EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTS. (a) Lessee may, with the prior consent of Lessor and subject to compliance with this Section 10, affix or install any accessory, feature or device to the Equipment and make any improvement, upgrade, modification, alteration or addition to the Equipment (each of the foregoing being an "Improvement"). The affixing or installation of the improvement must not adversely effect the Equipment manufacturer's warranties or maintenance agreement, or require that substantial original parts of the Equipment be removed; nor can it impair the originally intended function, value or use of the Equipment. Title to each improvement shall, without further action, upon the affixing or installing of such improvement, vest solely in Lessor. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Lessee may remove and retain any readily detachable improvement provided that: (i) no Event of Default has occurred; (ii) by such removal the Equipment is not rendered any less useful or valuable to Lessor than if such improvement had not been made and later removed, and (iii) the Equipment is returned in compliance with Section 13 herein. Upon Lessee's permitted removal of a detachable improvement and compliance with this Section 10, title shall thereupon revert to Lessee free and clear of any claims of Lessor whatsoever.
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EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTS. InfiniCom shall, as soon as possible, provide information and offers to FoneFriend with respect to improvements, add-ons, and replacement of delivered equipment, programs and services.
EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTS. (a) Lessee may, with the prior consent of Lessor and subject to compliance with this Section 10, affix or install any accessory, feature or device to the Equipment and make any improvement, upgrade, modification, alteration or addition to the Equipment (each of the foregoing being an "Improvement"). The affixing or installation of the Improvement must not adversely affect the Equipment manufacturer's warranties or maintenance agreement, or require that substantial original parts of the Equipment be removed; nor can it impair the originally intended function, value or use of the Equipment. Title to each improvement shall, without further action, upon the affixing or installing of such Improvement, vest solely in Lessor. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Lessee may remove and retain any readily detachable Improvement provided that: (i) no Event of Default has occurred; (ii) by such removal the Equipment is not rendered any less useful or valuable to Lessor than if such Improvement had not been made and later removed, and (iii) the Equipment is returned in compliance with Section 13 herein. Upon Lessee's permitted removal of a detachable Improvement and compliance with this Section 10, title shall thereupon revert to Lessee free and clear of any claims of Lessor whatsoever. (b) Lessee shall notify Lessor not less than sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated Acceptance Date of the type of Improvement Lessee desires to obtain. Lessor may, within fifteen (15) days after receipt of such notice, offer to lease or sell the Improvement to Lessee upon mutually agreeable terms and conditions. Lessee shall notify Lessor of the terms of any offers from vendors or other lessors and Lessor shall have the right to match all vendor's or other lessor's offers within a reasonable time after Lessee notifies Lessor of such offers. If Lessee leases the Improvement from Lessor, such Improvement shall be on a separate Schedule with an Initial Lease Term co-terminous with that of the Equipment.
EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTS. The Vendor shall, as soon as possible, provide information and offers to the Customer with respect to improvements, add-ons, and replacement of delivered equipment with improved models, with corresponding documentation (to the extent this is not covered by a valid maintenance agreement between the parties).


  • Tenant Improvements Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Landlord agrees, at its cost and expense to complete a “turnkey” interior build-out (“Tenant Improvements”) of the Leased Premises in accordance with the conditions stated in the Work Letter attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated hereby pursuant to the Approved Final Plans to be finalized and approved in accordance with the Work Letter and upon approval attached thereto. Any changes or modifications to the Approved Final Plans thereafter must be done in writing and signed by both Tenant and Landlord in accordance with the Work Letter. So long as in accordance with Article 19 of this Lease, Tenant agrees that Landlord shall be entitled to select, in its reasonable discretion and acting in good faith, all architects, engineers, contractors and material suppliers necessary to furnish the labor and materials for the construction of the Tenant Improvements. Landlord shall be the sole contracting party with respect to the employment of contractors which perform the work necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements. Tenant shall not be entitled to access to the Leased Premises prior to the Date of Substantial Completion and Tenant shall not interfere with or impair in any material way the construction of the Tenant Improvements, and any such interference or impairment shall be included within a Tenant Delay as defined in the Work Letter and shall entitle Landlord to all remedies provided herein for breach of this Lease. Prior to the Possession Date, Tenant shall not enter into any contract for construction of any improvements within the Leased Premises with any person other than Landlord without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant, at Tenant's expense, shall obtain and maintain any and all necessary permits and licenses to enable Tenant to conduct Tenant’s Permitted Use, and the failure of Tenant to obtain or maintain same shall not in any manner affect the Tenant’s obligations hereunder. Landlord shall be solely responsible, at its cost and expense, for obtaining all permits and approvals related to the Tenant Improvements.

