Podcast Sample Clauses

Podcast. The right to include the Licensed Material as part of a sound recording and to mechanically reproduce copies of said sound recording in a downloadable digital audio file format (e.g., mp3, .wav, WMA) or any other similar configuration now known or hereinafter invented; provided, however, that the Licensed Material may only be used in timed relation to other production elements, and may never be used as a featured element (e.g., the Licensed Material can serve as a "bumper," "underscore," or "bed" for a narration of a Podcast, but it cannot be its own separate music or sound effect track on a Podcast or collected together and exploited on a Podcast with other music tracks or sound effects).
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Podcast. Client’s CEO interview is distributed as a podcast and can be downloaded by subscribers on the WSR website or in Apple iTunes
Podcast. You understand that by using and accessing the platform, you may upload or encounter Content that may be deemed to be offensive or objectionable, and that such Content may or may not be identified as having explicit material. Nevertheless, you agree to upload the Podcast at your sole risk and Smart Foundry shall have no liability for material that may be found to be offensive or objectionable.
Podcast. Producer软件 在不违反本许可证规定限制的情况下,Podcast Producer软件可以用来复制、发布和散发材料,只要此等使用限于复制、发布和散发非版权保护的材料、阁下拥有版权的材料、或者阁下被授权或法律允许复制、发布和散发的材料。另外阁下还向Apple保证,阁下的播客(podcasts)所使用的材料由阁下拥有或已由阁下正当授权许可。阁下可在播客内使用包含在Podcast Producer软件内的电影序幕和结尾片段,并可将其连同阁下的播客复制和散发,但阁下不得独立使用或在播客预定用途以外的情况使用这些电影片段(包括其内包含的任何数字图象)。 E. 可重复使用的唯客(Wiki)服务器内容 阁下可使用Apple软件所载或以其它方式包含的免版权使用费的范例数字图象、图形、插图、照片和视像(统称“视觉内容”),定制Apple软件的唯客服务器功能及创建唯客页面和唯客网站,作为阁下自己的使用。只有在带有Apple品牌的计算机上使用Apple软件时,阁下才可播放和/或散发这些定制的唯客页面和唯客网站(含视觉内容)。否则,阁下不得全部或部分地使用、复制、播放或再散发视觉内容。 F. 字体。在不违反本许可证的条款和条件的情况下,阁下可在运行Apple软件时,使用包含在 Apple软件内的字体来显示和打印内容;但如附随字体的相关嵌入限制允许的话,阁下仅可在内容嵌入字体。这些嵌入限制可在Font Book/Preview/Show Font Info屏面找到。 G. 声音。在不违反本许可证的条款和条件的情况下,阁下可(i)在运行Apple软件时,使用包含在 Apple软件内的系统声音(“系统声音”),及( ii )基于阁下个人的非商业用途,使用系统声音创建阁下自己的原创内容和项目。本许可证不允许对系统声音的任何其它用途,包括但不限于在盈利性或非盈利性的公开分享或商业背景下使用、复制、展示、表演、录音、发行或再散发任何系统 声音。 H.其它限制 阁下只可为备份而以机器可读形式复制一份Apple软件(但不包括Boot ROM代码以及嵌入带有 Apple品牌的计算机或以其它方式包含在内的固件);但该备份副本必须列明原件上所载的一切著作权或其它专有权的提示通知。所提供的Apple的Boot ROM代码和固件仅能用于带有Apple品牌的计算机,阁下不得复制、修改或再散发Apple的Boot ROM代码或固件,或者其任何部分。阁下不得且阁下同意不会让其它人复制(本许可证明示允许除外)、反汇编、倒序制造、拆装、企图导出其源代码、解码、修改 Apple 软件或Apple软件提供的任何服务或其任何部分、或制造其衍生作品(适用法律禁止任何前述限制除外,或包括在Apple软件内的开放索取部件使用许可证条款允许除外)。阁下同意使用Apple软件和服务(定义见以下第5条)须遵守所有适用法律,包括在阁下居住或在阁下下载或使用Apple软件和服务的国家或地区的当地法律。 I. Apple 已经提供对某些第三方软件或服务的访问(作为 Apple 软件包的一部分),并可能提供 Apple软件升级、更新或补遗,以方便阁下。就 Apple 软件含有或提供访问第三方软件来说, Apple 没有为该等软件或服务提供任何技术支持或其它支持的明示或默示义务。请直接与适当的软件厂商、制造商或服务提供商联系,以获取与其软件、服务和/或产品相关的技术支持和客户服务。 J. 自动更新。 Apple软件会就Apple软件的更新与Apple进行定期检查。如有提供更新,该更新或会自动下载和安装到阁下的计算机上,以及阁下的外围装置(如适用)。阁下使用Apple软件,即表示同意Apple下载和安装自动更新到阁下的计算机和外围装置上。任何时候阁下均可完全关闭自动更新,只需更改系统偏好设置项下的自动更新设置。 3. 转让 阁下不得出租、租赁、借出、出售、再散发或再许可Apple软件,但在须遵守以下所列限制的情况下,阁下可将阁下对Apple软件的一切许可使用权一次性地永久转让予另一方(按Apple提供之原件),条件是:(a) 转让内容必须包括全部Apple软件,包括其所有零部件(不包括Apple的Boot ROM代码和固件)、原载体、印刷品及本许可证; (b) 阁下不得保留Apple软件的全部或部分复制本,包括储存于计算机或其它存储装置的复制本;及 (c) 接受Apple软件的一方已阅读并同意接受本许可证的条款和条件。阁下不得出租、租赁、借出、再散发、分许可或转让任何上述第2B部份所述曾作修改或代替的Apple软件。Apple软件的所有零部件都是以捆绑方式出售的一个部分,不得从该捆绑软件中分开及作为独立应用软件分发。连同带有Apple品牌的特定硬件产品提供的 Apple软件,不得在其它带有Apple品牌的硬件型号上运行。 更新版本:如Apple软件更新版本取代(完全安装)其先前获许可版本,阁下不得同时使用该两个 Apple软件版本,亦不得予以分开转址。 NFR(非转售用)和评估副本:本许可证内即使有其它条款规定,按促销基础贴上标签或以其它方式提供给阁下的Apple软件只能用于示范、测试及评估目的,不得转售或转让。 Apple系统还原副本:连同以捆绑方式出售Apple硬件提供、或与以捆绑方式出售Apple硬件有关而由Apple以其它方式提供的还原CD或DVD,包含一份仅能用于诊断和还原目的之Apple软件副本。此等CD和DVD,仅可作为该以捆绑方式出售Apple硬件的一部分转售或转让。 学术版本:如套装Apple软件贴有学术用标签或如阁下以学术界折扣购买Apple软件,阁下必须是符合资格的教育界最终用户才能使用Apple软件。"符合资格的教育界最终用户" 是指在教育机构设施(即大专院校、公立或私营 K-12 学校)上课和/或工作的学生、教员、职工和管理人员。
Podcast. “The Real World is Virtual: How Digital Landscapes Save Actual Landscapes; a conversation with Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx. Community Conversation at the Canyon Community Center.
