Professional Development Committee. There shall be a Professional Development Committee composed of two (2) members of the Association one of whom shall be the Bargaining Unit President or designate and two (2) representatives of the Hospital one of whom shall be the Chief Nursing Officer or designate and one human resources representative.
Professional Development Committee. There shall be a Professional Development Committee composed of at least two (2) representatives of the Association and an equal number of representatives from the Hospital. Each party may have alternates to replace a member from time to time.
Professional Development Committee. In accordance with Article 9.02 the number of representatives on the Professional Development Committee shall be three (3) representatives from the Union and three (3) representatives from the Hospital.
Professional Development Committee. In accordance with Article 9.02(a), there shall be a Professional Development Committee (ONA Education Committee) of not more than two (2) bargaining unit representatives of whom no more than one (1) shall be from any one unit or area.
Professional Development Committee. A Professional Development Committee will be comprised of not more than four (4). One of these members will be the Bargaining Unit President or designate.
Professional Development Committee. The Superintendent and GCEA shall form an advisory Professional Development Committee to examine professional development opportunities for bargaining unit members. This committee shall be comprised of seven (7) bargaining unit members appointed by the GCEA President and seven (7) employees (either bargaining unit members or administrative employees) appointed by the Superintendent. Not later than January of each calendar year, the committee shall make non-binding recommendations to the Superintendent for potential action.
Professional Development Committee. The composition of the Professional Development Committee referred to Article 9.02 shall include five (5) representatives of the Hospital including the Chief Nursing Officer or designate and a Human Resources representative. There shall be five (5) representatives from the Union including the Bargaining Unit President. Membership of the Committee may be expanded upon by mutual consent.
Professional Development Committee. The Hospital shall recognize a joint committee of two (2) Union representatives, and the Bargaining Unit President and two (2) Hospital representatives who will meet to develop and implement guidelines, which govern this Committee. The chairs will alternate between the Union and the Employer. The Union representatives will be chosen by the ONA membership.
Professional Development Committee a. The Professional Development Committee shall consist of the Professional Development Committee of the Association and the Superintendent of Schools or their designate.
Professional Development Committee. Each party shall designate at least two (2) representatives. The committee will meet to develop and implement guidelines which will govern the operation of this committee.