Standard Plan definition

Standard Plan means the insurance plan with terms and conditions and the benefit schedule equivalent to the minimum compliant product requirements of VHIS, which are from time to time published and subject to regular review by the Government.
Standard Plan means the insurance plan with terms and conditions and the
Standard Plan means a set of pre-defined standards or specifications for minor land disturbing activities that may preclude the need for the preparation of a detailed plan under specific conditions.

Examples of Standard Plan in a sentence

  • Withdrawal of Funds Revolut <18 Account Standard Plan Premium Plan Metal Plan Details Out-of-Network ATM Withdrawal 2.0% 2.0% $0.00 for the first $800 in Out-of-Net work ATM withdrawals in a 30-day period, 2.0% thereafter $0.00 for the first $1,200 in Out-of-Net work ATM withdrawals in a 30-day period, 2.0% thereafter.

  • Account Service Charges Standard Plan Premium Plan Metal Plan Details Mobile Application $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 No fee for use of the Revolut mobile application, including account management and security features, as referenced in the Cardholder Agreement and elsewhere.

  • International Transfers and Non-USD Domestic Transfers Revolut <18 Account Standard Plan Premium Plan Metal Plan Details Pay Standard Revolut Fees N/A The greater of: Up to 5% or Up to $10 The greater of: Up to 5% or Up to $10 The greater of: Up to 5% or Up to $10 For international and non-USD transfers through Revolut and its partners,you will be charged the greater of (i) a fee from Revolut of up to 5% on the transaction amount, or (ii) a fixed fee of up to $10.00 for smaller transactions.

  • Replacement Standard Revolut Cards $4.99 N/A N/A You may request additional physical Standard Revolut Cards under the Standard Plan for a fee of $4.99 per card.

  • Card Services Standard Plan Premium Plan Metal Plan Details Standard Delivery Charge Up to $4.99 for a Standard Revolut card, $5.00 for <18 Cards and limited-editi on cards $0.00 $0.00 Fee for regular domestic mail shipping and handling of your physical card.

More Definitions of Standard Plan

Standard Plan means the plan for the collection, transportation, and recycling of unwanted covered electronic products developed, implemented, and financed by the authority on behalf of manufacturers participating in the authority.
Standard Plan means the insurance plan with terms and conditions and the benefit schedule equivalent to the minimum compliant product requirements of VHIS, which are from time to time published and subject to regular review by the Government. "Standard Plan Terms and Benefits" shall mean the terms and conditions and the benefit schedule of the Standard Plan, which are from time to time published and subject to regular review by the Government df. "Standard Premium" shall mean the basic premium for the coverage under this Certified Plan, as charged by the Company to the Policy Holder on an overall Portfolio basis, which may be adjusted in accordance with the Age, gender and/or lifestyle factors of the Insured Person. “Supplement(s) ” shall mean any document which may add, delete, amend or replace the terms and benefits of this Policy. Supplement(s) shall include but is not limited to endorsement, rider, annex, schedule or table attached and issued with this Policy. "Terms and Benefits" shall mean the Terms and Conditions together with the Benefit Schedule (including the Schedule of Surgical Procedures) and any related Supplement(s) as certified by the Government under this Certified Plan. "Terms and Conditions" shall mean Part 1 to Part 8 of this Certified Plan.
Standard Plan means the plan for the collection,
Standard Plan means the group of individual health benefits developed and offered to all eligible consumers under the Iowa Stopgap Measure.
Standard Plan means a plan adopted by the board that provides core benefits, including
Standard Plan means a set of predefined standards or specification for minor land disturbing activities that preclude the need for the preparation of a detailed sediment and stormwater management plan under specific conditions established by regulation by the Department under this chapter.