The Grievance Process. Informal Step Before a grievance is filed, the Claimant shall discuss the claim with the most immediate administrator within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of the event which gave rise to the grievance. Xxxxx-Xxxxx Special Education employees assigned to a county school shall discuss the claim with their district administrator. The administrator shall respond to the Claimant within ten (10) days of this discussion. If a satisfactory resolution of a claim is not reached as a result of this discussion, the Claimant may file a formal grievance by following the steps listed below. All grievance proceedings, but not necessarily the grievance itself, shall be confidential; and the proceedings shall be informal, as is mutually agreeable. Records shall be kept by all parties to the grievance. The formal grievance will be presented in the following steps:
The Grievance Process. 1. The Grievance process is the Health Plan's procedure for addressing Enrollee Grievances, which are expressions of dissatisfaction about any matter other than Action.
2. An Enrollee may file a Grievance, or a provider (whether a participating Provider or a nonparticipating provider), acting on behalf of the Enrollee and with the Enrollee's written consent, may file a Grievance.
3. The Health Plan must complete the Grievance process in time to permit the Enrollee's disenrollment to be effective in accordance with the time frames specified in 42 CFR 438.56(e)(1).
4. General Health Plan Duties
a. The Health Plan must:
(1) Resolve each Grievance within State-established time frames not to exceed ninety (90) Calendar Days from the day the Health Plan received the initial Grievance request, be it oral or in writing;
(2) Notify the Enrollee, in writing, within ninety (90) Calendar Days of the resolution of the Grievance. The notice of disposition shall include the results and date of the resolution of the Grievance, and for decisions not wholly in the Enrollee's favor, the notice of disposition shall include:
(a) Notice of the right to request a Medicaid Fair Hearing if applicable;
(b) Information necessary to allow the Enrollee/provider to request a Medicaid Fair Hearing, including the contact information necessary to pursue a Medicaid Fair Hearing (see Section IX.D., below);
(3) Provide the Agency with a copy of the written notice of disposition upon request; and
(4) Ensure that no punitive action is taken against a provider who files a Grievance on behalf of an Enrollee, or supports an Enrollee's Grievance.
b. The Health Plan may extend the Grievance resolution time frame by up to fourteen (14) Calendar Days if the Enrollee requests an extension, or the Health Plan documents that there is a need for additional information and that the delay is in the Enrollee's best interest.
(1) If the extension is not requested by the Enrollee, the Health Plan must give the Enrollee written notice of the reason for the delay.
The Grievance Process. Step 1 An employee having a grievance shall bring the grievance to the attention of the President of the Union within ten (10) days from the date of the event (or the grievant’s knowledge of the event) giving rise to the grievance. If, in the judgment of the Union, the nature of the grievance justifies further action, it shall submit the grievance in writing to the Chief or, in his absence, to the Acting Chief within twenty (20) days of the event (or the grievant’s knowledge of the event) giving rise to the grievance. Within ten (10) days after said Chief/Acting Chief receives such grievance, he shall issue his decision inwriting. If the decision of the Chief/Acting Chief is not acceptable to the Union, it may present the grievance to the Town Administrator. The Town Administrator shall meet with the Union within ten (10) days of receipt of a request. If either party feels it is necessary, the individual or individuals involved in the grievance shall be ordered to appear at this meeting for the purpose of testifying on the grievance. The Union and the Town shall be entitled to have counsel present. The Town Administrator shall render his decision in writing within ten (10) days after the meeting.
The Grievance Process. The Employer will grant to an employee:
The Grievance Process. The Town considers creating a professional, fair, and equitable work environment among its highest priorities. Open, honest communication with each other in the spirit of cooperation and teamwork play a key role in the progress our Town has experienced. It is the responsibility of all managers, supervisors, and employees to establish and maintain a work climate in which a problem or complaint may be promptly identified, discussed, and given fair, timely consideration. It is recognized that there may be conflicts which will be resolved only after a formal grievance and review.