  • Tenant Improvement Plans Any work proposed by Tenant (the “Tenant Improvements”) shall be subject to Landlord’s reasonable prior approval and shall be subject to the other terms and conditions of this Exhibit C; provided that it will be reasonable for Landlord to withhold its approval or consent (as and when applicable under this Exhibit C) if Landlord’s Mortgagee has not consented to the matter that is the subject of such approval or consent. All architectural, engineering and other design fees shall be paid by Tenant. Tenant shall use its architect, engineers and other design professionals, all of whom shall comply with any applicable licensing or governmental requirements of the City of Seattle and the State of Washington; Tenant’s architect shall be approved by Landlord (“Tenant’s Architect”), which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Landlord shall also be entitled to receive a copy of the agreement between Tenant and Tenant’s Architect (the “Architect Agreement”). Tenant shall cause Tenant’s Architect to prepare a draft space plan (the “Space Plan”) for the Tenant Improvements and shall submit the proposed Space Plan to Landlord for the latter’s approval (not to be unreasonably withheld) in a time period to allow Tenant to timely complete its Tenant Improvements under this Lease. Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Space Plan within ten (10) business days of receipt; Landlord’s consent thereto shall be deemed given if not denied in writing within said ten (10) business day period. If Landlord denies its approval, it shall specify the reasons for doing so in detail. Tenant shall cause the Space Plan to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Space Plan to Landlord for approval. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the Space Plan. Tenant’s Architect shall then prepare working drawings and specifications for the Tenant Improvements, including architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection drawings as required, suitable for permit application (the “Working Drawings”) and shall submit the proposed Working Drawings to Landlord for the latter’s approval in a time period to allow Tenant to timely complete its Tenant Improvements under this Lease. The Space Plan and Working Drawings shall be subject to Landlord’s approval, which Landlord agrees shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. Landlord shall not be deemed to have acted unreasonably if it withholds its approval thereof because, in Landlord’s reasonable opinion, the work, as described in any such item: (i) is likely to adversely affect Building Systems, the structure of the Building or the safety of the Building and/or their occupants; (ii) might impair Landlord’s ability to furnish services to Tenant or other tenants in the Building; (iii) would materially increase the cost of operating the Building; (iv) would violate any governmental laws, rules or ordinances (or interpretations thereof); (v) contains or uses hazardous or toxic materials or substances; (vi) would negatively affect the appearance of the Building; (vii) is reasonably likely to adversely affect another tenant’s premises; or (viii) is prohibited by any ground lease affecting the Building or any mortgage, trust deed or other instrument encumbering the Building. Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Working Drawings, within ten (10) business days of Landlord’s receipt of the Working Drawings; Landlord’s consent thereto shall be deemed given if not denied in writing within said ten (10) business day period. If Landlord denies its approval, it shall specify the reasons for doing so in detail. Tenant shall cause the Working Drawings to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Working Drawings to Landlord for approval. Landlord may, when approving the Tenant Improvement Plans, elect to require Tenant to remove any Non-Standard Improvements which are made to the Premises. If Landlord so elects, Tenant shall, at its own cost, restore the Premises to the condition designated by Landlord in its election, before the last day of the Term. Such process shall continue until both parties have approved the Working Drawings. Landlord’s approval of the Space Plan and/or the Working Drawings shall not be deemed any representation or warranty that the same comply with applicable codes.

  • Lessee Improvements Lessee shall not make or allow to be made any alterations or physical additions in or to the leased premises without first obtaining the written consent of Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any alterations, physical additions or improvements to the leased premises made by Lessee shall at once become the property of Lessor and shall be surrendered to Lessor upon the termination of this Lease provided that Lessee shall be entitled to retain the property listed on Exhibit A attached hereto, and provided further that, Lessor, at its option, may require Lessee to remove any physical additions and/or repair any alterations in order to restore the leased premises to the condition existing at the time Lessee took possession, reasonable wear and tear excepted, all costs of removal and/or alterations to be borne by Lessee. This clause shall not apply to moveable equipment of furniture owned by Lessee, which may be removed by Lessee at the end of the term of this Lease if Lessee is not then in default and if such equipment and furniture are not then subject to any other rights, liens and interests of Lessor.

