Continuous Improvement Plan definition

Continuous Improvement Plan means a plan for improving the provision of the Goods and/or Services and/or reducing the Charges produced by the Supplier pursuant to Framework Schedule 12 (Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking);
Continuous Improvement Plan means a plan for improving the provision of Services and/or reducing the charges produced by the Supplier pursuant to Schedule 7 of the Framework Agreement;
Continuous Improvement Plan means the plan at Clause 4.8;

Examples of Continuous Improvement Plan in a sentence

  • Within ten (10) Working Days of receipt of the Authority's notice of rejection and of the deficiencies of the proposed Continuous Improvement Plan, the Supplier shall submit to the Authority a revised Continuous Improvement Plan reflecting the changes required.

  • The Authority shall notify the Supplier of its Approval or rejection of the proposed Continuous Improvement Plan or any updates to it within twenty (20) Working Days of receipt.

  • Once Approved by the Authority, the programme shall constitute the Continuous Improvement Plan for the purposes of this Agreement.

  • The initial Continuous Improvement Plan for the first (1st) Contract Year shall be submitted by the Supplier to the Authority for approval within ninety (90) Working Days of the first Order or six (6) Months following the Framework Commencement Date, whichever is earlier.

  • Members, through the form in Appendix A-23, shall have the ability to propose alternate professional development for the individual or collaborative group that aligns to the District Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP), member’s IPDP or growth/improvement plan.

More Definitions of Continuous Improvement Plan

Continuous Improvement Plan means a plan for improving the provision of the Panel Services and/or reducing the Charges produced by the Supplier pursuant to Panel Agreement Schedule 12 (Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking); "Contract Year" means a consecutive period of twelve (12) Months commencing on the Panel Commencement Date or each anniversary thereof;
Continuous Improvement Plan means a plan for improving the provision of Goods and Services and/or reducing the charges produced by the Supplier pursuant to Clause 9 of this Contract and Framework Schedule 7 (Value for Money);
Continuous Improvement Plan means a document used to guide educators, students and their families, business people, and community members in the process of achieving and measuring substantial improvements in the school district's or school's performance. The continuous improvement plan is part of the strategic plan. All school continuous improvement plans must align with the school district's continuous improvement plans.
Continuous Improvement Plan means the continuous improvement plan detailed in Clause
Continuous Improvement Plan has the meaning set out in Schedule 4 [Services Protocols and Specifications];
Continuous Improvement Plan has the meaning given to it in Paragraph 4.3 of Schedule 13. Contract Year a twelve (12) Month period beginning on the Commencement Date and every anniversary of the Commencement Date thereafter. Contracted Customer a Customer which has entered into a Customer Contract with the Supplier. Contracting Body any person listed in the OJEU Notice or Regulation 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Control control in either of the senses defined in sections 1124 and 450 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and "Controlled" shall be construed accordingly. Cost of Gas the cost of natural gas as calculated in accordance with Paragraph 6.5 of Schedule 3. Crown the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, government ministers and government departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions or agencies from time to time carrying out functions on its behalf, and “Crown Bodies” shall be interpreted accordingly.
Continuous Improvement Plan means the plan developed by the Organizer and approved by the University and updated on an annual basis in accordance with the Accountability Framework. It consists of an update of the academic, non-academic and organizational goals of the Charter School from those contained in the Proposal or adopted by the Organization in the immediately preceding year, as well as the Organizer’s reasonably specific plan to achieve those goals.‌