Podcast. All copyrights, renewals, and extensions thereof, in and to the Podcast, shall be secured and owned by COMPANY and held in COMPANY’s name, as the sole and exclusive proprietor thereof, together with all literary property and any other rights in the Podcast, the title thereof, and the expression of the Character and characterizations to the extent contained in the Podcast, in all language, forms, and media now or hereafter known in perpetuity, throughout the world, free of any claim whatsoever by SERVICE PROVIDER or by any persons deriving any rights or interests therefrom.
Podcast. An audio file similar to a radio broadcast, which can be downloaded and listened on to a computer. Research: Depth study of a subject. Software: A generic term that applies to non-physical components of a computer system. Skype: A software application and online service that enables voice and video phone calls over the Internet.
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Podcast. Speaker agrees to be a guest and/or presenter on a podcast for the College of Business to be recorded on _________________ and to be initially broadcast on or about ______________ (“Podcast”). University has complete ownership of the Podcast and can use said Podcast for any purpose consistent with the University’s mission. These uses include, but are not limited to, videos, publications, advertisements, news releases, web sites, and any promotional or educational materials in any medium.
Podcast. The podcast was the first part of this project that was actualized. After discussions with Xx. Xxxxxx, a fellow podcaster, I chose to use the website Buzzsprout as my podcast hosting website. A hosting website is where the media, in this case, audio, is held for your podcast and can be sent out to podcast directories such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podchaser, etc. to be consumed (Gray, 2022). I then created the graphic that is seen as the cover photo for the podcast on Canva, a graphic design website. From there, I developed a script using Buzzsprout’s simple template that allowed me to see the flow of a typical podcast episode. I made a script for each of the two podcast episodes I completed, one with Xx. Xxxxxx (Appendix A) and the other with Xxx Xxxxxx (Appendix B). I then confirmed the time for the podcast with each participant and sent them an individual Zoom link that was used to complete the interview and record the audio. I utilized the Elizabethtown College Digital Humanities Hub recording studio and a Blue Yeti microphone to record my side of the podcast. Each podcast episode was recorded the same way and was roughly 25 minutes long. After each session ended, I downloaded the audio file from zoom to the desktop of my computer and used a converter software to convert the file from an m4a file to an mp3 file so that I could edit the audio. I edited the audio using Audacity and Garageband to make the audio as crisp as possible. From that point, I exported the audio file and imported it into Buzzsprout where I created the description and title for the podcast and published it. After publishing the podcast on the host website, it would be sent to the directories and posted to the listening sites. I promoted the podcast by sharing the link on Facebook and Instagram. Blog The blog, entitled Xxxxxxxxx’x Disease: Gaining Hope and Help was created to supplement the podcast. Similar to the podcast, websites require a hosting site, and I chose to utilize Bluehost to host my website and to create the URL for it. After the background steps were taken, I designed the website using WordPress one of the most common open-source website creators. Utilizing tools on WordPress and further plugins, I published the website. I wrote two blog posts and published them on the site as well. Once the blog was up and running, I also linked podcast episodes to it as well!
Podcast. Podcast guest speaker for Mindful Sport Performance Podcast: Episode 4. 2020 ABSTRACT Mindfulness is a state of non-judging awareness and acceptance of internal experiences. This state has been achieved through evidence-based interventions that are useful and beneficial for the enhancement of performance amongst athletes and other performers. Mindfulness has been used within clinical populations, yet it has become increasingly popular within the realm of sport. However, there has been no evidence of mindfulness being embedded into a professional football culture. As a result, the aim of this thesis, uses a range of approaches to research its impact of integrating mindfulness into an elite Category One English football academy. In particular, this programme of research sought to explore the perceived impacts of fully integrating mindfulness into an established football culture and to explore the perceived benefits of performance and well-being for those staff and players involved. Associations between mindfulness interventions and participants perceived increase in present moment awareness, an outcome that has been demonstrated in previous mindfulness literature, were especially of interest. Before any intervention took place, programmes were modified to accommodate the cultural climate of an elite football setting. This programme of research explored embedding mindfulness in a series of formats; 1. a recognised mindfulness-based programme with players, taking it from the classroom setting to their gym to application on the pitch.
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