Scientific Publication definition

Scientific Publication means any scientific publication or medical communication regarding Study results in any form that is intended for disclosure to third parties, including, without limitation, manuscripts, abstracts, posters, slides or other materials used for presentations.
Scientific Publication has the meaning set forth in Section 8.3.
Scientific Publication means any external communication relating to a research molecule, an investigational drug or a marketed product within Bayer’s pipeline or portfolio that aims to disclose the findings of research, whether laboratory, clinical, literature-based or other, and is intended for submission to a scientific congress, presentation in public to a scientific audience, or publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Examples of scientific publications include abstracts, slide presentations, satellite symposium presentations authored and presented by Bayer personnel, primary papers, review articles, journal supplements, letters, short reports and other brief journal communications.

Examples of Scientific Publication in a sentence

  • International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication 2017, 12 September 2017.

  • K Straif, A Cohen, J Samet (Eds), Scientific Publication 161, International Agency for Research in Cancer, World Health Organization, Lyon Cedex FR:IARC, 2013.

  • Upon the expiration of the applicable period specified above in this Section 8.3, the Publishing Party shall be free to proceed with the Scientific Publication as transmitted to the Reviewing Party, except to the extent that the Reviewing Party has exercised its rights under clause (i) or (ii) of the second preceding sentence.

  • Primrose: Molecular Biotechnology, 2nd edition, Blackwell Scientific Publication.

  • Authors should ensure that the patient(s)/subject(s) have provided explicit written consent permitting any personally identifiable information to be included in the Scientific Publication.

  • The reviewing Party will promptly review such proposed Scientific Publication and make any objections that it may have to the publication of Confidential Information of the reviewing Party contained therein.

  • As the Study sponsor, AbbVie retains the first right to disclose the results of the Study through a Scientific Publication or any other public disclosure (each, a “Study Results Disclosure”).

  • Costs are incurred along these following categories: • Travel and subsistence allowances for meeting participants;• Organisation of meetings (Local Organiser Support);• Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs);• Training schools;• Dissemination, e.g. Scientific Publication, Action website, Action promotionfor meetings and training schools, Communication, Outreach activities;• Other Expenses Related to Scientific Activities (such expenses need an approval from the COST Office).

  • Occup Environ Med 2003; 60:122-129.) Nominated for the Charles Shepard Award for Best Scientific Publication by CDC employee.Feb 2003Cummings Award for contribution on the World Trade Center and Anthrax response efforts: award sponsored by The Society of American Military Engineers.Feb 2003Publication: (Sanderson et al.

  • For additional information see CRS Report RL31695, Balancing Scientific Publication and National Security Concerns: Issues for Congress.

More Definitions of Scientific Publication

Scientific Publication means an English-language, international, peer-reviewed scientific publication of general circulation which has an independent scientific advisory board.
Scientific Publication means any communication by a Party (including documents, posters, manuscripts and abstracts), whether made in writing, orally or in any other form, (a) which is directed to the general public, the scientific community, physicians, attendees of industry conferences or similar audiences, (b) which is of a purely scientific or medical nature and does not qualify as promotional material under Applicable Law, and (c) which includes any data or results of any Clinical Trial or any other information regarding the Compound and / or Licensed Product.

Related to Scientific Publication

  • Publication means any report, article, educational material, handbook, brochure, pamphlet, press release, public service announcement, web page, audio or visual material or other communication for public dissemination, which relates to all or any portion of the Grant Plan or is paid for in whole or in part using Grant Funds.

  • Sensitive Data means a category of personal data that includes: