Automation. Customer agrees that all shipping locations will use a FedEx online or FedEx compatible shipping solution that is approved and authorized by FedEx, and an agreement for the placement or use of any such shipping solution shall be accepted prior to such use.
Automation. 1. Each Party shall use information technologies that expedite its procedures for the release of goods in order to facilitate trade, including trade between the Parties.
2. Each Party shall:
(a) endeavour to make available by electronic means customs forms that are required for the import or export of goods;
(b) allow, subject to its law, those customs forms to be submitted in electronic format; and
(c) if possible, through its customs administration, provide for the electronic exchange of information with its trading community.
3. Each Party shall endeavour to:
(a) develop or maintain fully interconnected single window systems to facilitate a single, electronic submission of the information required by customs and non-customs legislation for cross-border movements of goods; and
(b) develop a set of data elements and processes in accordance with the World Customs Organization ("WCO") Data Model and related WCO recommendations and guidelines.
4. The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate on the development of interoperable electronic systems, including taking account of the work at the WCO, in order to facilitate trade between the Parties.
Automation. Each Party’s customs authority shall:
(a) endeavor to use information technology that expedites procedures for the importation of goods; and
(b) in deciding on the information technology to be used for this purpose, take into account international standards.
Automation. 1. Each Party shall:
(a) endeavour to use international standards with respect to procedures for the release of goods;
(b) make electronic systems accessible to customs users;
(c) employ electronic or automated systems for risk analysis and targeting;
(d) endeavour to implement common standards and elements for 3 For the purposes of this Article, a determination, if made by Peru, means an administrative act.
Automation. (a) The Company undertakes to advise the Union in advance as far as it is possible (minimum three (3) months) of any technological changes which the Company has decided to introduce which will result in significant changes in the employment status of employees.
(b) The Company agrees to discuss with the Union the effect of such technological changes on the employment status of employees and to consider practical ways and means of minimizing the adverse effect on employees displaced by such changes. Such measures as Early Retirement, retraining and transfers to other existing jobs will be considered.
(c) If a permanent employee with one year's continuous employment or more, is set back to a lower paid job due to job elimination under conditions set forth above, he shall retain the rate of the permanent payroll position for an initial period of six (6) months. For an additional period of six (6) months an adjusted rate will be established midway between this rate and the rate for his new job for each work week. At the end of the twelve (12) month period the rate for the job to which he is assigned will apply. Summer relief employees are not covered by this clause.
(d) A permanent employee with one year's continuous service or more, who will be laid off due to job elimination under conditions set forth above will be given notice of the impending change in employment status at the earliest possible time in keeping with the notification of the Union as set forth in (a) above.
Automation. 1. The customs authorities of the Parties shall ensure that customs operations may be performed with the use of information systems and information technologies, including those based on electronic means of communication.
2. The central customs authorities of the Parties shall provide declarants with an opportunity to declare goods in electronic form.
Automation. The District shall give the Union notice of any proposed technological change which will cause the lay off and/or reduced hours of work for employees in the bargaining unit.
Automation. The application and use of automation technology are integral to the services and work of the Library. Decisions as to how and where automation technology is applied and used in the Library affect, and in turn are affected by, the flow and organization of work, as well as budget, service, and collection needs and requirements. The planning and decision-making process, while varying from situation to situation, resides primarily with the Library Administration. Management recognizes that the work and working conditions of all Library staff are affected by its decisions regarding the application and use of automation technology and, therefore, seeks to involve staff as much as possible when planning for automation-related changes. Throughout the term of the contract, the Library Administration and the bargaining unit staff will seek to identify situations and opportunities which allow the bargaining unit staff to contribute views and ideas which may assist in planning and problem solving as it relates to the application and use of automation technology in the Library. Should the Library Administration decide to automate any work or services currently performed by employees in the bargaining unit, or to technologically migrate or upgrade any automated systems or equipment used by employees in the bargaining unit, the Library Administration will make every effort to communicate with the Union as early as possible in the decision-making process, so that the Union may contribute its views and ideas toward the final decision. Such communication between the Library Administration and the Union will allow both parties to discuss, as early as possible, the consequences for the affected bargaining unit employee(s) and position(s). If the Library Administration judges that it is not appropriate or possible to communicate with the Union about an automation technology change prior to making its final decision, the Library Administration will notify the Union of the proposed automation technology change no later than 30 working days before it is implemented. The Library Administration and the Union will then meet to discuss the consequences for the affected bargaining unit employee(s) and position(s). If the automation (or automation-related change) will eliminate any positions from the bargaining unit, every effort will be made to offer the affected employee(s) positions in the bargaining unit comparable to the one(s) held at the time their work and services are automat...
Automation. Each Party shall use information technology that expedites procedures for the release of goods and shall:
(a) make electronic systems accessible to customs users;
(b) endeavor to use international standards;
(c) endeavor to develop electronic systems that are compatible with the other Party's systems, in order to facilitate bilateral exchange of international trade data; and
(d) endeavor to develop a set of common data elements and processes in accordance with World Customs Organization (WCO) Customs Data Model and related WCO recommendations and guidelines.
Automation. Customer agrees to supply the UPS Service Provider with a hard copy summary manifest at the time that the packages are tendered to UPS for shipment and provide UPS with Timely Upload of electronic Package Level Detail (“PLD”) in a form acceptable to UPS. PLD includes, but is not limited to, consignee’s full name, complete delivery address, package weight and zone. Timely Upload is defined as the electronic transmission of PLD to UPS at the time the packages are tendered to UPS. Customer agrees to provide smart labels on all packages tendered to UPS. A smart label, as defined herein and described in the current UPS Guide to Labeling, which may be updated from time to time by UPS, includes, but is not limited to, a MaxiCode, Postal Bar Code, current UPS Routing Code, appropriate UPS Service Icon and a UPS 1Z Tracking Number Bar Code. Customer further agrees that all shipping locations will use a UPS OnLine or OnLine compatible shipping solution that is approved and authorized by UPS as such.