Planned development definition

Planned development means a real property development other than a community apartment project, a condominium project, or a stock cooperative, having either or both of the following features:
Planned development means a development in which the applicable code restrictions, other density requirements, may be modified and/or applied to the development as a whole rather than to each individual lot. A planned development involving the subdividing of property is a planned unit development.

Examples of Planned development in a sentence

  • XXXXXX Planned Development District - Mahard Ranch, Town of Prosper, Texas - Exhibit "A-1" SURVEY, Abstract No. 79, the X.

  • This Planned Development Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this day of , 2024, by and between the CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON (“Township”) a Michigan municipal corporation, with offices located at , Washington Township, Michigan 48 and WASHINGTON CREEK DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES LLC (“Developer”), a Michigan limited liability company, whose address is 00000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Suite 300, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304.

  • Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires: EXHIBIT A (Property Description) All property depicted and described in Exhibit A to Planned Development 40 (PD-40), Town of Prosper Ordinance No. 08-030, as amended.

  • The transferred right to reimbursement through impact fee credits or otherwise, may only be utilized in relation to the Hidden Canyon Planned Development or an adjacent developer that actual connects to the oversized infrastructure for which reimbursement is contemplated herein.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, a subsequently created PID that undertakes the construction and installation of some or all of the Public Infrastructure pertaining to the Hidden Canyon Planned Development may work through any issues related to providing an improvement completion assurance with the City (however, this provision does not constitute a waiver of the requirements established and not waived or exempted for public entities under state law and local ordinance).

More Definitions of Planned development

Planned development means a real property development of any of the
Planned development means a real property development of any of the following types: (a) A development, other than a condominium project, in which ownership of a separate interest is coupled with an undivided interest in the common area. (b) A development in which ownership of a separate interest is coupled with: (1) membership in an association that owns the common area, and (2) an appurtenant right to the beneficial use and enjoyment of the common area. (c) If the common area consists entirely of mutual or reciprocal easement rights appurtenant to the separate interests, a development in which separate ownership of a specified part of the development is coupled with membership in an association that has the power to enforce an obligation of an owner of a separate interest with respect to the beneficial use and enjoyment of the common area by means of an assessment that may become a lien upon the separate interests in accordance with Article 5 (commencing with Section 5600) of Chapter 5.
Planned development means a real property development other than a community apartment project, a condominium project, or a stock cooperative, having either or both of the following features: (a) Common area that is owned either by an association or in common by the owners of the separate interests who possess appurtenant rights to the beneficial use and enjoyment of the common area. (b) Common area and an association that maintains the common area with the power to levy assessments that may become a lien upon the separate interests in accordance with Article 2 (commencing with Section 5650) of Chapter 8.
Planned development means a real property development other than a community apartment project, a condominium project, or a stock cooperative where a separate interest is created in a lot, parcel, area, or space and may have the following features:
Planned development means a plan for grouping of buildings and structures on a site of five (5) or more acres in single ownership which is based on a detailed layout plan and recorded in the Office of Cass County Register of Deeds upon approval by the City of Mapleton.
Planned development means a real property development (other than a
Planned development means a Development under unified control designed and planned to be developed in a single operation or by a series of prescheduled Development phases according to an officially approved final master land use plan, including Developments of Regional Impact, PUD Planned Unit Developments, MPUD Master Planned Unit Developments, PD land use classifications or other land use classifications with subarea policies, and other planned developments under a common preliminary site plan approval, plat or unified plan of development. If a Planned Development is part of a larger Planned Development (e.g. a preliminary site plan approval or plat within a larger Development of Regional Impact), the