  • Cost of Tenant Improvements Unless specified otherwise herein, Landlord shall bear and pay the cost of the Tenant Improvements (which cost shall include, without limitation, the costs of construction, the cost of permits and permit expediting, and all architectural and engineering services obtained by Landlord in connection with the Tenant Improvements, the Contractor's fees, Landlord's fee for construction administration in an amount equal to the amount charged by any construction manager retained by Landlord (the "Construction Manager") up to a maximum of $6,121,750 (the "Tenant Improvement Allowance"). The Tenant Improvement Allowance shall be utilized only for building improvements to the Building (and Tenant's architect fees), and not for signage, furniture costs, any third party consulting or contracting fees, any telecom/cabling costs, or any other purpose. Tenant shall bear and pay the cost of the Tenant Improvements (including but not limited to all of the foregoing fees and costs) in excess of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, if any. The cost of the Tenant Improvements shall exclude the cost of furniture, fixtures and inventory and other items of Tenant's Work (as defined below). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Tenant Improvement Allowance shall not be used for (and Tenant shall have no responsibility for) the following costs except to the extent any of the foregoing are caused by Tenant, are due to Tenant Delays or result from the failure of Tenant to comply with the terms of the Lease or this Work Letter: (1) Property Maintenance Costs prior to the Delivery Date; (2) charges for overtime, except to the extent approved by Tenant; (3) costs to correct construction defects; (4) costs incurred to enforce contracts or cure contractor or subcontractor defaults (including legal fees); or (5) principal or interest on construction loan obtained by Landlord for construction of the Tenant Improvements.

  • TENANT'S IMPROVEMENTS If the Lessor is the Insuring Party, the Lessor shall not be required to insure Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease. If Lessee is the Insuring Party, the policy carried by Lessee under this Paragraph 8.3 shall insure Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations.

  • Initial Improvements It is currently contemplated that Tenant will construct prior to September 1, 2003, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, one or more Buildings, and all on and off site work, including landscaping (collectively referred to as "Initial Improvements"). The Initial Improvements, if constructed, shall in all events comply with the requirements of the PCP Permit ultimately issued by the City of Mountain View ("PCP"). Landlord hereby approves, subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease, Tenant's construction of the Initial Improvements so long as the exterior components thereof are generally in conformity with the PCP as such PCP is ultimately issued by the City of Mountain View. If Tenant desires to make any material changes to the exterior design of the Initial Improvements, then prior to submitting any application for amendment of the PCP to the City of Mountain View, Tenant shall deliver such proposed amendment to Landlord for Landlord's review and approval, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any such disapproval must be in writing stating with particularity the reasons for such disapproval and the actions Tenant may take to modify such proposal in a manner that Landlord would approve. Landlord's failure to deliver such written disapproval within five (5) business days after Tenant has delivered such request for approval to Landlord shall be deemed Landlord's approval of such proposed amendment to the PCP. Landlord shall cooperate with Tenant as reasonably requested by Tenant with respect to any required governmental approvals, including, without limitation, any application for amendment of the PCP, in connection with the Initial Improvements, including the signing of any reasonable applications or requests which are required to be signed by the owner of the Project in order to obtain required approvals, provided that Landlord shall not be required to incur any costs or expenses or liability in connection therewith. Without limiting Landlord's discretion concerning its approval rights as to any amendments to the PCP that Tenant may reasonably request, the parties agree that (i) Tenant shall not, without Landlord's prior written consent, design or seek governmental approvals to construct more than 120,000 square feet of floor area (calculated as square footage is calculated by the City of Mountain View pursuant to the City of Mountain View Shoreline West Precise Plan) within the Initial Improvements, and (ii) the general design of the Initial Improvements shall be reasonably compatible, as reasonably determined by Landlord, with the design of the buildings to be constructed on the 13.48 acre parcel of property located on the opposite side of Amphitheater Parkway from the Project. Promptly following completion of the Initial Improvements, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord as built drawings thereof on original sepia drawn to 1/8" scale, prepared at Tenant's sole cost. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Tenant fails to substantially complete construction of the Initial Improvements on or before September 1, 2003, then Landlord may, by written notice to Tenant delivered at any time after such date and prior to substantial completion of the Initial Improvements, elect to terminate this Lease, which termination shall be effective ninety (90) days following the date of delivery of such written notice to Tenant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) if Tenant substantially completes the construction of the Initial Improvements prior to the expiration of such ninety-day period, then such termination notice shall be deemed rescinded, and (ii) if Tenant delivers to Landlord an Exercise Notice of the Purchase Option to purchase the Premises as contemplated in Paragraph 34 of this Lease, prior to the expiration of such 90-day period, then such termination notice shall be deemed suspended until the date upon which the closing pursuant to the Purchase Option is scheduled to occur under the terms of this Lease. If Tenant thereafter fails to perform its obligations under the Purchase Option after Tenant's delivery of the Exercise Notice for any reason other than Landlord's failure to perform its obligations with respect to the Purchase Option, then the termination notice earlier delivered to Tenant by Landlord shall be deemed reinstated, effective as of the business day following the scheduled date for such closing which did not occur.

  • Improvements; Alterations Improvements to the Premises shall be installed at Tenant’s expense only in accordance with plans and specifications which have been previously submitted to and approved in writing by Landlord, which approval shall be governed by the provisions set forth in this Section 8(a). No alterations or physical additions in or to the Premises may be made without Landlord’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; however, Landlord may withhold its consent to any alteration or addition that would adversely affect (in the reasonable discretion of Landlord) the (1) Building’s Structure or the Building’s Systems (including the Building’s restrooms or mechanical rooms), (2) exterior appearance of the Building, (3) appearance of the Building’s common areas or elevator lobby areas, or (4) provision of services to other occupants of the Building. Tenant shall not paint or install lighting or decorations, signs, window or door lettering, or advertising media of any type visible from the exterior of the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. All alterations, additions, and improvements shall be constructed, maintained, and used by Tenant, at its risk and expense, in accordance with all Laws; Landlord’s consent to or approval of any alterations, additions or improvements (or the plans therefor) shall not constitute a representation or warranty by Landlord, nor Landlord’s acceptance, that the same comply with sound architectural and/or engineering practices or with all applicable Laws, and Tenant shall be solely responsible for ensuring all such compliance.

  • Construction of the Tenant Improvements Landlord shall construct the Tenant Improvements in accordance with this exhibit and the construction contract to be executed by Landlord and its contractor(s). The construction contract for constructing the Tenant Improvements and the contractor(s) to perform the work shall be approved and/or selected, as the case may be, by Landlord at its sole and absolute discretion without the consent of Tenant.

  • LESSEE'S IMPROVEMENTS Since Lessor is the Insuring Party, Lessor shall not be required to insure Lessee-Owned Alterations and Utility Installations unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease.

  • Landlord Improvements Landlord will construct a laboratory build-out for the Premises ("Landlord Improvements") pursuant to plans submitted by Landlord to Tenant and reasonably approved by Tenant ("Plans"), which shall be consistent with the floor plan attached hereto as Exhibit "C." The Plans generally shall provide for the Landlord Improvements to be constructed in order to accommodate generally accepted generic biotechnical laboratory uses, except as Landlord may otherwise agree. Unless otherwise determined by Landlord, the Tenant Improvements shall include the construction of an energy efficient electronically controlled central HV/AC plant. Within five (5) days after the Effective Date, Tenant shall provide to Landlord for Landlord's review and approval the following: (i) a proposed detailed list of equipment for the Premises, with the make, model, and specifications, and (ii) a detailed chemical inventory, with all codes and classifications. Tenant shall provide to Landlord such other information as Landlord may reasonably request for construction of the Landlord Improvements within five (5) days after written request therefor. Tenant shall provide written notice of its disapproval of the Plans within five (5) days after the Plans have been submitted detailing its precise reasons for disapproval. The failure of Tenant to disapprove the Plans in writing within a five (5) day period shall be conclusively deemed Tenant's approval of the Plans. Landlord shall have its architect revise the Plans to remedy any reasonable objections of Tenant, and Tenant shall have an additional five (5) day period to review the revised Plans to reasonably determine if such objections were satisfied; provided, however, Tenant shall make no new objections to the Plans. If there are any reasonable objections not addressed by revised Plans, the review procedure shall be repeated until all Tenant's objections are reasonably satisfied. If Tenant has not fully approved the Plans within sixty (60) days after the date such plans were first submitted to Tenant hereunder, Landlord at its sole election may terminate this Lease. Tenant shall timely sign and submit to Landlord a Certificate of Approval of Tenant Improvement Plans in the form as shown in Exhibit "F" attached to this Lease and incorporated herein by this reference ("Certificate"). In the case where Tenant is deemed to have approved the Plans on account of Tenant's failure to timely respond following the delivery of the Plans, such approval shall be deemed to have been given in accordance with the terms of the Certificate. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord may reasonably change the Plans as required by Applicable Law or unforeseen circumstances.

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