Change Order means a written order to the Contractor signed by the Contracting Officer, issued after execu- tion of the Contract, authorizing a change in the term or scope of the Contract.
Change Order means a written instrument signed by Owner and Contractor stating their agreement upon all of the following: (1) a change in the Work; (2) the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Sum, if any, and (3) the extent of the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any.
Change Order means a written modification of the Contract between Owner and Contractor, signed by Owner, Contractor, and A/E.
Examples of Change Order in a sentence
The Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change Order.
The State will prescribe a Proposed Change Order form for use by the Contractor.
All such changes in the Work REQUIRE AGREEMENT IN WRITING BY THE ACHITECT, STATE AND CONTRACTOR AND shall be authorized by A P R O P O S E D Change Order (PCO), and shall be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents.
A Change Order signed by the Contractor indicates his agreement therewith, including the adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time.
A Proposed Change Order (PCO) is a written request submitted to the Architect by either the Contractor or the State requesting a change to the contract price and / or schedule.
More Definitions of Change Order
Change Order means a written modification of the Contract between the Owner and Contractor, signed by the Owner, the Contractor and the A/E.
Change Order means a written modification of the Contract between the Owner and Contractor, signed by the Owner, the Contractor and the A/E.
Change Order means a written amendment to the existing contract or a new contract from the Purchaser to the Contractor after the Effective Date of the contract requiring a change in any part of the Stores that may involve
Change Order means a written order to the Contractor, signed by the County, authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Amount or the Contract Time issued after execution of the Contract.
Change Order means the documents issued by au- thorized representatives of Purchaser and Supplier in common agreement after a Change has been re- quested by Purchaser or Supplier, and which docu- ments rule the modification of the Contract, in particular with respect to the Contract Price, specifications, ship- ment schedule, warranty, Delivery Date, etc.
Change Order means the document issued by representatives of Purchaser and Supplier in common agreement after a Change has been requested by Purchaser or Supplier, and which document rules the modification of the Contract or parts thereof, in particular with respect to the Contract Price, specifications, shipment schedule, warranty, Delivery Date, etc.
Change Order means the document issued by representatives of Purchaser and Supplier in common agreement after a Change has been requested by Purchaser or Supplier, and which document rules the modification of the Contract or parts thereof, in particular with respect to the Contract Price, specifications, shipment schedule, warranty, Delivery Date, etc.