent assessed value of the real property as determined by the assessment authority in which the real property is situated. If such value is not available, then the Assessed Value means the highest price in terms of money that the real property will fetch under all conditions requisite to a fair sale with the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgably and assuming the price is not effected by undue stimulus as estimated by a real estate appraiser accredited in the jurisdiction in which the real property is located;
Assessed value means the value of the eligible property on the most current property tax assessment at the time that the relevant application or agreement is submitted or the agreement is signed, as applicable.
Assessed value means the market value-in-use of a property, used for property tax assessment purposes as determined by the St. Xxxxxx County Assessor.
Assessed value means the value of land or improvements, or both, as if the land or improvements were held in fee simple off the reserve, as determined under this By-law;
Assessed value means, for the purposes of assessment of property for taxation, the amount determined by multiplying the appraised value by the applicable assessment ratio, but, for the purposes of determining the debt limitation imposed by Article III, Section 52, of the Texas Constitution, shall mean the market value of the property recorded by the chief appraiser.