The Grievance Process. All grievances shall include and be considered complete with the following:
(a) The name of the aggrieved party.
(b) The date of filing the grievance.
(c) The Section or Sections of this Agreement alleged to be violated.
(d) A statement identifying the manner in which each identified Section has been violated.
(e) The remedy or remedies sought by the aggrieved party. Except for informal decisions at Stage 1 all decisions shall be rendered in writing at each step of the grievance procedure, setting forth findings of fact, conclusions, and supporting reasons therefore. Each decision shall be communicated in a timely manner to the aggrieved party and the Association. The Administration will discuss with the Association all information relevant to the grievance at any step. The preparation and processing of grievances, insofar as practicable, shall be conducted during the hours of employment. All reasonable effort shall be made to avoid interruptions of classroom activity and to avoid involvement of students in any phase of the grievance procedure. Should the processing of any grievance require that a faculty member or Association representative be released from regular assignment, no loss of pay or benefit shall be incurred. The parties agree to facilitate any investigation which may be required and to make available such relevant documents, communications and records concerning the alleged grievance as may be requested by the aggrieved party or the Board or their duly authorized representatives. Any aggrieved party has the right to have a representative of his/her choice present at all stages of this grievance procedure excluding representatives of competing labor organizations. At no time can the supervisor require a meeting regarding a grievance without an Association representative present. No interference, coercion, restraint, discrimination, or reprisal of any kind at any time shall be taken by any party hereto against the aggrieved party, any party-in- interest, any representative, or any other participant in the grievance procedure or any other person by reason of such grievance or participation therein. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting the right of the aggrieved party to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the administration and having the grievance informally adjusted, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement and the Association (by notice to the President or designe...
The Grievance Process. The Employer will grant to an employee time-off with pay when the Employer originates a meeting with the employee who has presented a grievance or when the employee who has presented a grievance seeks to meet with the Employer. an employee wishes to represent, at a meeting with the Employer, an employee who has presented a grievance, the Employer will arrange the meeting, and will grant time-off with pay to the representative. -Where an employee has asked or is obliged to be represented by the Association in relation to the presentation of a grievance and an employee acting on behalf of the Association wishes to discuss the grievance with that employee, the employee and the representative of the employee will be given reasonable with pay for this purpose.
The Grievance Process. Grievance Where operational Employer w i l l grant to an
The Grievance Process. Grievances shall be presented in the following manner:
Step 1: The employee, with or without the Union representative or Xxxxxxx, shall first take up his/her grievance with his/her immediate supervisor within seven (7) working days of the occurrence of the event(s) which gave rise to the grievance, or when the Union knew or should have known of the grievance, whichever first occurs. Such grievance shall be presented to the supervisor in writing, shall be signed by the employee, and shall specify:
(a) the date of the alleged grievance; (b) the specific article or articles of this Agreement allegedly violated; (c) statement of fact pertaining to or giving rise to the alleged grievance; and (d) the relief requested. If within seven (7) working days of the presentation of the grievance the dispute has not been satisfactorily resolved, the employee may proceed to Step 2. Step 2: Step 2: In the event that the Union is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance in Step 1, the Union shall have the right to appeal his/her immediate supervisor's decision to his/her Department Head within seven
The Grievance Process. The Employer will grant to an employee: when the Employer originates a meeting with the employee who has presented the grievance, leave with when an employee who has presented a grievance seeks to meet with the Employer, leave with pay to the employee when the meeting is held. When an employee wishes to represent, at a meeting with the Employer, an employee who has presented a grievance, the Employer will arrange the meeting having regard to operational requirements, and will grant leave with pay to the representative. Where an employee has asked or is obliged to be represented by the Alliance in relation to the presentation of a grievance and 'an employee acting on behalf of the Alliance wishes to discuss the grievance with that employee, the employee and the representative of the employee will, where operational requirements permit, be given reasonable leave with pay for this purpose when the discussion takes place in his or her local area and reasonable leave without pay when it takes place outside his or her local area.