Retaliation Prohibited. An employer may not threaten or engage in retaliation against an employee for exercising or attempting in good faith to exercise any right provided by the PSLL. In addition, an employer may not interfere with any investigation, proceeding, or hearing pursuant to the PSLL.
Retaliation Prohibited. Contractor shall not retaliate against any person who reports a violation of, or cooperates with an investigation regarding, any applicable law, rule, regulation or standard to the Department, another state agency, or any federal, state or local law enforcement official.
Retaliation Prohibited. An employer shall not take any adverse action against an employee that penalizes the employee for, or is reasonably likely to deter the employee from or interfere with the employee exercising or attempting in good faith to exercise any right provided by the ESSTA. In addition, an employer shall not interfere with any investigation, proceeding, or hearing pursuant to the ESSTA.
Retaliation Prohibited. The landlord cannot retaliate against any tenant or lawful occupant of the Project who notifies DHCR of alleged violations of this Summary or the Agreement.
Retaliation Prohibited. An employee's employment, compensation, or work assignment shall not be adverselyaffected bycomplaining or providing information about harassment. Retaliation against employees for bringing bona fide complaints or providing information about harassment is prohibited (see Board policy 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure), and whistleblower protection maybe available under the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/), the Whistleblower Act (740 ILCS 174/), and the Ill. Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/). An employee should report allegations of retaliation to his/her immediate supervisor, the Building Principal, an administrator, the Nondiscrimination Coordinator, and/or a Complaint Manager. Employees who retaliate against others for reporting or complaining of violations of this policyor for participating in the reporting or complaint process will be subject to disciplinaryaction, up to and including discharge.
Retaliation Prohibited. No person, health plan company, or other organization may take retaliatory action against a health care provider solely on the grounds that the provider:
Retaliation Prohibited. HCT shall not take or threaten to take any action against Group in retaliation for Group providing assistance to a Member under the provisions of Conn. Gen. Stat. § 38(a)-591(g).
Retaliation Prohibited. The City shall not terminate, discipline, penalize, interfere with, or otherwise retaliate or discriminate against an employee for asserting ESST rights, requesting an ESST absence, or pursuing remedies. Further, use of ESST will not be factored into any attendance point system the City may use. Additionally, it is unlawful to report or threaten to report a person or a family member’s immigration status for exercising a right under ESST. If an employee believes they have been retaliated against or improperly denied ESST rights under law, they can file a complaint with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry or pursue a civil action.
Retaliation Prohibited. The employee shall not be penalized or retaliated against in any way for making a good faith utilization of the grievance process.
Retaliation Prohibited. Reprisal or retaliation against any employee who files a report about bullying is strictly prohibited. Any employee who harasses or intimidates another employee who has reported bullying behavior in the workplace may be subjected to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from State service.