Scientific Sample Clauses

Scientific. Atlanta, either by fax or by telephone, will provide Gulf Power Company with a cost/time quote to perform services.
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Scientific. Atlanta will query the caller via telephone to determine the cause of the equipment anomaly.
Scientific. 1.1. Participates in and provides supervision for the installation, acceptance testing, commissioning and validation of treatment planning systems, treatment machines, dosimetry equipment and imaging apparatus used in radiotherapy.
Scientific. Scientific papers will be written in all relevant work packages by the project research partners, with the aim of publication in open access, high impact, peer-reviewed journals. All the resulting peer-reviewed scientific articles will be published at least in so-called “green” open access, and with preference to “gold” open access especially for key publications. Direct links to the publications will be available on the project website and the Horizon 2020 guidelines on open access to scientific publication and research data will be followed: xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/hi/oa_pilot/h2020-hi- oa-pilot-guide_en.pdf.
Scientific how many articles, conferences, presentations are given and how many students are trained by this project.
Scientific. 1. Provides expert medical physics advice to clinicians and medical physicists in diagnostic imaging.
Scientific. State of the Art There have been made advances over the state-of-the art in all aspects of the project, from assay development to the final instrumentation, as detailed below:  Novel real-time Taqman mulitiplex PCR protocols for high resolution HLA-typing  Novel SSP-multiplex PCR using modified primers to produce a double stranded PCR product with two single-stranded tails for direct detection via hybridisation (Patent application submitted)  Isolation of IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase and IgG anti-deamidated gliadin peptide autoantibodies for use as standards in quantitative measurement  Impedance sensor interdigitated arrays taking exploiting enhanced flux density inter-digit for improved signal sensitivity  Novel surface chemistries using APTES, supramolecular chemistry with cyclodextrins for biocomponent immobilisation, mixed self-assembled monolayers and long term stability studies with various stabilising agents  Amperometric multi-analyte and multiplexed genosensor arrays for low resolution HLA typing with total assay time of 5 minutes  Design of probes for differentiation of single base mismatches via hybridisation using Amplified Refractory Mutation System probes  Amperometric multi-analyte and multiplexed genosensor arrays for high resolution HLA typing with total assay time of 20 minutes  HL7 communication protocols  CCD camera and associated software for fluidic control (Patent application has been made)  Multichannel potentiostat for simultaneous detection of 48 electrochemical signals (Patent application has been made)  Xxxxx-Marriott micro-PCR - capable of 35 cycles in 5 minutes - has been developed both as individual unit with associated instrument as well as part of integrated microsystem  Serum-filtration unit  Micromodule for mixing of magnetic beads - use exemplified for efficient cell lysis and DNA extraction but can be used for any application requiring magnetic actuation  Standardised interface of microsystems of different functionalities to a single slot - common landscape and electromechanical interface - this is the first example of this  Integrated injection-molded microsystem for "bleed-to-read" for low resolution HLA typing based on-chip mulitiplexed amplification and multi-analyte detection  Integrated injection-molded microsystem for "bleed-to-read" for serology testing with multiplexed quantitative measurement of total IgA and IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase  Integrated injection-molded microsystem for "...
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Scientific. To create a good environment throughout the EU for development of technologies towards the Near Zero Waste EU it is crucial to have a clear and objective way to validate the possible solutions according to the circumstances within each specific EU country or region. To make sure that development of technology and processes will take into account the impact on environment and health the current used standards for evaluating the sustainability impact should be reviewed. Scientific actions should be made towards the implementation of standards for the use of recycled materials from plastic packaging compared to virgin plastic materials. At this moment there is a big focus on CO2 in a value chain. When we want to come to a Near Zero Waste EU standards will be needed that will address this goal in a scientific way and also incorporate the resource dependency of the EU for plastics. Besides the EU resource policy based on circular economy thinking it is also needed to address the global political situation within such a model. In the past a geographical region had its own local policy regarding resources and development. The influence of one geographical region into another with resources is rapidly increasing with the globalization of companies and business strategies based on influencing global material streams and prices. New value chain/material standards should be developed through scientific approach of this Near Zero Waste EU goals for plastic packaging, with a good focus on the total environmental impact and not only on CO2. Input needed on: What are the main drivers of today’s LCA methodologies What are commonly used methodologies in the value chain of plastic packaging Are there really critical materials from a supply stand of view, and what focus should a new LCA standard have to make sure this is important enough Each pathway should lead into a business case that can stand on its own, without everlasting funding schemes supporting them. This does not mean that there is no funding needed to get the business started. One of the critical aspects in this matter will be volume of material and certainty of procurement of the recovered materials. Besides funding for development, every business has a need for a certain scale of volume to be economically viable. In order to achieve this economic volume it is essential to have a clear view on the volumes of material from waste that can be produced in geographical regions (countries). With that information gove...

Related to Scientific

  • Research Support opioid abatement research that may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Product Development Attach all requested documentation and attach additional pages as necessary. For all requirements include efforts of all Sublicensees. If not applicable, please so indicate by N/A.

  • Technology Discoveries, innovations, Know-How and inventions, whether patentable or not, including computer software, recognized under U.S. law as intellectual creations to which rights of ownership accrue, including, but not limited to, patents, trade secrets, maskworks and copyrights developed under this Agreement.

  • Joint Development If joint development is involved, the Recipient agrees to follow the latest edition of FTA Circular 7050.1, “Federal Transit Administration Guidance on Joint Development.”

  • Manufacturing (a) The Supplier shall without limitation be responsible, at no additional cost to the Purchaser, for: sourcing and procuring all raw materials for the Products; obtaining all necessary approvals, permits and licenses for the manufacturing of the Products; providing sufficient qualified staff and workers to perform the obligations under this Purchase Agreement; implementing and maintaining effective inventory and production control procedures with respect to the Products; and handling other matters as reasonably requested by the Purchaser from time to time.

  • Development 3.3 Within twenty (20) Working Days after the Commencement Date and in accordance with paragraphs 3.10 to 3.12 (Amendment and Revision), the Contractor will prepare and deliver to the Authority for approval the full and final Security Plan which will be based on the draft Security Plan set out in Appendix B.

  • Clinical Development Licensee will have sole responsibility for and sole decision making over the clinical development of any Product arising from the Research Program in the Field. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Licensee wishes to conduct clinical development of a Development Candidate at Penn and Penn has the clinical expertise, interest and ability to run such a trial as assessed at Penn’s sole discretion, such a study will be conducted under a separate Clinical Trial Agreement to be negotiated by the Parties prior to initiation of such study. Such separate clinical trial agreement will include a detailed clinical development plan, including costs and time lines for conducting the Clinical Trial.

  • Development and Commercialization Subject to Sections 4.6 and 4.7, Fibrocell shall be solely responsible for the development and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products and Improved Products. Fibrocell shall be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with the Fibroblast Program except that Intrexon shall be responsible for the following: (a) costs of establishing manufacturing capabilities and facilities in connection with Intrexon’s manufacturing obligation under Section 4.6 (provided, however, that Intrexon may include an allocable portion of such costs, through depreciation and amortization, when calculating the Fully Loaded Cost of manufacturing a Fibrocell Product, to the extent such allocation, depreciation, and amortization is permitted by US GAAP, it being recognized that the majority of non-facilities scale-up costs cannot be capitalized and amortized under US GAAP); (b) costs of basic research with respect to the Intrexon Channel Technology and Intrexon Materials (i.e., platform improvements) but, for clarity, excluding research described in Section 4.7 or research requested by the JSC for the development of a Fibrocell Product or an Improved Product (which research costs shall be reimbursed by Fibrocell); (c) [*****]; and (d) costs of filing, prosecution and maintenance of Intrexon Patents. The costs encompassed within subsection (a) above shall include the scale-up of Intrexon Materials and related active pharmaceutical ingredients for clinical trials and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products undertaken pursuant to Section 4.6, which shall be at Intrexon’s cost whether it elects to conduct such efforts internally or through Third Party contractors retained by either Intrexon or Fibrocell (with Intrexon’s consent).

  • Research Analyst Independence The Company acknowledges that the Underwriters’ research analysts and research departments are required to be independent from their respective investment banking divisions and are subject to certain regulations and internal policies, and that such Underwriters’ research analysts may hold views and make statements or investment recommendations and/or publish research reports with respect to the Company and/or the offering that differ from the views of their respective investment banking divisions. The Company hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims that the Company may have against the Underwriters with respect to any conflict of interest that may arise from the fact that the views expressed by their independent research analysts and research departments may be different from or inconsistent with the views or advice communicated to the Company by such Underwriters’ investment banking divisions. The Company acknowledges that each of the Underwriters is a full service securities firm and as such from time to time, subject to applicable securities laws, may effect transactions for its own account or the account of its customers and hold long or short positions in debt or equity securities of the companies that may be the subject of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

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